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Raid selection

Masuzu edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 8 revisions

Raid selection

The first thing you may want to change when you start using Sarasa Bot is the names of the raids to track and join. The parameter RaidsToTrack under the Twitter section of the configuration file SarasaBot serves this purpose. Each raid name in the list of raids to join has to be separated by a comma. Make sure not to insert any space after a comma. Besides, you should input both the Japanese and English names of the raid to ensure the best tracking possible. For instance: RaidsToTrack=Lvl 75 Luminiera Omega,Lv75 シュヴァリエ・マグナ

A non exhaustive list of raid names can be found here. All the raid names are case-sensitive and have to match exactly.

When there are more than 3 ongoing raids, Sarasa will periodically check whether some raids ended or not. The periodicity of the checks is defined by the parameter MinWaitTimeInMsWhenNoBattleEndedYet under the General section.

Advanced filtering options

Picking raids more carefully

Sarasa can ignore raids with too little remaining HP or too much HP left. Update the parameters MinimumRemainingBossHpPercentage and MaximumRemainingBossHpPercentage accordingly to do so (valid values are integers between 0 and 100 included). For instance, setting MinimumRemainingBossHpPercentage to 10 and MaximumRemainingBossHpPercentage to 50 means that Sarasa will join only raids which have at least 10% HP left and less than 50% HP.

You can have also Sarasa take into account the raid "freshness" and ignore raids if the time between the moment the raid request was captured and the moment when Sarasa tries to actually join that raid is greater than a certain delay. This delay is configurable via the parameter RaidRequestTimeToLiveInMs. Decrease this parameter to a lower value if you try to farm raids with a high throughput such as Lv75 シュヴァリエ・マグナ (Lvl 75 Luminiera Omega). Values are given in milliseconds.

Sarasa can also skip raids which already have a lot of players who joined, as it is more likely to die too fast. The parameter MaxNumPlayersInRaid is there for this purpose.

Retreating from raids which won't complete

Sometimes, especially during "Magnafests" (events in which joining a raid costs half the normal BP amount), raids fail due to high number of leechers. You can have Sarasa attempt to retreat from raids when they last more than the parameter MaximumDelayInMinutesBeforeAttemptingToRetreatFromARaid which will you find under the General section of the configuration file SarasaBot.ini. Values are given in minutes.