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PS4 MEMAPI Library


Type Property Description
string IP The IP address of the PS4.
Process ActiveProcess The current active process to perform methods on.

Core Methods

Function Description
bool connect() Connect to the PS4. Returns true/false depending on success
void disconnect() Disconnect from the PS4
bool attach(string processName) Attach to the process with the process name. Returns true/false depending on success
bool attach(Process process) Attach to the given process. Returns true/false depending on success
bool attach() Attach to the process that is set via property AciveProcess. Returns true/false depending on success
bool attachEboot() Attach to the eboot process. Returns true/false depending on success
void detach() Detach from an attached process
bool isConnected() Returns true if the client is connected to the PS4, false otherwise
bool isAttached() Returns true if the client is attached to a process, false otherwise
bool payload(byte[] payload) Send the payload bytes to the PS4


Event Description
ConnectedEvent Raised when a PS4 has successfully connected
DisconnectEvent Raised when a PS4 has disconnected
AttachedEvent Raised when a process has successfully attached
DetachedEvent Raised when a process has detached
GoEvent Raised when a process resumes exectuion
StoppedEvent Raised when a process stops
SteppedEvent Raised when a process steps a single instruction
KilledEvent Raised when a process is killed
TrappedEvent Raised when a hits a breakpoint trap

Write/Read/Search Memory

Function Description
ErrorCode write(ulong address, T[] elements) Generic function to write any data type array to the given address.
ErrorCode write(ulong address, T element) Generic function to write any data type to the given address.
T[] read(ulong address, int elements, out ErrorCode error) Generic function to read any data type array from the given address. The elements signifies the number of elements to read.
T read(ulong address, out ErrorCode error) Generic function to read any data type from the given address.
ErrorCode search(ulong start, ulong end, T[] elements) Search for the array of elements in a consecutive sequence in memory between the from and to address.
ErrorCode search(ulong start, ulong end, T element) Search for the element in memory between the from and to address.
ErrorCode rescan(T[] elements) Rescan the results from a previous search for the new array of elements in a consecutive sequence.
ErrorCode rescan(T element) Rescan the results from a previous search for the element.
int getResultsCount() Get the number of results found in the last search or rescan.
ulong[] getResults() Get an array of result addresses found in the last search or scan.
ErrorCode endSearch() End the last search / rescan and clean up allocated resources.


Function Description
List getProcesses(out ErrorCode error) Get a list of all running processes on the PS4
List getProcessThreads(out ErrorCode error, int processId = -1) Get a list of all running threads for a given process
ErrorCode notify(string message) Send a notification to the PS4
List getModules(out ErrorCode error) Get a list of active modules on the PS4
List getRegions(out ErrorCode error) Get a list of mapped memory regions for the current process.
string getFirmware() Get the current running firmware version. (Eg: "5.05")


Function Description
ErrorCode go() Resume a stopped process
ErrorCode stop() Stop a process from running
ErrorCode step() Execute a single instruction
ErrorCode kill() Kill a process
Registers getRegisters(out ErrorCode error) Get the registers for the current state
ErrorCode setRegisters(Registers regs) Set the registers for the current state
ErrorCode resetHardwareBreakpoint(int index) Clear the hardware breakpoint. (Index must be 0-3)
ErrorCode resetHardwareBreakpoints(int[] indexes) Clear the hardware breakpoints. (Index must be 0-3)
ErrorCode setHardwareBreakpoint(HardwareBreakpoint breakpoint) Set the hardware breakpoint.
void setHardwareBreakpoints(List breakpoints) Set the hardware breakpoints.


Sending a PS4 notification

API.IP = ""
if (API.connect())
  API.notify("Hello world!");

Writing / Reading data to a game

API.ErrorCode error;
API.IP = ""
if (API.connect() && API.attachEboot())
  int value =<int>(0x400000, out error); // Read 1 Int
  int[] values =<int>(0x400000, 3, out error); // Read 3 Ints
  string message =<string>(0x400000, out error); // Read string
  API.write<string>(0x400000, "Hello world!"); // Write string
  API.write<float>(0x400000, new float[] { 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.5f }); // Write float array