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VMFleet examples

Jason Yi edited this page Sep 22, 2021 · 1 revision

VMFleet example commands

Test description Sample command
Produce a report of a generalized polynomial fit based on a TSV sweep output file Show-FleetCpuSweep -ResultFile ".\result.tsv"
Load and run a previously created XML profile using VMFleet Start-FleetRun -ProfilePath ".\profile.xml"
Given input data, generate a least square fitted polynomial equation Get-FleetPolynomialFit -Order 2 -X 1,2,3,4 -Y 0,1,4,9
Given coefficients and a value of X, output the corresponding value of Y Use-FleetPolynomialFit -A 1,-2,1 -X 4
Modify a predefined XML profile in VMFleet and generate a new profile (works on General and Peak workload) Get-FleetProfileXml -Name "General" -WriteRatio 0 -BlockSize 8KB -Sequential
Convert an XML profile created via "Get-FleetProfileXml" into a string output Get-FleetProfileXml -Name "General" -WriteRatio 0 -BlockSize 8KB | Convert-FleetXmlToString
Modify a predefined XML profile $profile = Get-FleetProfileXml -Name "General" -Warmup 30 -Duration 60 -Cooldown 30
Start a run with a previously created XML profile (see above) Start-FleetResultRun -ProfileXml $profile
From the group formed by 25% of the total VMs, rotate 30% of the VMs such that they are misaligned from the owner node Move-Fleet -Cluster "Cluster01" -DistributeVMPercent 30 -VMPercent 25
Calculate the size for a virtual machine's data disk in bytes (calculation based on cache size and/or capacity size). When CachePercent and CapacityPercent is used together, it outputs the smaller of the two Get-FleetDataDiskEstimate -CachePercent 200 -CapacityPercent 30 -Verbose -VMs 40
Run four pre-defined VMFleet workloads (General, Peak, VDI, SQL) Measure-FleetCoreWorkload
Estimate a cluster shared volume size (CSV) before creating a CSV for VMFleet. Depending on your environment configuration (e.g. node count), it will output a size you can use to create your CSV for your desired resiliency type Get-FleetVolumeEstimate
Verify whether a measurement column (KeyColumn @{}) was already captured in the result-log.tsv file from Measure-FleetCoreWorkload Test-FleetResultRun -ResultLogFile ".\result-log.tsv" -KeyColumn @{ Workload = 'General4KWriteRatio0' }
Return contents of the result log file, which maps the RunLabel to the characteristics of the test run from Measure-FleetCoreWorkload (e.g. workload type) Get-FleetResultLog ".\result-log.tsv" -KeyColumn @{ FleetVMPercent = 25 }

Move-Fleet user scenarios

Scenarios Command
Realign both VMs and CSVs Move-Fleet
Rotate both VMs and CSVs Move-Fleet –DistributeVMPercent <value> -ShiftCSV
Rotate VM, but realign CSV Move-Fleet –DistributeVMPercent <value>
Rotate VM and keep CSV constant Move-Fleet –DistributeVMPercent <value> -KeepCSV
Rotate CSV, but realign VMs Move-Fleet -ShiftCSV
Rotate CSV and keep VMs constant Move-Fleet –ShiftCSV –KeepVM