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Materialized path tree entity for EntityFramework core


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A simple repository library that provides easy way how to store tree hierarchies in Entity framework



There are multiple approaches to storing hierarchical data in SQL tables, each having pros/cons. Materialized path is viable in case you have hierarchy that is ofter read, but rarely written. E.g. product catalogue, categories...

It's not possible to ensure referential integrity by SQL constraints, and it's solely dependent on correct usage of TreeRepository. In case of manual tampering with IMaterializedPathEntity properties outside TreeRepository, it's likely you will end up with inconsistent tree. Therefore always rely on using TreeRepository when changing tree hierarchy.

To ensure consistency, TreeRepository often saves underlying context when manipulating tree hierarchy. To be able to contain these saves as an atomic operation along with your DB updates use transactions.


1. Create entity implementing IMaterializedPathEntity

public class Category : IMaterializedPathEntity<int>
    /* Props from IMaterializedPathEntity */
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Path { get; set; }
    public int Level { get; set; }
    public int? ParentId { get; set; }
    /* Custom props */
    public string Name { get; set; }

2. Register it in your DbContext

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    // Register as DbSet
    public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        // Apply prepared configuration
        modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new MaterializedEntityMapping<Category>());

3. Register ITreeRepository IoC & use repository

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // This registers ITreeRepository<Category> for you to use
    services.AddTreeRepository<MyDbContext, Category>();
    // This adds support for default identifier types (int, string, Guid)

or create your own instance

var repo = new TreeRepository<MyDbContext, Category>(
    new IntIdentifierSerializer()

ITreeRepository READ API


Gets node by PK

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    await repository.GetByIdAsync(1)    
    // will yield node 1


Gets parent of queried entity

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    var node = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    var parentOfTwo = await repository.GetParentAsync(node);
    // will yield node 1


Returns nodes from root to queried node in order

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    var node = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(10);
    var pathFromRootToTen = await repository.GetPathFromRootAsync(node);
    // will yield nodes 1,2,6


Queries all nodes

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    // will yield nodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10


Get all root nodes

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    // will yield node 1


Get all nodes that precede queried node (not always in order from root)

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    var node = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(5);
    var ancestorsOfFive = await repository.QueryAncestors(node).ToListAsync();
    // will yield nodes 2, 1


Get all nodes which have queries node as ancestor

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    var node = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    var descendantsOfTwo = await repository.QueryDescendants(node).ToListAsync();
    // will yield nodes 5, 6, 9, 10, 7


Gets all sibling nodes (self is not included)

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    var node = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    var childrenOfOne = await repository.QuerySiblings(node).ToListAsync();
    // will yield nodes 3,4


Get all direct children of queried node

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107
    var node = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(1);
    var childrenOfOne = await repository.QueryChildren(node).ToListAsync();
    // will yield nodes 2,3,4

ITreeRepository WRITE API


Updates node and all its descendants, will save the underlying context

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107

    var nodeTwo = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    var nodeThree = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(3);
    await repository.SetParentAsync(nodeTwo, nodeThree);
    // Will produce following tree
       │       │
       3       4
       │       │
   ┌───2───┐   8
   │       │   
   5       6 
   │       │ 
   9       107
        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107

    var nodeTwo = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    await repository.SetParentAsync(nodeTwo, null);
    // Will produce following trees

    ┌───2───┐      ┌───1───┐ 
    │       │      │       │ 
    5       6      3       4 
    │       │              │ 
    9       10             87               


Detaches node from tree, attaching children to detachee's parent.

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107

    var nodeTwo = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    await repository.DetachNodeAsync(nodeTwo);
    // Will produce following trees (notice detached 2, and reparented 5,6)
    2       ┌─────┬──1──┬─────┐     
            │     │     │     │
            5     6     3     4
            │     │           │
            9     10          87        


Deletes node from the tree. Children are parented to parent of deleted node.

        │       │       │
    ┌───2───┐   3       4
    │       │           │
    5       6           8
    │       │
    9       107

    var nodeTwo = dbContext.Categories.FindAsync(2);
    await repository.DeleteNodeAsync(nodeTwo);
    // Will produce following tree
    │     │     │     │
    5     6     3     4
    │     │           │
    9     10          87        

Identifier types

This package supports various types used as primary key, including possibility to add your own. Only condition is it must be struct. It's necessary for the library to be able to serialize/deserialize the identifier types to be used in path strings. Package ships support for int, string & Guid by using AddDefaultIdentifierSerializers() on your ServiceCollection.

If you need to support your own identifier type, all you need to do is implement simple interface IIdentifierSerializer & register it in container.

This is sample implementation of "int" type serializer.

public class IntIdentifierSerializer: IIdentifierSerializer<int>
    public string SerializeIdentifier(int id) => id.ToString();
    public int DeserializeIdentifier(string id) => int.Parse(id);
// ...
// And register via
services.AddTransient<IIdentifierSerializer<int>, IntIdentifierSerializer>();


1.0.8 (28.08.2021)

Dependency version bump

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.5 -> 5.0.9
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational 5.0.5 -> 5.0.9
FluentAssertions 5.10.3 -> 6.1.0


Materialized path tree entity for EntityFramework core







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