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Simplified the first examples to demonstrate callbacks without other threads involved and shortened the elaboration about async callbacks.
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Matthias247 committed Jan 12, 2014
1 parent 67d83ac commit 393191d
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 98 deletions.
158 changes: 60 additions & 98 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -251,9 +251,8 @@ fn main() {

# Callbacks from C code to Rust functions

Some external libraries require the usage of callbacks.
E.g. because they start background threads and use callbacks to signal events
like the availability of new data.
Some external libraries require the usage of callbacks to report back their
current state or intermediate data to the caller.
It is possible to pass functions defined in Rust to an external library.
The requirement for this is that the callback function is marked as `extern`
with the correct calling convention to make it callable from C code.
Expand All @@ -265,24 +264,25 @@ A basic example is:

Rust code:
extern "C" fn callback(a:i32) {
extern fn callback(a:i32) {
println!("I'm called from C with value {0}", a);
#[link(name = "extlib")]
extern {
fn register_callback(cb: extern "C" fn(i32)) -> i32;
fn trigger_callback();
fn main() {
unsafe {
trigger_callback(); // Triggers the callback
... // Do sth. and wait for callbacks

C code:
typedef void (*rust_callback)(int32_t);
rust_callback cb;
Expand All @@ -292,15 +292,14 @@ int32_t register_callback(rust_callback callback) {
return 1;
void thread() {
// do sth
void trigger_callback() {
cb(7); // Will call callback(7) in Rust

Keep in mind that `callback()` will be called from a C thread and not from
a Rust thread or even your main thread. Therefore each data access is
especially unsafe and synchronization mechanisms must be used.
In this example will Rust's `main()` will call `do_callback()` in C,
which would call back to `callback()` in Rust.

## Targetting callbacks to Rust objects

Expand All @@ -314,115 +313,78 @@ C library. The C library can then include the pointer to the Rust object in
the notification. This will provide a unsafe possibility to access the
referenced Rust object in callback.

If this mechanism is used it is absolutely necessary that no more callbacks
are performed by C library after the respective Rust object get's
destroyed. This can be achieved by unregistering the callback it the object's
destructor and designing the library in a way that guarantees that no
callback will be performed after unregistration.

## Sychronzing callbacks with channels

As already explained accessing data of a Rust object in a callback is unsafe
without synchronisation. Channels in Rust provide a mechanism
which can be used to forward events into Rust tasks. The idea is to create a
channel where the writing end (`Chan`) is used exclusively from the C callback
to queue events. The reading end (`Port`) is used in the Rust task which owns
the wrapper object.

Depending on the type of data in the event you might want to convert callback
data from C into a more suitable Rust structure before sending it into the
channel. E.g. it makes sense to convert C strings (`char*`) into Rust strings.
You could also use Rust enumerations to differentiate between multiple types
of events and their data.

Putting this together a wrapper for a library that uses a background thread
that sends events could look like:

Rust code:
#[link(name = "extlib")]
extern {
fn init(target: *ExtLibWrapper, cb: extern "C" fn(*ExtLibWrapper, EventData));
fn unregister();
struct EventData {
... // Contains data that describes the event
struct RustObject {
a: i32,
// other members
pub struct ExtLibWrapper {
// Channel is used privately
priv chan: comm::Chan<EventData>,
// The port is used by the Rust task to receive notifications
port: comm::Port<EventData>
impl ExtLibWrapper {
pub fn new() -> ~ EventData {
let (p,c):(Port<EventData>,Chan<EventData>)
= comm::Chan::new();
let wrapper = ~ExtLibWrapper{chan:c, port:p};
unsafe {
let wrapper_addr:*ExtLibWrapper = ptr::to_unsafe_ptr(wrapper);
init(wrapper_addr, callback);
extern fn callback(target: *RustObject, a:i32) {
println!("I'm called from C with value {0}", a);
(*target).a = a; // Update the value in RustObject with the value received from the callback
impl Drop for ExtLibWrapper {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Unregister to avoid further callbacks
unsafe { unregister(); }
#[link(name = "extlib")]
extern {
fn register_callback(target: *RustObject, cb: extern "C" fn(*RustObject, i32)) -> i32;
fn trigger_callback();
extern "C" fn callback(target: *ExtLibWrapper, data: EventData) {
unsafe {
(*target).chan.send(data); // Forward the event data through channel
fn main() {
// Create the object that will be referenced in the callback
let rust_object = ~RustObject{a: 5, ...};
unsafe {
// Gets a raw pointer to the object
let target_addr:*RustObject = ptr::to_unsafe_ptr(rust_object);
register_callback(target_addr, callback);
trigger_callback(); // Triggers the callback

C code:
typedef void (*rust_callback)(void* target, EventData data);
void* rust_target;
typedef void (*rust_callback)(int32_t);
void* cb_target;
rust_callback cb;
mutex mtx; // Example mutex
void init(void* target, rust_callback callback) {
rust_target = target;
int32_t register_callback(void* callback_target, rust_callback callback) {
cb_target = callback_target;
cb = callback;
return 1;
void background_thread() {
// do sth
// Lock the mutex to guarantee that callback is not performed after Rust
// object is destroyed
if (rust_target != 0) cb(rust_target, event_data);
// do sth
void unregister() {
rust_target = 0;
void trigger_callback() {
cb(cb_target, 7); // Will call callback(&rustObject, 7) in Rust

Remark: This example will not work correctly if more than a single
`ExtLibWrapper` object is created. If this is required additional handles
have to be introduced which identify each object. E.g. `ExtLibWrapper` would
have to store the member of the associated C object as member and pass it
on each function call.
## Asynchronous callbacks

In the already given examples the callbacks are invoked as a direct reaction
to a function call to the external C library.
The control over the current thread switched from Rust to C to Rust for the
execution of the callback, but in the end the callback is executed on the
same thread (and Rust task) that lead called the function which triggered
the callback.

Things get more complicated when the external library spawns it's own threads
and invokes callbacks from there.
In these cases access to Rust data structures inside he callbacks is
especially unsafe and proper synchronization mechanisms must be used.
Besides classical synchronization mechanisms like mutexes one possibility in
Rust is to use channels (in `std::comm`) to forward data from the C thread
that invoked the callback into a Rust task.

If an asychronous callback targets a special object in the Rust address space
it is also absolutely necessary that no more callbacks are performed by the
C library after the respective Rust object get's destroyed.
This can be achieved by unregistering the callback it the object's
destructor and designing the library in a way that guarantees that no
callback will be performed after unregistration.

# Linking

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