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A web-based visualization tool for multi-dimensional geospatial gridded datasets.


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Carbon Data Explorer

A web-based visualization tool for multi-dimensional geospatial gridded datasets.

Documentation for Users

  • Using the web client:

  • Loading data using the Python API: See Quick Reference section in ./flux-python-api/

  • Using the server API outside of the web client: See ./flux-server/

Documentation for Developers

  • flux-python-api: See ./flux-python-api/docs/
  • flux-server: See Code Documentation section in ./flux-server/
  • flux-client: See Code Documentation section in ./flux-client/

Installation: Linux

The following steps have been tested and verified for Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.

Be aware that these are the default/recommended installation paths:

/usr/local/project/CarbonDataExplorer     # <- where this file lives; repo location
/usr/local/pythonenv/flux-python-api-env  # <- where the Python virtualenv for flux-python-api lives
/var/www/flux-client                      # <- where the flux-client web client lives

Clone repository

$ cd /usr/local/project
$ git clone --recursive

You may need to update the submodules:

$ git submodule foreach git pull origin master
$ git submodule foreach git checkout master


After cloning this repository to your local system, cd into it and run setup:

$ cd CarbonDataExplorer/
$ ./

The script will install the three submodules (and all associated dependencies) of the Carbon Data Explorer:

Each submodule has its own that provides details on installation and deployment, but ignore those; this script acts as a standalone installer for the entire package, all submodules included.

Configure Apache

Configure apache for both flux-client and flux-server using this example configuration as guidance:

$ cat ./apache/example.conf

For more details see: ./flux-server/ under Configuring a Port Proxy with Apache

Remember to restart apache after making any configuration changes:

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Installation: Mac OSX

The following steps were tested and verified for OSX 10.9.5.

Set path variables

The following paths are recommended:

  • Where the repository lives (including this file):

      $ REPO_PATH=/usr/local/project/CarbonDataExplorer
  • Where the Python virtualenv for flux-python-api lives (if used):

      $ VENV_PATH=/usr/local/pythonenv/flux-python-api-env
  • Where the flux-client web client lives (should be a web-accessible directory):

      $ CLIENT_PATH=/Library/WebServer/Documents

Install Git and clone repository

  1. Download & install Git from here

  2. Setup Git following instructions here

  3. Clone the repository:

     $ cd $REPO_PATH
     $ git clone --recursive ./

    Older versions of Git may require that the submodules are initialized separately with the following command (if the repository's submodule directories- i.e. flux-python-api, flux-client, and flux-server- are empty, do this):

     $ git submodule update --init --recursive

Install system dependencies

  1. Download & install Node.js and the Node Package Manager (NPM) for Mac from here

  2. Install homebrew with the following command:

     $ ruby -e "$(curl --insecure -fsSL"
  3. Install assorted dependencies:

     $ brew install wget mongodb geos libxml2 libxslt gcc homebrew/science/hdf5 python

Install package submodules

  1. Install flux-python-api

    You are encouraged to use a Python virtualenv to keep project-specific Python libraries separate from system-wide Python libraries. This can be set up and activated using these commands:

     $ sudo pip install virtualenv
     $ virtualenv $VENV_PATH
     $ sudo chown -R $USER $VENV_PATH
     $ source $VENV_PATH/bin/activate

    Run the python installer for flux-python-api:

     $ cd $REPO_PATH/flux-python-api
     $ python install # <- use 'sudo' ONLY if NOT using a virtualenv
    • If the installer ran into errors while installing the Python package dependencies, try installing the most current packages listed in ./flux-python-api/DEPENDENCIES.txt separately via pip, e.g.:

        $ pip install h5py

    Once all packages are installed...

    • If using a virtualenv:

        $ deactivate

    Finally, change some permissions:

     $ sudo chmod -R 777 flux_python_api.egg-info
     $ sudo chmod -R 777 dist
     $ sudo chmod -R 777 build/
  2. Install flux-server:

     $ cd $REPO_PATH/flux-server/
     $ sudo ./
     $ npm install
  3. Install flux-client

    • Download a pre-built version...:

        $ sudo curl "" -o ""
        $ sudo unzip -d $CLIENT_PATH/flux-client/
    • ...or if you want to build from source:

        $ cd $REPO_PATH/flux-client/
        $ npm install

Post-install configuration steps

  1. Configure apache for port proxying:

     $ cd /etc/apache2/
     $ sudo cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak

    Copy into httpd.conf the configuration under Reverse proxies for Carbon Data Explorer Web API Server in the provided sample apache configuration file:

     $ cat $REPO_PATH/apache/example.conf

    And then restart apache:

     $ sudo apachectl restart
  2. Create mongoDB data directory and start mongoDB

     $ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
     $ sudo mongod

Quick Start

After installation on either OS, perform the following steps to begin using the Carbon Data Explorer.

  1. Load some data using flux-python-api (see ./flux-python-api/ for more details and other data manipulation capabilities).

    A small sample dataset is available in ./flux-python-api/fluxpy/tests/; use the following command to load this sample data and test that flux-python-api installed correctly.

    • If using a virtualenv (subsitute path to your virtualenv if not using default):

        $ /usr/local/pythonenv/flux-python-api-env/bin/python ./flux-python-api/ load -p ./flux-python-api/fluxpy/tests/casagfed2004.mat -m SpatioTemporalMatrix -n SAMPLE_casagfed2004
    • If NOT using a virtualenv:

        $ python ./flux-python-api/ load -p ./flux-python-api/fluxpy/tests/casagfed2004.mat -m SpatioTemporalMatrix -n SAMPLE_casagfed2004
  2. Start the flux-server using this command:

     $ forever ./flux-server/flux-server.js

    Once started, you can test to see if it is working by going to this URL: http://localhost/flux/api/scenarios.json If you loaded the sample data as instructed above, a pointer to that dataset should show up in the JSON response given by the URL.

    To stop or restart flux-server, use these commands:

     $ forever stop flux-server.js
     $ forever restart 0
  3. Go to http://localhost/flux-client and begin exploring!


A web-based visualization tool for multi-dimensional geospatial gridded datasets.







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