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An application to find a better way to test our meteor app and their packages

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#Tutorial package dependancy testing


The aim of the application is to find a solution on how testing packages. It might be simple, but when package depends on other packages (or on some vars used internally) it became harder to test because stubs and mocks are... rather impossible to do.

Use this package to find the best way to do that.

In packages you will find child, parent and tobetested packages. All three have tests. Child is a standalone package. Parent depends on Child. TobeTested depends on Parent.

Each one has one specific collection defined globally and exposed via api.export. We try to test

  • PackageParent (object with 2 methods) from parent package
  • PackageParent from tobetested package because this one has added one more method

Each time we have one problem : the code depends on the Collections. But because they are exposed throught api.export it seems impossible to stubs / mock them.

I have explored 3 solutions. You will find them in feature/namespaceGlobals, feature/useTestCollections and feature/mockByPrototype.

The first one use a main object to store Collections like this :

var OneCollection = new Meteor.Collections('oncollection');
MyApp.Collections.set('oneCollection', OneCollection);
--- in another file, retreive your collection with : --
var OneCollection = MyApp.Collections.get('oneCollection');

Main disadvantages are :

  • you have to do var oneCollection = MyApp.Collections.get('oneCollection'); in every function/methods you used onCollection
  • you lose auto completion from your favorite IDE

The second one use persitency with MongoDb. So in a setup.js file you can clean all your database and create insert only what you need for the tests. It's possible if you can change the mongo collection name dynamically, or in other case it will erase all your datas... In my project i always use NPM to start or test my apps, so it allows me to declare a standard settings file and a test settings file. Then my Collections are declared like this :

new OneCollection = new Meteor.Collections(Meteor.settings.config.collections.prefix + '-onecollection');

Main disadvantages are :

  • you still use global variable for your collections

The third one, is the good one :-) You will redefine the prototype of the objects you want to stubs/mocks. And to allow mock of non exposed object, you will use {testOnly: true} as third params wher you want to export variables in test environment :

  • api.export('ToBeTested', 'server', {testOnly: true});


If you are on windows or linux :

edit package.json and set scripts.test to bin/ or bin \\test.bat

Copy the package.dist.json into package.json

cp package.dist.json package.json


Test the child package with :

edit package.json and set config.testpackagename to "child"
npm test
open your browser to the required url (localhost:3000) and test should be green

Test the parent package with :

edit package.json and set config.testpackagename to "parent"
npm test
open your browser to the required url (localhost:3000) and 2 tests should be green, and 1 test should be red
The aim here is to find a way to stubs or mock the variable Parent. The implementation tryed in tests/server.js is

Test the tobetested package with :

edit package.json and set config.testpackagename to "tobetested"
npm test
open your browser to the required url (localhost:3000) and 2 tests should be green, and 1 test should be red
The aim here is to find a way to stubs or mock the variable Parent. The implementation tryed in tests/server.js is


An application to find a better way to test our meteor app and their packages






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