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Emoji Button

Vanilla JavaScript emoji picker 😎



  • πŸ’» Vanilla JS, use with any framework
  • πŸ˜€ Use native or Twemoji emojis
  • πŸ”Ž Emoji search
  • πŸ‘πŸΌ Skin tone variations
  • ⏱ Recently used emojis
  • ⌨️ Fully keyboard accessible
  • 🎨 Dark, light, and auto themes
  • βš™οΈ Add your own custom emoji images

Browser support

Emoji Button is supported on all modern browsers. As of version 3.0.0, Internet Explorer is no longer supported.




If you are using a package manager like yarn or npm, you can install Emoji Button directly from the npm registry:

npm install @joeattardi/emoji-button

You can also download the minified JavaScript file and add it to your page via a <script> tag. This will create a global variable EmojiButton, which you can use to instantiate a picker.

Basic usage

The picker is shown by calling showPicker or togglePicker on the EmojiButton instance. When the user selects an emoji, the picker will emit the emoji event, which you can listen for and then handle the emoji according to your application's needs.

  import { EmojiButton } from '@joeattardi/emoji-button';

  const button = document.querySelector('#emoji-button');
  const picker = new EmojiButton();

  picker.on('emoji', emoji => {
    document.querySelector('input').value += emoji;

  button.addEventListener('click', () => {

Custom emojis

Emoji Button supports a custom emojis category. A custom emoji is an image file that is added to the picker. For best results, a custom emoji should be a square image.

A custom emoji is defined as an object with the following properties:

  • name: The display name of the custom emoji.
  • emoji: The URL of the image to use for the custom emoji.

TypeScript note

Because the EmojiButton class is a default export, it requires a small tweak to import the library in a TypeScript project. There are two options:

  1. Enable the esModuleInterop compiler option and import it normally as shown in the above example
  2. Import the module using the following syntax: import EmojiButton = require('@joeattardi/emoji-button');.

For more details on this, please see


new EmojiButton(options)

Creates an Emoji Button emoji picker.


  • autoHide: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not the picker should automatically be hidden when an emoji is clicked.

  • autoFocusSearch: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not to auto-focus the search field when the picker is shown.

  • categories: (string[], default: all categories) An array of the categories to show. Valid values are:

    • smileys
    • people
    • animals
    • food
    • activities
    • travel
    • objects
    • symbols
    • flags
  • custom: (object[]): An array of custom emojis to include in the "Custom" category.

  • emojiSize: (string, default: 1.8em) The size to use for the emoji icons.

  • emojisPerRow: (number, default: 8) The number of emojis to display per row. If this is set to a number smaller than 6, some category buttons may be cut off, so it is advisable to set showCategoryButtons to false.

  • emojiVersion: (string, default: '12.1') The Emoji version to use. This determines which emojis are available. Supported versions are:

    • 1.0
    • 2.0
    • 3.0
    • 4.0
    • 5.0
    • 11.0
    • 12.0
    • 12.1
  • initialCategory: (string, default: 'smileys') The initial category to select when showing the picker.

  • position: The position to display the picker relative to the reference element. Valid values are:

    • auto
    • auto-start
    • auto-end
    • top
    • top-start
    • top-end
    • right
    • right-start
    • right-end
    • bottom
    • bottom-start
    • bottom-end
    • left
    • left-start
    • left-end
  • recentsCount: (number, default: 50): The maximum number of recent emojis to save.

  • rootElement: The root DOM node to attach the picker to. Defaults to the body if not passed in.

  • rows (number, default: 6): The number of visible rows in the picker.

  • showCategoryButtons: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not to show the category switcher buttons.

  • showPreview: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not to show the emoji preview area.

  • showSearch: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not to show the search bar.

  • showRecents: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not to show (and save) recently used emojis.

  • showVariants: (boolean, default: true) Whether or not to show skin tone variants.

  • style: (string, default: native) Which emoji style to use. Valid styles are:

    • native
    • twemoji
  • theme: (string, default: light) Which theme to use. Valid themes are:

    • light
    • dark
    • auto (uses OS settings)
  • zIndex: (number): If specified, sets a z-index for the emoji picker container.

  • i18n: An object containing localized messages to display in the UI. The values and their defaults are as follows:

  search: 'Search emojis...',
  categories: {
    recents: 'Recent Emojis',
    smileys: 'Smileys & Emotion',
    people: 'People & Body',
    animals: 'Animals & Nature',
    food: 'Food & Drink',
    activities: 'Activities',
    travel: 'Travel & Places',
    objects: 'Objects',
    symbols: 'Symbols',
    flags: 'Flags',
    custom: 'Custom'
  notFound: 'No emojis found'


Shows the picker, positioning it relative to the given reference element. The reference element is usually the button or other element that was clicked to open the picker.


Hides the picker.

pickerVisible (property)

Will be true if the picker is currently visible, and false if not.

on(event, callback)

Adds an event listener. Currently there is only one event:

  • emoji: Fired when an emoji is picked. The callback is called with a single argument, depending on the style.
    • If the picker is using the native style, the argument will be the native emoji character.
    • If the picker is using the twemoji style, the argument will be an HTML snippet of a Twemoji image.


The easiest way to hack on Emoji Button is to use the examples page.

Clone the repository

git clone

From the repository root

Install dependencies

npm install

Set up the link

npm link

Start the build/watch loop

npm run build:watch

From the examples subdirectory

Install dependencies

npm install

Link the library

npm link @joeattardi/emoji-button

Start the dev server

npm start

Open the page



Vanilla JavaScript emoji picker component







No packages published


  • TypeScript 44.8%
  • JavaScript 43.6%
  • CSS 11.6%