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Configuration options

Masuzu edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

You will find in this page noteworthy configuration options, editable in the configuration file SarasaBot.ini. As a reminder, make sure to save your modifications using UTF8 encoding.

Press F1 to stop Sarasa. This defaut hotkey can be configured in the file SarasaBot.ini by overriding the parameter ExitKeyCode.

Sarasa will stop automatically after TimeLimitInSeconds milliseconds are elapsed (if Sarasa is in a battle when the timer is triggered, Sarasa will first complete the battle before stopping), or after MaxNumSoulBerries or MaxNumSoulBalms are consumed. Sarasa will also detect when the captcha screen appears and stop.

By default, Sarasa will refill battle points using soul berries (ソウルシード). You can choose to use soul balms (ソウルパウダー) first by setting UseSoulBalmsFirst to true.

If you do not have a very low ping as Japanese players, refilling battle points (BP) may induce a slight delay. As a result, it may be more efficient to refill more BPs in a one go to avoid having to refill BP again for each of the subsequent raids. Update the parameter AdditionalNumSoulBerriesToUsePerRefill to do so (positive integer, the default value 0 means that this feature will be ignored).

The bot will stop after the given amount of soul balms (ソウルパウダー) are used

MaxNumSoulBalms=9999 UseSoulBalmsWhenNoRemainingSoulBerries=true

If you use Viramate, to use Viramate skill and summon shortcuts, make sure to enable the feature in Viramate options and set UseViramate to true.