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Iakov Pustilnik edited this page May 21, 2016 · 2 revisions

VIDI Playout BalthasarLive Director User's Guide

UI overview

BalthasarLive Director UI overview - idle

BalthasarLive Director UI consists of the following elements:

  • Top-Left: The Sources List with the corresponding shortcut-keys
  • Top-Right: Currently configured BalthasarLive servers list with their state.
  • Center: Two preview windows – one for each BalthasarLive server. A thick green border shows focused server, that is the one accepting keyboard command at the moment

Each server can have one of the following states:

State Description
OFFLINE the server is OFFLINE (unavailable)
IDLE the server is IDLE (OFF-AIR, not CUED)
CUED the server is CUED and ready to go ON-AIR
ON-AIR the server is ON-AIR

To move the focus (thick green border) from one server to another – press TAB.

To choose the template – press number 1 to 6.

Template control

BalthasarLive Director UI - template 5

When operating inside the template, the shortcuts are:

Shortcut Function
1 .. 5 set template mode
6 make transition from one server to another
B,N,M set current template input
Q .. ], A .. \ select source signal for the current input
Backspace clean all template inputs (reset template)
F4 Cue server
Spacebar Take (go on-air)
Escape leave current template and return back to template choose screen

Templates can have up to 5 modes available (some templates use less). Commonly used template modes are:

Thumbnail Mode description
same size windows two same size windows over background
different size windows two different size windows over background
one DVE over background one DVE over another input (or transparency – depending on the template and inputs' sources set)
one DVE over transparency one DVE over transparency
Fullscreen left window First (left) window fullscreen
Fullscreen right window Second (right) window fullscreen
Fullscreen background Third input fullscreen (or transparency – depending on the template and inputs' sources set)
Fullscreen transparency Fullscreen transparency

Assigning template Input Sources

Each template supports up to 3 inputs. To choose current template input (i.e. window or background layer) – press the corresponding shortcut button: B, N or M. The selected input is highlighted on preview with blue border and magenta background.

Template inputs focus

When you press an active source stream shortcut-keys (IP or SDI) displayed in the Sources List (Top-Left) UI section – the corresponding source is assigned to the current template Input and the input focus moves to the next Input.

The following image shows source SDI-1 (G) is assigned to the template's first Input (B) and the second Input (N) is focused:

Template input1 source set


The right side of the Template Engine Preview screen displays 4 command buttons with the corresponding shortcut-keys indicated:

Command Shortcut key
CLEAR Backspace
TAKE Spacebar


If the server is IDLE then CUE command prepares the server to go ON-AIR. If the server is ON-AIR then put it OFF-AIR. Notice:

  • When switching server from ON-AIR to OFF-AIR – in some cases the transition video is played (see further)


TAKE command puts BalthasarLive server ON-AIR. Notice that:

  • TAKE can be executed even if there was no CUE before and the server is IDLE
  • It's forbidden to execute TAKE for both servers at once. Instead, if the other server is already ON-AIR the SWITCH command is automatically performed (see further about SWITCH command)
  • When TAKE command id executed – in some cases the transition video is played (see further)


CLEAR command returns template into initial IDLE state, voiding any assigned input sources. If the server was ON-AIR then it is first taken OFF-AIR. Notice:

  • If the server was ON-AIR - in some cases the transition video is played (see further)


Exits current template and returns BalthasarLive server UI (preview) back to the "Choose Template" screen. If the server was ON-AIR then it is first taken OFF-AIR. Notice:

  • If the server was ON-AIR - in some cases the transition video is played (see further)

SWITCH - hot-swapping between to servers

The shortcut key for SWITCH command is number 6. This operation switches between two Template Engines.

  • If one server is ON-AIR and the other one is OFF-AIR then the one that was ON-AIR goes OFF-AIR and vice versa. In some cases the transition video is played.
  • If both servers are OFF-AIR then the other (not the focused server) goes ON-AIR. In some cases the transition video is played.

Transition video

Short transition video can be played when performing server goes ON-AIR/OFF-AIR and also when changing scenes inside template (“1”..”5”).

  • For ON-AIR/OFF-AIR state changes the transition video appearance depends on the template configuration. For the default template set that is:
    • for the templates 1,2 (1xDVE) – the transition video is NOT played
    • for the templates 3,4,5,6 (2xDVE) – the transition video is played
  • When changing scene within template (shortcut keys “1”..”5”) – the transition video is NOT played. To play transition video use CTRL+“1”..”5”.
  • When performing SWITCH between servers:
    • if CTRL+6 shortcut is used – the transition video is played
    • if switching between templates 1,2 on one server and templates 3,4,5,6 on the other – the transition video is played no matter of CTRL key.
    • all the other cases – the transition video is not played