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Tiled for Game Maker Studio 1.4 projects with some additions for MegamixEngine


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This is a modified version of Tiled 1.1.5 made to edit Game Maker Studio 1.4 rooms, with some aditional features for MegamixEngine.

3rd Party Guide

Quick start

  • Go to preferences and set the path to your game maker project and a new folder where the templates will be generated

  • Go to the "GMS1.4/ME" menu and click on "Generate templates"

  • The dialog will open with the paths you set in preferences already set.

  • Click ok and wait a bit, for some reason this takes quite a bit longer on Windows than on GNU/Linux, but it's still quite fast compared to how long GMS1.4 takes to load and save a project.

  • Go to: View->Object Types Editor and then in that window File->Choose Object Types File and select the types.xml file generated with the templates

  • Open a room, an import dialog will popup, here you can adjust the tile and quad size then click OK

  • Now you can edit the room and insert objects using the TemplateDock, which is usually on the left side (To enable it go to: View->Views and toolbars make sure the checkbox "Templates" is checked).

  • When moving objects with grid snapping turned on you can hold the control key to snap using half of the grid size.


  • The program might need some more testing so make backups.

  • it's recomended that you duplicate a game maker room to make a new room.

  • You have to regenerate your templates when your project changes. And it's also recommended that you reload tiled when you add or remove sprites, at least for now.

  • Backgrounds and Views are stored as objects in their own object layers, you can modify their properties, but backgrounds won't be displayed in tiled.

  • Layers have a depth property which is used for their depth in Game Maker

  • Layers are always tile aligned in tiled, so I decided to deal with tiles that aren't aligned to the grid by placing them in their own layer with an offset, which is why you might see multiple layers with the same depth when you import a room.

  • Tiles in Tiled are all the same size, when you import a room with a tile stored as a region of a tileset it will be imported as individual tiles.

  • Rooms are imported assuming that all tiles use tilesets with the same tile size.

  • Tiles can be combined to be as big as they can be to save space in the room file and also to make objObjectSetter work in MegamixEngine by default(otherwise it has to be flipped vertically to use it in the alternative mode). You can enable this by setting the map's custom property "combineTilesOnExport" to true.


  • Option to generate object templates from a game maker project.

  • Objects using templates will use their sprite origin for snapping and will be sorted by their

  • Maps now have a secondary grid, refered to as "quad size".

  • Load tilesets from files

  • Option to generate templates from files, which also generates a file with the object types(Note: this takes some time)

  • The GMXPlugin has been heavily modified to support importing game maker objects using Tiled's templates, it's also more compatible than the one in Tiled 1.1.5 and the rooms produced by it resemble a room generated by Game Maker Studio 1.4 a lot more.

  • Option to run an executable passing the exported room as a parameter, meant to be used with MegamixEngine's external room loading feature.

Outdated guide

Tiled 1.1.5's Readme

Tiled Map Editor -

About Tiled

Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor for all tile-based games, such as RPGs, platformers or Breakout clones.

Tiled is highly flexible. It can be used to create maps of any size, with no restrictions on tile size, or the number of layers or tiles that can be used. Maps, layers, tiles, and objects can all be assigned arbitrary properties. Tiled's map format (TMX) is easy to understand and allows multiple tilesets to be used in any map. Tilesets can be modified at any time.

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About the Qt Version

Tiled was originally written in Java. In 2008, work began to develop a faster, better looking, and easier-to-use version of Tiled based on the Qt framework. This decision was made as the Qt framework has a greater feature set than is offered by the standard Java libraries.


Before you can compile Tiled, you must ensure the Qt (>= 5.6) development libraries have been installed:

  • On Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools zlib1g-dev
  • On Fedora: sudo dnf builddep tiled
  • On Arch Linux: pacman -S qt
  • On Mac OS X with Homebrew:
    • brew install qt5
    • brew link qt5 --force
  • Alternatively, you can download Qt here

Next, compile by running:

$ qmake (or qmake-qt5 on some systems)
$ make

To perform a shadow build, run qmake from a different directory and refer it to For example:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ qmake ../
$ make

You can now run Tiled using the executable in bin/tiled.


To install Tiled, run make install from the terminal. By default, Tiled will install itself to /usr/local.

The installation prefix can be changed when running qmake, or by changing the install root when running make install. For example, to use an installation prefix of /usr instead of /usr/local:

$ qmake -r PREFIX=/usr

Note: The -r recursive flag is required if you've run qmake before, as this command will affect nested pro files)

To install Tiled to a packaging directory:

$ make install INSTALL_ROOT=/tmp/tiled-pkg

By default, Tiled and its plugins are compiled with an Rpath that allows them to find the shared libtiled library immediately after being compiled. When packaging a Tiled map for distribution, the Rpath should be disabled by appending RPATH=no to the qmake command.