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0.8.0: The .NET 8 port

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@MateusRodCosta MateusRodCosta released this 13 May 16:05

This fork starts from version 0.6 (ecfb14e) of the original repo instead of 0.7 (borked due to the domain used being gone) and was motivated by an incompatibility with newer OpenSSL versions on Linux builds.

Due to this, I made the effort to port to a properly supported .NET version, which means .NET 8.

Port Details

The application has been ported to .NET 8, as .NET 6 is nearing EOL. Ported from to:

  • Shared Code: .NET Standard 2.0 -> .NET 8.0
  • CLI: .NET Core 3.0 -> .NET 8.0
  • GUI: .NET Framework 4.7.2 -> .NET 8.0 Windows (due to WinForms)


Windows users: Note that .NET 8.0 requires Windows 10 as minimum supported version. On Windows systems, .NET 8.0 download will be requested if not yet installed, it's recommended to install it as it might be shared with other applications.

Linux and MacOS builds include the .NET runtime, explaining why they are way bigger than Windows builds (though Windows users need to install .NET 8 separately, whereas .NET Framework is built-in to Windows).

Only Linux and Windows builds are tested, MacOS builds are largely untested.

A port of the GUI to Avalonia is planned to the near feature, bringing the GUI to Linux and MacOS as well.

Full Changelog: ecfb14e...v0.8.0