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Treasure Raid Event mode

Masuzu edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 11 revisions

Treasure Raid Event mode

This mode is used to automate the grinding of event raids requiring a certain number of items to be hosted, such as the new scenario events at the end of each month and Guild War nightmare modes.


General configuration

This mode is activated when you set the parameter TreasureEventMode.Enabled to true. With this mode, Zooey can farm any quest requiring items to be hosted as long as you have the URL of the event page. For now, the very hard, extreme and impossible versions of the event raids are supported, which you choose by setting the parameter TreasureEventMode.Difficulty accordingly.

The Level 100 Xeno raid can also be hosted by setting the Difficulty parameter to xeno-raid and the URL of the event page to, where XXXX has to be replaced by the ID obtained when you navigate to the "special" tab of the Xeno event page.

Please see below for the special case of Unite and Fight Nightmare modes.

Digression about Guild Wars Nightmare mode

Zooey can host and farm automatically GW Nightmare modes. Depending on whether it is the preliminary round or the last days of the finals, you will have to use different options.

For the preliminary round and first day of finals, use Difficulty=gw to host the Nightmare 90 mode.

For the second and third days of finals, use Difficulty=gw-day-2-nm-90 to host the Nightmare 90 mode and Difficulty=gw-day-2-nm-95 to host the Nightmare 95 mode.

For the fourth and last days of finals, use Difficulty=gw-day-4-nm-90 to host the Nightmare 90 mode, Difficulty=gw-day-4-nm-95 to host the Nightmare 95 mode and Difficulty=gw-day-2-nm-100 to host the Nightmare 100 mode.

You can refer to this example.

Nightmare modes

Some events such as the scenario events at the end of each month starting from 2017 may have a nightmare mode too. You will find options similar to the one provided in the Event mode under the TreasureEventMode to have Zooey automatically proceed to the nightmare mode when it appear, namely NightmareModeUrl, NightmareModeScript and RerollSummonWhenNoPreferredSummonWasFoundForNightmareMode.

Zooey won't proceed nightmare mode if NightmareModeUrl is left blank.

Please note that the NightmareModeUrl parameter of the EventMode section is independent from the one of the TreasureEventMode section.

Proving Grounds


This new mode was introduced in November 2018. Set the parameter TreasureEventUrl to the URL of the summon selection page for the difficulty you would like to automate. For instance, is the URL of the Extreme+ mode of the November 2018 Proving Grounds event.

Set the difficulty parameter to proving-grounds and follow the normal procedure: start Zooey Bot, start the Zooey Bot extension then navigate to the Quest page. Zooey will take over from the moment the Quest page is loaded.

You can configure the party to use for each battle with the parameters ProvingGroundsFirstBattlePreferredParty, ProvingGroundsSecondBattlePreferredParty and ProvingGroundsThirdBattlePreferredParty. The same script can be used for all the battles in the Proving Grounds: the variable battle will be incremented after each battle.