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AtSugarMixin extends AtSugar to easily uses Mixins. Mixin functionality is provided by ObjectiveMixin.


AtSugarMixin is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AtSugarMixin"

Then include the header:

#import <AtSugarMixin/ASMixin.h>

First, declare a protocol for behavior implemented by a mixin. AtSugarMixin even allows you to mixin properties!

@protocol MyMixinProtocol <NSObject>

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString* aStringProperty;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray* anArrayProperty;

- (void)doSomething;


You then create a class that will provide the mixin implementation. This class conforms to your mixin protocol.

#define MyMixinSynthesizeProperties aStringProperty, anArrayProperty

@interface MyMixin : NSObject <MYMixinProtocol>


We need to define MyMixinSynthesizeProperties so that that AtSugarMixin will synthesize the properties from the protocol.

@implementation MyMixin

@synthesize_from_mixin (MyMixin)

- (void)doSomething
    // implementation


Now we can mixin our MyMixin behavior to any class we want.

@interface MyObject : NSObject <MyMixinProtocol>


@implementation MyObject

@synthesize_from_mixin (MyMixin)


Now MyObject has 2 mixed in properties: aStringProperty and anArrayProperty. It also has a mixed in method: -doSomething.




AtSugarMixin is available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.