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BOSS Performance Test

===================== Note =====================================

* Don't run multiple test instances at same time since they all use
  same AMQP configuration

===================== Test Method ==============================

* The basic method in this test project is to simulate boss using
  in real world - running as a service for long time and dealing 
  with multiple requests from multiple users continually; Then observe the 
  performance data to get the evaluation

* Concept "load" and "iteration":
  * load: how many requests(workflows) sending to engine at same time
  * iteration: one iteration begins at sending specific number of 
    load workflows to engine, ends at engine finishing all received

* In each test case, specific load will be sent to engine iteratively
  for specific iterations

* Following processes will be created during each test case:
  * client: sending "load" workflows to engine for each iteration and
    waiting for the results; communicating with engine by AMQP 
  * engine: handling workflows from client
  * participants: participants processes; communicating with engine by AMQP
  * atop: running "atop" to record cpu/memory/disk data during testing
  * run.rb: launching and managing above processes   

* We're trying to make our test suite more configurable with help from two
  kinds of config files:
  * "global.config": contains many detail info such as AMQP, participants, 
    storage... See following sections for when/how to modify it
  * "*.config" files under "test_cases": test case is descripted in these
    config file. Normally one config file is a test suite with multiple test
    cases. See following section for when/how to modify it 

===================== Code Structure ==========================

This project is structured as follows:
    |-- scripts     : directory including scripts using internal
        |-- engine.rb
        |-- global.config
        |-- participants:   participant definition
            |-- error_handler.rb:   default local participant
            |--         default remote participant
            |--           default remote participant
        |-- persist_logger.rb
        |-- run.rb
        |-- workflow:       workflow definition
            |-- workflow_simple.config: default workflow
        |-- workman.rb
    |-- test_cases  : directory including test case config files
        |-- test_suite_0.config:    example test case config file
        |-- test_suite.template:    test case config template 
        |-- workflow_simple.config: a simple workflow for testing    
    |-- test_spec.rb:   file for RSpec running 
    |-- spec_helper.rb: helper script for RSpec
    |-- case_spec.rb:

===================== How to Run ================================

1. Change to the test directory
2. Specify your test suite config file in "spec_helper.rb"(refer to
   following "How to add new test case" section)
3. Issue "spec test_spec.rb"
4. After finish, check results in your home directory

===================== Test Results ==============================

* Test results are located in your home direcotory as default;
  you can also change it by modify "spec_helper.rb"

* Test results are structured as follows:
    |-- <case ID>   : directory inlcuding results for each test case
        |-- xterm_atop.log:     xterm log for atop process
        |-- xterm_client.log:   xterm log for client process
        |-- xterm_engine.log:   xterm log for engine process  
        |-- xterm_sizer.log:    xterm log for participant process  
        |-- xterm_resizer.log:  xterm log for participant process  
        |-- cpu.load:           cpu load data for engine process
        |-- mem.load:           memory load data for engine process
        |-- dsk.load:           disk load data for engine process
        |-- atop.raw:           atop raw data(just keep for reference)
        |-- storage:            storage raw data(just keep for reference)

* What you can get:
    * cpu/memory/load data of engine from "*.load" files
    * Iteration start/end time, iteration duration and rates from "xterm_engine.log" file
    * Useful info from other files for debugging purpose 

===================== How to add new test case ==================

* Test case is descripted as config file which is located in 
  "test_cases" directory; Refer "test_suite_0.config" as example

* There are some parameters in test case config, such as "load",
  "iteration", "storage"... Check "test_suite.template" for each 
  parameter detail

* You can modify existing config files to add your test cases
  add new config file and modify "spec_helper.rb" file to point to 
  your test config file.(such as "*.config" format is supported)  

===================== How to add new participants ================

1. One participant is one file contains a local participant(ruby file) or 
   a remote participant(python file); refer to files under "scripts/participants/"
   to create your participant
3. Update "scripts/global.config" to add your participant's detail info

===================== How to add new workflow =====================

1. One workflow is one config file; refer to "scripts/workflows/workflow_simple.config"
   to create new workflow
2. To using your new workflow, just specify the workflow config file name in your
   test case config file