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Adam Hunt edited this page Feb 28, 2017 · 41 revisions

User Wiki

This wiki is written for developers. The Emby user wiki can be found at:

API Documentation

Previous releases of Emby included API documentation through the inclusion of Swagger. Unfortunately, Swagger was removed from Emby around version 3.1.

Luke has stated that there are plans to restore the API documentation in the future but there is no publicly available timeline for this.

For the time being the best sources for API documentation are the official API client libraries.

Contributing to Emby

We have a growing team but are still looking for more contributors to help us realize a few more goals.

Specifically, we are seeking:

  • Any developer who wishes to use our api for any purpose
  • WPF/.NET developers to contribute to Emby Theater, whether by means of direct contribution, and/or theme or plugin development.
  • Strong .NET developers are always welcome
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