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Grails Quickstart

A simple auto-generated Grails app




This project is a simple Grails-based web-app - it includes dependency management, tests, a deploy pipeline and HTML.

There is a lot of boilerplate here generated by the quickstart. I didn't change any code from the auto-generated quickstarted - I just added docs.

This doesn't do much so just serves as a reference for myself on how a Grails app is setup.

How to create a Grails app

The Grails Application Forge service creates a quickstart/scaffold and that was used for this project.

The service lets you download a zip file with the Generate button or a curl command (using your app name). The default settings were used - a web app, though you can choose React, REST API, etc. The latest Grails version was used.

$ curl -O -d version=4.0.3

The app was nammed grailsQuickstart so the name grailsquickstart now appears in part of the code.

For a more detailed guide, see Creating your first Grails app in the Grails docs.



System dependencies

Install Grails.

Recommended - install using SDKMAN! approach and then Grails through the sdk command. See the Grails Download page for full details.

Check it installed globally.

$ grails -version


Run application

Run Grails in the project root - this will resolve dependencies and configure the application.

$ grails

Type run-app and press Return

Open in the browser:

Run tests

$ bash gradlew clean check

Sample output:

8 actionable tasks: 7 executed, 1 up-to-date