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Eric Berryman edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 22 revisions

Release 3.2: Cute Caribou

Based on planning meeting during EPICS @ SLAC, 23-27 April 2012, release 3.2 was planned for 2012-Sept-30, but other than the move to GIT we are slipping both the pvManager adoption and the ELog API update.

Overall Changes

  • GIT - Change repository from Mercurial to GIT. Initially, no rearrangement, just change repo to GIT because of better tooling in Eclipse. (Kunal)

    • Done
  • Try to use Eclipse 4.2 to build CSS with compat layer. (Kay)

  • Move issue tracker from source forge 'trac' to github 'issues'

    • Source forge trac is being discontinued; no good mylyn integration; was only used for BOY bugs anyway
      • (NSLSII) + (SNS) + (DESY)
  • Move wiki from source forge 'trac' to github wiki

    • Source forge trac is being discontinued; no good mylyn integration; was only used for BOY bugs anyway
      • (NSLSII) + (SNS) + (DESY)
  • Javadoc - Publish javadoc of 'core' sources. Maybe also of other selected sources. (Kay)

  • User Wiki - Create section of Wiki more inviting to end users, facilitating collection of ideas. (Gabriele: Check permissions; Kay)

    • Wiki always started with "User Doc", now there's a "User Ideas" section
    • Still, entry requirements (SourceForge account, ...) might be too high
    • There is a user mailing list...
    • .. and now a google+ page
  • Feature Build - Build many smaller features instead of just whole [wiki:Products]. Put features into P2 repo. (Gabriele; Kunal)

    • Dropped from 3.2
  • Extract 3rd party code from repository - Investigate 'Orbit' (Xihui)

    • Dropped from 3.2


  • Core Cleanup - Remove what was unbundled and can be removed as soon as no longer references. (Jan) (until end of August)

  • Update platform.libs.epics with latest JCA/CAJ to support DBE_PROPERTY, patch for copying large arrays. (Gabriele)

    • Done

Utils, Apps

  • Update Logbook API to support BNL/FRIB OLog (tags, ...). Add API for reading entries. Turn OLog viewer into generic Logbook viewer. (SNS; NSLSII)

    • Ongoing
  • Extend -shared_link command-line option so that it allows specifying the /project/folder, plus allow multiple values separated by ',': -shared_link /path/to/shared/displays=/CSS/SharedDisplays,/path/to/shared/plots=/OtherProject/SharedPlots. No change when used without the ..=/Project/Folder, basically defaulting to ...=/CSS/Share. (SNS; KEK)

    • Done

More Ideas, Longer Term Goals

  • ChannelNameCompletion - What could that look like? How to avoid 30-second-wait, then "There are 1.3 million channels"?

  • Move PopupMenuUtil to core

      • (NSLSII)
  • Move 'compact mode' and 'full screen' as currently provided by BOY to separate plugin (o.c.ui.util?) and bind it to "Window" menu so that toolbar etc. can be hidden from CSS in general, not just from BOY displays.

    • Details will have to change for 4.2
      • (SNS)
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