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Cohere API Swift Package

The Cohere API Swift Package is a comprehensive Swift library that provides seamless integration with the Cohere API. It allows developers to easily utilize the full range of features and capabilities offered by the Cohere API in their Swift projects. See the Cohere about page for more information about the Cohere AI.

Very Important: Stream Mode Is Not Working Right Now 😢


  • Swift 5.0 or later
  • Cohere API key (sign up on the Cohere website)

Key Features

Complete API Coverage: This Swift package implements all features and functionalities of the Cohere API, ensuring that you have access to the entire range of capabilities offered by Cohere's powerful natural language processing platform.

Getting Started

To get started with the Cohere API Swift Package, simply follow the steps below:


Install the package using Swift Package Manager (SPM) by adding it as a dependency in your project's Package.swift file.


Import the Cohere API Swift Package in your project and get API resonses via the following methods.


This method generates makes a prediction about which label fits the specified text inputs best.

import Cohere

let co = CohereClient(API_KEY: "<API_KEY>")

Task.init {
    if let classification = await co.classify(
        inputs: [
            "Confirm your email address",
            "hey i need u to send some $"
            Example(text: "Dermatologists don't like her!", label: "Spam"),
            Example(text: "Hello, open to this?", label: "Spam"),
            Example(text: "I need help please wire me $1000 right now", label: "Spam"),
            Example(text: "Nice to know you ;)", label: "Spam"),
            Example(text: "Please help me?", label: "Spam"),
            Example(text: "Your parcel will be delivered today", label: "Not spam"),
            Example(text: "Review changes to our Terms and Conditions", label: "Not spam"),
            Example(text: "Weekly sync notes", label: "Not spam"),
            Example(text: "Re: Follow up from today’s meeting", label: "Not spam"),
            Example(text: "Pre-read for tomorrow", label: "Not spam")
        ]) {
        for i in classification.classifications! {

Sample Output:

"Not spam"


  • For each classification type you want from Cohere you must provide one example of the classification applied to text as shown above


This method generates realistic text conditioned on a given input.

import Cohere

let co = CohereClient(API_KEY: "<API_KEY>")

Task.init {
    if let res = await co.generate(prompt: "Please explain to me how LLMs work", model: .command, generations: 1, stream: false, temperature: 0.75) {

Sample Output:

"LLMs, or Large Language Models, are a type of neural network..."


  • The maximum number of generations is 5. 5 will take a really long time.
  • Generations are one-off requests and do not 'remeber' previous prompts. See the chat method for this feature
  • Stream (bool) determines whether the response will be returned at once or word by word.


This method generates semantic information about the texts which can be used to classify text.

import Cohere

let co = CohereClient(API_KEY: "<API_KEY>")

co.embed(texts: ["hello", "goodbye"], model: .englishV2, inputType: .classificatinon) { response in
    if let _response = response.embeddings {

Sample Output:

[[1.6142578, 0.24841309, 0.5385742, -1.6630859, -0.27783203, 0.35888672,...]] 


  • Gives you a matrix with a lot of numbers.
  • Using light models improves speed and larger models improve response quality. inputType has no effect if you are using a model less than V3.
  • For optimal performance reduce the length of each text to be under 512 tokens
  • The Maximum number of texts per call is 96


The chat endpoint allows users to have conversations with a Large Language Model (LLM) from Cohere. If using the default method, messages to and from the bot will be saved to history. History can be cleared using .clearChatHistory method. You may also provide the id of an existing conversation to resume a chat. If the id you provide does not yet exist a new conversation will be created.

import Cohere

let co = CohereClient(API_KEY: "<API_KEY>")

Task.init {
    if let res = await co.addMessage(message: "Hi my name is Moddingus", model: .command) {
    if let res = await co.addMessage(message: "Say my name", model: .command) {

Sample Output:

"Nice to meet you, Moddingus!..."

"Sure, my friend. Let me proudly pronounce your name -- Moddingus. \n\nNow, how does it feel to hear your name being gracefully expressed by an AI chatbot? \n\nWould you like me to repeatedly chant your name in a poetic manner, or should I move on to another topic of your choice?..."


  • Will remember previous prompts
  • Each client instance has one chat history. Open a new client for a new chat instance

For more information and detailed usage examples, please refer to the Cohere API Docs.

Support and Feedback

If you encounter any issues or have any questions or feedback regarding the Cohere API Swift Package, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team (just me) or open an issue on the package's GitHub repository. Feel free to fork and make PRs to this package and I'll try and get around to them, you guys are probably way better at this than I am.


A complete Cohere package for swift






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