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Game Design Landing Page

Pug edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 9 revisions

Why was this page made?

This page was created to give you all a bit of a starting point to explain how I design my Moobloom types, these are more guidelines rather than a guide, ultimately how you design them is up to you and what your pack is trying to achieve.

Custom Flowers over Pre-existing Flowers

Moobloom flowers are entirely new for many reasons, here's a few that I can list.

  1. The sense of discovery is a huge part of this mod's game design, therefore it's important to have custom flowers that a player can find.
  2. To be more unique from the crowd.
  3. The Buttercup and Pink Daisy are both flowers unique to the Moobloom and Moolip respectively in Minecraft Earth, this sort of thinking applied to every Moobloom I made.
  4. Other mods, it'd be a nightmare to datagen flowers for literally every flower adding mod in existence and would be far too much of a maintenance burden on myself.

Moobloom Textures

Moobloom textures are not simple recolors of the Buttercup Moobloom, they all have different patterns or lack of pattern in the Bird of Paradise Moobloom's case. Moobloom colors tend to be less harsh than Mooshroom ones. More information on how to make a Moobloom texture can be found on the Moobloom Texture Walkthrough page.

Why does Nectar work like it does?

Nectar was made under the idea that cows have items that link to potion effects, the Cow (and by extension all cows) have milk, something that clears effects. The Brown Mooshroom has Suspicious Stew, of which grants a specific potion effect to you depending on what flower you feed it. The Moobloom has the Bowl of Nectar, which prevents or extends the effect that it's linked to. The reason it can do both is because I wanted to make it beneficial for both positive and negative effects.

Why did I choose the nectar effects that I did?

Moobloom Nectar effects were chosen based on being effects that you'd want to either prevent or extend the duration of, as well as making sure that it didn't break any vanilla balance.

Resistance and Slowness and why certain effects are not great for the Bowl of Nectar

Slowness was implemented for the mod initially for the Snowdrop under the idea that it'd help with Strays, then I realised that the Potion of the Turtle Master existed and had to scrap it.

Resistance and Slowness are not a great match for the Bowl of Nectar because of the Potion of the Turtle Master requiring both to be present at the exact same time. Either you prevent the slowness from applying, or you extend resistance as soon as the slowness runs out. Either way, both will end up being a broken combo. This also applies to modded effects that have a balancing factor, be careful what you choose to include as a nectar effect.

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