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Entities in Radius (Entity Condition Type)

Pug edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

Tests to see if all entities within an area match each individual entity condition specified.

Type Resource Location: bovinesandbuttercups:block_in_radius

Introduced In: 1.3.0


Field Type Default Description
entity_conditions Array of Entity Conditions Defines all of the entity conditions that must be individually met within the radius for this check to pass.
radius Float Defines the radius of the area that will be checked around the entity.
offset Array of Floats optional If set, defines the offset at which the area originates, this starts at the entity's position.


"condition": {
  "type": "bovinesandbuttercups:entities_in_radius",
  "radius": 6.0,
  "entity_conditions": [
      "type": "bovinesandbuttercups:entity_type_location",
      "location": "#minecraft:skeletons"

This example checks if there is an entity with a type that is in the minecraft:skeletons entity type tag (Located in data/minecraft/tags/entity_types/skeletons.json) around this entity. The area that's tested has a radius of 6.0 originating from the entity.

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