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Kristofer Liljeblad edited this page Dec 7, 2017 · 2 revisions


Nether is an open sourced project composed of reusable set of building blocks, projects, services and best practices designed for Gaming workloads powered by Microsoft Azure.

Goals while we develop Nether

“With Nether, we want to make it easy for game developer to get started on building their own custom backend for their games using Microsoft Azure.”


  • We value simplicity over complexity and would rather have less features if it makes it easy to understand and use.
  • We try to re-use the same “base architecture” whenever possible in order to have a very simple way of deploying Nether.
  • We are going with a Plattform as a Service, PaaS, approach whenever we can.
  • As much as possible should be deployable without having the need to install complex tools.


  • Every aspect of Nether should be considered for scaling, from zero to hundreds of thousands of concurrent users


  • We should always consider our options when it comes to reliability of the service. If possible there should not be any single points of failures in the solution.


  • While still conforming to the need of being Simple and Scalable, we always strive to make a solution that is as cheap to run as possible.
  • If two equal solutions exist to a problem, we should pick the cheapest.
  • If adding minor complexity to a solution will result in major price benefits, then we should try to do that.


  • No one is going to like everything in Nether, we should make sure people can use the parts they like as easy as possible


  • Learning from looking at Nether is as much success as actually using the code provided. We should make sure to write as good documentation as we can, while still keeping the project agile and maintainable.
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