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Riddle Game Project

This is the Practical Python Unit Milestone Project, for Code Institute's Full Stack Web Developer Course. The objective of this project is to design and execute a Riddle-Me-This game, applying the backend coding language Python.


This website is designed for an informal gamer who can, through a friendly, simple and clear interphase, perform different actions such as Creating a User, Login to their Account, Answer Riddles, Submit their own Riddles to the game and see the top scoring users in the Leaderboard.

User Stories were used for Behavior-Driven Development, such as:

  • As a user, I am answering a Riddle, a Riddle question is asked.
  • The Riddle has a correct answer, the correct answer is given, the given answer is then correct.


Existing Features

  • User Creation: A player is allowed and promted to get a user before playing the game, with the objective of recording their scores.
  • Login, which allows said storage of data for the user score to be displayed in the Leaderboard.
  • Play, where Riddles will be asked to the User, who will answer.
  • When a Riddle is answered,if it is wrong, there is a second chance.
  • When answering correctly, or for the second time, the user is shown the correct response.
  • When the User plays, the game shows them an Unanswered Riddle.
  • There are currently 41 Riddles. Once a user reaches the end, they are asked to check again soon.
  • Submit a Riddle, where the User is allowed to add a Riddle to the game.
  • Leaderboard, where the high scores are presented.

Adding a second chance to answer was not a part of the original design, but a consequence of a discussion with my mentor. My posterior mockup is as follows:

Mock up

Features Left to Implement

  • In the future, I would implement allowing spelling mistakes.

Technologies Used


Testing was performed through automated and manual tests.

  • Validity of Python code was tested through Flake.

  • Behave was used for testing Behavior Driven Development.

  • User Stories for the Behavior Driven Development were as follows:

      ⋅⋅* Feature: Authenticating a user
      ⋅⋅*   Scenario: Authenticating an existing user with the wrong password 
          ⋅⋅* Given that I am authenticating a user
          ⋅⋅* When the user is "micaela"
            ⋅⋅* And the password is "incorrect password"
          ⋅⋅* Then I should find that the user is not authenticated
        ⋅⋅* Scenario: Authenticating an existing user
          ⋅⋅* Given that I am authenticating a user
            ⋅⋅* And I enter a username "micaela"
            ⋅⋅* And I enter a password "signorelli"
          ⋅⋅* When I check that the user is authenticated
          ⋅⋅* Then I should find the user is authenticated
        ⋅⋅* Scenario: Authenticating a non-existent user
          ⋅⋅* Given that I am authenticating a user
          ⋅⋅* When the username is "someone"
            ⋅⋅* And the password is "whodoesntexist"
          ⋅⋅* Then I should find that the user is not authenticated, but created

      ⋅⋅* Feature: Checking an answer is correct 
        ⋅⋅* Scenario: a correct answer
          ⋅⋅* Given we are answering a riddle
              ⋅⋅* And the riddle "what is the colour" is asked
              ⋅⋅* And the correct answer is "yellow"
          ⋅⋅* When we give the answer "yellow"
          ⋅⋅* Then answer is correct
        ⋅⋅* Scenario: an incorrect answer
          ⋅⋅* Given we are answering a riddle
              ⋅⋅* And the riddle "what is the colour" is asked
              ⋅⋅* And the correct answer is "yellow"
          ⋅⋅* When we give the answer "red"
          ⋅⋅* Then answer is incorrect

The initial test was developed to fail, written as follows:

    ⋅⋅* Scenario: a correct answer
           ⋅⋅* Given we are answering a riddle
               ⋅⋅* And the riddle "what is the colour" is asked
               ⋅⋅* And the correct answer is "yellow"
           ⋅⋅* When we give the answer "what is breakfast"
           ⋅⋅* Then answer is incorrect

During the Behave implementation, there was an unexpected error message for test, where Behave could not find Flask. After changing the import information from "User" to "user" it worked again. My mentor told me there were conventions of Python concerning upper and lower cases, I presume the mistake was fixed when the uppercase was lowered due to said conventions.
I changed every file to underscore accordingly.

  • Media Queries were defined to improve responsiveness of the webpage, particularly for smartphones and tablets. This was extensively tested in different browsers, screen sizes and Operative Systems, since it was originally designed in a Mac Laptop.

  • Manual Browser testing was performed through acting like a user in the webpage, utilizing all the features. Through attemplting User Creation, Login, recording and retrieving Scores, and extensive playing, said features were confirmed to work correctly.

An example of a manual test was User creation.

  1. User Creation:
    1. Go to Home page
    2. Submit a user name usertest
    3. Submit a password userpass
    4. See a welcome message in the Navbar
    5. Be allowed to play the Riddle Game
    6. Logout with Logout link+icon in Navbar
  • Thought: allowing any user handle could affect spamming in other contexts, but it does not affect the game features.

Another manual test was retrieving Scores

  1. Retrieving Scores:
    1. Go to Leaderboard page
    2. Cofirm it is empty
    3. Login with a username and password
    4. Answer several riddles
    5. See the highscore published in the leaderboard


This project was deployed through Heroku, it can be found here:

Heroku allows the user to automatically deploy the content pushed to the chosen branch. In this case, the deployed branch is the master branch.

The submitted and deployed versions are identical.

For deployment, the configuration variables were manually set in Heroku Configuration.


Riddles sourced from:


  • The background image was made by me.


I received inspiration for this project from: