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GLedger : General Ledger software

Installing GLedger

Install GLedger from Github. There currently is no way to install it e.g. using pypi.

How GLedger is developed

GLedger is developed on openSuse Linux, using Python 3.4/3.6 and Firebird 2.5 and MariaDB 10.2 to implement its database. To interface with the database I used SQLAlchemy, taking care to not use Firebird/MariaDB specific constructs. It should run with all database backends SQLAlchemy supports, but no guarantees :=)


Files for testing

In the GLTests there are tests for the software. Some of these tests that address the posting API require files with Json interfaces. These are also supplied and need to be accessible when running the tests.

Database for testing?

The tests are designed to be run on an empty database. Most tests don't mind 'stuff' being present in the database, however, one of the tests e.g. relies on an account with sequence number 1 not being present in the database. The tests do not create the database, it needs to be present before running tests.

Create a database

Go into a Python REPL. Then import db from gledger. You can then do do a db.drop_all() and a db.create_all() to recreate the tables.

The only thing not recreated is the sequences. These count on and on, recreate these by hand if necessary.

Configuration database

No configuration file is delivered with GLedger. It expects a file "localledger.cfg"to be present. The file "ledger.cfg can serve as a template to create your own configuration.

Intermittent failure of one (1) testing

There is one test which is not guaranteed to always succeed. The order of records in a query with no ordering is not constant, therefore the test test_amount_in_list on TestViewPostingsAccount sometimes failed. Created an issue for that.


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