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Quickly assesses function speed for node.js functions.

Simple example:

  const speeder = require('speeder')

  function testFunction() {
    // ...

  const result = await speeder(testFunction, {verbose: true})
   *  => {
   *   min: 0.0004448890686035156,
   *   max: 0.024062156677246094,
   *   mean: 0.0006889100074768067,
   *   median: 0.0004668235778808594,
   *   variance: 0.0000014637582903558247,
   *   std: 0.0012098587894278509, // standard deviation
   *   counts: 1000,
   *   name: 'Function 1'
   *   }

Ofcourse, some functions will want to be run with one input:

const result = await speeder(testFunction, {inputs: 777})

Some other might want to be run with multiple inputs:

const result = await speeder(testFunction, {inputs: [777, true], multipleInputs: true})

You can also analyze an array of functions:

const result = await speeder([testFunction, testFunction2], {inputs: [777, true]})

as well as have inputs for all of these functions as well:

const result = await speeder([testFunction, testFunction2], {inputs: [["firstInput", ["secondInput"]], [true, false]]})

You can also create your own analytics pipeline by only fetching the raw data:

const result = await speeder([testFunction, testFunction2], {raw: true})
console.log(result) // => [0.023, 0.022, 0.045, ....]

Full list of options:

{names: "fetchData function"}: Return the analysis with the specified string name

{inputs: 88} (default no inputs): Executes the function with the given inputs (use double arrays for multiple functions)

{multipleInputs: true} (default: false): Whether you are inputting mutiple values into the functions or not (NOTE: for multiple functions, you can input an array: {multipleInputs: [true, true, false, true,...]})

{errors: true} (default false): If set to true, and an error is thrown, it includes this particular datapoint in the analysis.

{errorOutAfter: 10} (default 1): Specifies the number of errors that may occur before execution is halted (used in conjunction with the errors option). If an error is thrown, and {errors: false}, it will not include this data point in the analysis

{raw: true} (default false): If true, returns an array of datapoints

{counts: 75} (default 1000): Specifies the number of times the functions are run

{verbose: true} (default false): Gives you a detailed analysis of function performance

{round: 4} (default none): Round the results to a given amount of significant figures

Note, that any of these options can also be arrays of options, if you are analyzing multiple functions.


Feel free to open issues and request features on github.