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First version of layered effects!
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MedeaMelana committed May 4, 2013
1 parent 83ef0f7 commit 7f0a5c1
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 2 deletions.
72 changes: 70 additions & 2 deletions Magic/src/Magic/Engine/Types.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Magic.Engine.Types where
module Magic.Engine.Types (Engine(..), GameOver(..)) where

import qualified Magic.IdList as IdList
import Magic.Layers
import Magic.Types
import Magic.Core (compileZoneRef, object)
import Magic.Utils

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError(..), Error(..))
Expand All @@ -13,6 +17,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom, RandT, StdGen)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, MonadState(..))
import Control.Monad.Operational (ProgramT, liftProgram)
import Data.Label.Pure (set, modify)
import Data.Label.PureM (gets)
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Prelude hiding (interact)

Expand All @@ -27,7 +35,7 @@ instance Monad Engine where

instance MonadView Engine where
-- TODO Apply continuous effects
view (ViewT (ReaderT f)) = liftM (runIdentity . f) get
view (ViewT f) = runReader f <$> applyLayeredEffects

instance MonadInteract Engine where
interact = Engine . lift . lift . liftProgram
Expand All @@ -45,3 +53,63 @@ data GameOver
instance Error GameOver where
noMsg = UnknownError
strMsg = ErrorWithMessage . pack

applyLayeredEffects :: Engine World
applyLayeredEffects = do
-- TODO Losing all abilities might cause layered effects to disappear, so don't collect them all beforehand.
-- TODO Detect and handle dependencies.
ros <- allObjects
world <- get
return (applyAll (sortedEffects ros) world)
allEffects os =
[ (t, vas, m)
| (r, o) <- os
, let p = _controller o
, let inherentTuples = [ (_timestamp o, vas, ms)
| LayeredEffect as ms <- _layeredEffects o, let vas = as r p ]
, let temporaryTuples = [ (t, vas, ms)
| TemporaryLayeredEffect t _ (LayeredEffect as ms)
<- _temporaryEffects o, let vas = as r p ]
, (t, vas, ms) <- inherentTuples ++ temporaryTuples
, m <- ms ]

sortedEffects os = sortOn (\(t, _, m) -> (layer m, t)) (allEffects os)

applyAll :: [(Timestamp, View [ObjectRef], ModifyObject)] -> World -> World
applyAll [] world = world
applyAll ((_, vas, m) : ts) world =
applyAll ts (applyOne affected m world)
affected = runReader (runViewT vas) world

applyOne :: [ObjectRef] -> ModifyObject -> World -> World
applyOne rs m world = foldr (.) id (map (\r -> modify (object r) (compileModifyObject m)) rs) world

compileModifyObject :: ModifyObject -> Object -> Object
compileModifyObject m =
case m of
ChangeController p -> set controller p
ChangeTypes f -> modify types f
ChangeColors f -> modify colors f
AddStaticKeywordAbility ab -> modify staticKeywordAbilities (++ [ab])
RemoveStaticKeywordAbility ab -> modify staticKeywordAbilities (delete ab)
AddActivatedAbility ab -> modify activatedAbilities (++ [ab])
AddTriggeredAbilities abs -> modify triggeredAbilities (<> abs)
RemoveAllAbilities -> set activatedAbilities []
. set triggeredAbilities mempty
. set staticKeywordAbilities []
. set layeredEffects []
DefinePT vpt -> undefined
SetPT newPT -> set pt (Just newPT)
ModifyPT vpt -> undefined
SwitchPT -> modify pt (fmap (\(p,t) -> (t,p)))

allObjects :: Engine [(ObjectRef, Object)]
allObjects = do
ps <- IdList.ids <$> gets players
let zrs = [Exile, Battlefield, Stack, Command] ++
[ z p | z <- [Library, Hand, Graveyard], p <- ps ]
fmap concat $ forM zrs $ \zr -> do
ios <- IdList.toList <$> gets (compileZoneRef zr)
return (map (\(i,o) -> ((zr,i),o)) ios)

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