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This is the final project of the course ECE 522 from the University of Alberta. Implement tree structure by using Rust.

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AVL Tree Design Document

This AVL tree is part of a tree data structure project by Zhaoyi Wang (Mike), Zihao Wang (Bluce) and Shuo Wang (Tina). The goal of this project is to write AVL tree and Red Black tree using Rust language.

Part 1: Brief Overview

Except the following basic features marked by βœ…, we add some additional features to this tree marked by 🌟.

  • βœ… Insert / Delete / Count Leaves / Calculate Height / In-order Traversal / Check Empty / Print Tree
  • 🌟 Pre-order Traversal / Post-order Traversal / Check Element Existence / Update Node / Validate Tree / Total Number of Elements

Part 2: Current Shortcomings

❌ Up to this stage, if users want to test in the command line, then their input can only be of numeric type (e.g., 1,2,3,4,5). This version does not support users using character or string types in the command line interface for now (e.g., 'a','b','c'). However, users can import the file and use the interface we defined while writing their code and this will not have any restrictions.

Part 3: User Manual

This AVL Tree implementation based on Box<> and Option<>.

A tree type defined like the following:

pub type AvlTreeNode<T> = Option<Box<TreeNode<T>>>;

Quick Start

Before we start, copy the file to your root path (~/project_name/src), and add the following line to

mod AVL;
use crate::AVL::{AvlTree, AvlTreeNode};

First, we need to define an empty tree, and make sure it is mutable.

let mut avl_tree: AvlTreeNode<_> = AvlTree::generate_empty_tree();

Second, we can add some value to this tree. Here I will use for loop.

for i in vec![5, 3, 1, 4, 2] {

Then, print the tree and validate it.

println!("Balanced Tree? {}", avl_tree.validate_tree());

Next, we can calculate the leaves and count the height of the tree.

println!("Number of leaves: {}", avl_tree.number_of_leaves());
println!("Height of tree: {}", avl_tree.height_of_tree());

Also, if you need, you can do three types of traversal to your tree.

println!("In Order Traverse: {:?}", avl_tree.in_order_traverse());
println!("Pre Order Traverse: {:?}", avl_tree.pre_order_traverse());
println!("Post Order Traverse: {:?}", avl_tree.post_order_traverse());

Don't forget to check whether it is empty if you are not sure about whether the above operation was successful.

if avl_tree.is_tree_empty() { 
  		println!("Tree is Empty") 
	} else { 
  		println!("Tree is not empty!") 

After that, we can delete some node.


You can get the feedback at the same time, if you want.

let res = avl_tree.delete_node(2);
println!("The deleted Node(2) contains {:?}", res);

To check the result of the insert_node() and delete_node() operation, you can do the following to check the existence of a specific node.

for i in vec![4, 6, 5] {
  			// Check the existence of Node(4), Node(5) and Node (6)
        println!("Does {} exist? {}", i, avl_tree.exist_or_not(i));

By the way, you can update a node just like the way you want to update a info in your database.

avl_tree.update_node(1, 2);  // 1 is the OLD one, 2 is the NEW one

Finally, let us do in-order traversal again and print the final tree.

println!("In Order Traverse: {:?}", avl_tree.in_order_traverse());

And see how many elements we have now.

println!("This AVL tree has a total of {} elements.", avl_tree.total_number_elements());

Public Interface

fn insert_node(&mut self, val: T);
// insert a node
fn delete_node(&mut self, val: T) -> Self;
// delete a node
fn validate_tree(&self) -> bool;
// balanced or not?
fn is_tree_empty(&self) -> bool;
// empty or not?
fn height_of_tree(&self) -> i32;
// get the height of this tree
fn number_of_leaves(&self) -> i32;
// how many leaves 
fn in_order_traverse(&mut self) -> Vec<T>;
// In-order traverse
fn pre_order_traverse(&mut self) -> Vec<T>;
// Pre-order traverse
fn post_order_traverse(&mut self) -> Vec<T>;
// Post-order traverse
fn print_tree_diagram(&mut self);
// Nicely print the tree
fn exist_or_not(&self, val: T) -> bool;
// Check whether a value exists
fn generate_empty_tree() -> Self;
// generate a new empty tree
fn update_node(&mut self, old: T, new: T);
// update a node
fn total_number_elements(&mut self) -> i32;
// count total number of elements

RBTree Design Document

This Red-black tree is part of a tree data structure project by Zhaoyi Wang (Mike), Zihao Wang (Bluce) and Shuo Wang (Tina). The goal of this project is to write AVL tree and Red Black tree using Rust language.

Part 1: Major Innovations

Brief Overview

Except the following basic features marked by βœ…, we add some additional features to this tree marked by 🌟.

  • βœ… Insert / Delete / Count Leaves / Calculate Height / In-order Traversal / Check Empty / Print Tree
  • 🌟 Pre-order Traversal / Post-order Traversal / Check Element Existence / Update Node/Total number of elements in a tree

Part 2: Current Shortcomings

❌ Up to this stage, if users want to test in the command line, then their input can only be of numeric type (e.g., 1,2,3,4,5). This version does not support users using character or string types in the command line interface for now (e.g., 'a','b','c'). However, users can import the file and use the interface we defined while writing their code and this will not have any restrictions.

Part 3: Functions

The functions of Red-black are as follow:

  1. pub fn insert_node(&mut self, val: u32) -> bool;

    Test whether the node is inserted successfully.

  2. pub fn get_number_leaves(&self) -> u32;

    Return the number of leaves in a tree.

  3. pub fn get_height(&self) -> u32;

    Return the height of a tree.

  4. pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;

    Test whether the tree is empty.

  5. pub fn exist_or_not(&mut self,val:u32) -> bool;

    Test whether the value exists in the tree.

  6. pub fn update_node(&mut self,old_val:u32,new_val:u32);

    Update the tree using new value to replace old value.

  7. pub fn delete(&mut self, val: u32) -> Result<(), String>;

    Delete the node with value in the tree, return the delete result either success(Ok) or failure (Err).

  8. pub fn print_in_order_traversal(&self) -> Vec<u32>;

    Return the vector based on in-order traversal.

  9. pub fn print_pre_order_traversal(&self) -> Vec<u32>;

    Return the vector based on pre-order traversal.

  10. pub fn print_post_order_traversal(&self) -> Vec<u32>;

    Return the vector based on post-order traversal.

  11. pub fn print_tree(&self)

    Print the tree in format<L/R> :.

  12. pub fn total_number_elements(&self) ->i32

    Print total number of elements in a tree.

Part 4: User Manual

First, we need to define an empty tree and insert some values into this tree.

let mut rb_tree = RBTree::RBTree::new();
for i in vec![1,2,3,4,5,6] {

Then, we can print the tree, print the number of leaves, print the height and print the tree based on in-order, pre-order or post-order traversal.

//print the tree
//print the number of leaves of the tree
println!("Number of leaves: {}", rb_tree.get_number_leaves());
//print the height of the tree
println!("Height of tree: {}", rb_tree.get_height());
//print pre/in/post reversal
println!("In Order Traverse: {:?}", rb_tree.print_in_order_traversal());
println!("Pre Order Traverse: {:?}", rb_tree.print_pre_order_traversal());
println!("Post Order Traverse: {:?}",rb_tree.print_post_order_traversal());

Don't forget to check whether it is empty when you not sure about your tree.

if rb_tree.is_empty() { println!("Tree is Empty") } else { println!("Tree is not empty!") }

After that, we can delete some node.


To check the result of the insert_node() and delete_node() operation, you can do the following to check the existence of a specific node.

for i in vec![1,2,3,4,5,6] {
    println!("Does {} exist? {}", i, rb_tree.exist_or_not(i));

By the way, you can update a node just like the way you want to update a info in your database.

rb_tree.update_node(2, 3);


This is the final project of the course ECE 522 from the University of Alberta. Implement tree structure by using Rust.







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