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An easy way to create and manage discord slash-commands.


You can contact us on our Discord server


const { Client } = require("discord-slash-commands-client");
// TypeScript: import { Client } from "discord-slash-commands-client";

const client = new Client(
  "you unique bot token",
  "your bots user id"

// list all your existing commands.

// will create a new command and log its data. If a command with this name already exist will that be overwritten.
    name: "unique command name",
    description: "description for this unique command",

// will edit the details of a command.
    { name: "new command name", description: "new command description" },
    "id of the command you wish to edit"

// will delete a command
  .deleteCommand("id of the command you wish to delete")


Passing a guildID is optional. Doing so will make the command only be available on that guild. Guild commands update instantly. We recommend you use guild commands for quick testing, and global commands when they're ready for public use.

Discord api documentation on slash commands

getCommands(options: getCommandOptions) returns Promise< array of ApplicationOptions>

  • getCommandsOptions - List of options can be found here.

createCommand(options: ApplicationCommandOptions, guildID?: string) returns Promise

  • ApplicationOptions - List of options can be found here.
  • guildID - guild to create this command on.

editCommand(options: ApplicationCommandOptions, commandID: string, guildID?: string) returns Promise

  • ApplicationOptions - List of options can be found here.
  • commandID - ID of the command you wish to edit.
  • guildID - If the command is a part of a guild you must pass the guildID here.

deleteCommand(commandID: string, guildID?: string) returns Promise

  • commandID - ID of the command you wish to delete.
  • guildID - If the command is a part of a guild you must pass the guildID here.

getCommandPermissions(guildID: string, commandID?: string) returns Promise<GuildApplicationCommandPermissions[] | GuildApplicationCommandPermissions>;

  • guildID - the guild id to get permissions for
  • commandID - ID of the command you wish to get permissions for

editCommandPermissions(permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissions[], guildID: string, commandID: string) returns Promise

  • ApplicationCommandPermissions - list of permissions
  • guildID - The guild ID the permissions should apply for
  • commandID - The command ID the permissions should apply for


Properties marked with ? are optional.


    name: "name of this unique command",
    description: "description for this unique command",
    options?: [
        name: "name of this option",
        description: "description for this option",
        type: 1,// Type for this option. for a list of types see
        default?: true,
        required?: true,
        choices?: [
                name: "string to prefill for this choice",
                value: "value of this choice that will be returned when command is used."
  name: "name of the command";
  description: "description of the command";
  options?: Array of ApplicationCommandOption;


  commandID?: "id of the command you wish to get",
  guildID?: "if the command is a part of a guild u should put the guild id here"


 * Application command permissions allow you to enable or disable commands for specific users or roles within a guild.
interface ApplicationCommandPermissions {
  /** Id of the role or user */
  id: string;

  /** The type of permission (1 = Role, 2 = User) */
  type: 1 | 2;

  /** `true` to allow, `false` to disallow */
  permission: boolean;
 * Returned when fetching the permissions for a command in a guild.
interface GuildApplicationCommandPermissions {
  /** Id of the command */
  id: string;

  /** Id of the application the command belongs to */
  application_id: string;

  /** Id of the guild */
  guild_id: string;

  /** Array of ApplicationCommandPermissions */
  permissions: ApplicationCommandPermissions[];


You can find a list of Data Models and Types from here

Interaction with the command

To receive an interaction with the command (when an user uses the command) there are 2 options.

  1. You can setup a webhook-based interaction. You can read more about how to do this from the documentation
  2. If you're using discord.js you can use my own fork to receive events for interaction.


We'll cover using the 2nd option.

Replace your current discord.js with my fork npm i You can listen to the interactionCreate event which will fire every time someone uses any of the commands created for your bot.

Usage with djs

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const interactions = require("discord-slash-commands-client");

// create a new client
const client = new Discord.Client();
const token = "Your unique bot token";

// attach the interaction client to discord.js client
client.interactions = new interactions.Client(token, "You bots user id");

// attach and event listener for the ready event
client.on("ready", () => {
  console.log("Client is ready!");

  // Create a new command that we can test
      name: "ping",
      description: "ping pong",

// attach and event listener for the interactionCreate event
client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
  if ( === "ping") {
    // send an initial reply
    await interaction.reply("Pong");

    // send a followup
    const messageId = await interaction.reply({
      content: "Follow up message",
      embeds: [new MessageEmbed().setDescription("Follow up test")],

    setTimeout(() => {
      // delete initial reply

      // edit 1st followup
      interaction.edit("Edited follow up message", messageId);
    }, 5000);

// login

interaction example response

id: string;
token: string;
channel: Discord.TextChannel;// The channel where this interaction occurred
guild: Discord.Guild;// The guild where this interaction occurred
member: Discord.GuildMember | null;// The guild member who issued the interaction (will be null if we cannot obtain a guildMember)
author: Discord.User | null;// The user who issued the interaction (will be null if we cannot obtain an user)
name: string;// name of this command
content: string;// content of this command (everything after the main command name)
createdTimestamp: number;// timestamp of this command being used
options: { value: string; name: string }[] | null;// list of options this user inputted to the command
 * Replies to this Interaction.
 * **Note:** Ephemeral messages don't appear to support embeds at this time.
 * @arg input - A message string, embed array, or object containing both
 * @arg ephemeral - Make the reply viewable only to the command sender. If false, reply is public
 * @returns A Promise that resolves a `messageId` which can be used with `.edit(...)` and `.delete(...)`
reply: (
  input?: string | MessageEmbed[] | { content: string; embeds: MessageEmbed[] },
  ephemeral?: boolean,
) => Promise<string>;
 * Edit a previous reply to this Interaction
 * **Note:** Ephemeral messages don't appear to support embeds at this time.
 * @arg input - A message string, embed array, or object containing both
 * @arg messageId - The id of the message to delete. If omitted, the original reply message is deleted.
edit: (
  input?: string | MessageEmbed[] | { content: string; embeds: MessageEmbed[] },
  messageId?: string,
) => Promise<void>;
 * Sends a simple reply that makes the bot say "is thinking..."
 * **Note:** You must use `.edit(...)` if you want to update the reply with an actual message later on.
 * @arg ephemeral - Make the reply viewable only to the command sender. If false, reply is public
thinking: (ephemeral?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
 * Deletes a reply to the Interaction
 * **Note:** You cannot delete ephemeral messages.
 * @arg messageId - The id of the message to delete. If omitted, the original reply message is deleted.
delete: (messageId?: string) => Promise<void>;