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Graphcool Authentication via Firebase using a schema-extension and a AWS Lambda function


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Create Firebase users and sign in with Schema Extensions and Graphcool Functions

Note: Schema Extensions are currently only available in the Beta Program.

Project Setup

This example uses Amazon Web Services Lambda and API Gateway. The function's handler is specific to Lambda events but could be easily changed for use with another provider.

Graphcool Setup 1

  • Create a new Permanent Access Token (PAT) in project settings.
  • Remove all Create permissions for the User type. The function created below uses a PAT to create users via the API so the permissions are not needed.

Firebase Setup

Create a Firebase project:

Copy your Firebase project's web sdk api keys:

Create a Firebase Service Account :

Configure Sign-In Methods for your Firebase project

AWS Setup

Sign up for Amazon Web Services

Create a user for your Lambda function

Generate AWS Access Credentials for that user

Serverless Setup

Install the serverless CLI

yarn global add serverless

Configure your AWS Access Credentials

Edit the env-stage.yml file

  • (remove .EXAMPLE)
  • Insert the Graphcool PAT and ProjectId
  • Insert the Firebase Service Account private key file's contents

Edit the package.json file

  • Change the "deploy-dev" script to your correct AWS region

Install dependencies


Run the function locally, using serverless-offline:

yarn run debug

Deploy to AWS:

yarn run build
yarn run deploy-dev
  • Make note of the endpoint created

Graphcool Setup 2

Create a new Schema Extension Function

  • Paste the schema from schema-extension.graphql
  • Enter your AWS Lambda endpoint for the Webhook url

Example App Setup

Edit examples/one-page/index.js

  • Insert your Firebase web sdk apiKey and authDomain
  • Insert your AWS Lambda endpoint
  • Insert your Graphcool project endpoint

Install dependencies

cd examples/one-page

Start local server

yarn run start

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080

Authentication flow in the example app

  1. Click the Authenticate with ( Google | Github ) button
  2. The selected provider requests login and access permissions
  3. A Firebase user is registered
  4. Click the "Get Firebase IdToken" button
  5. A Firebase Id Token is provided
    1. Click the "Get Graphcool IdToken = Local POST"
      1. A Graphcool Id Token in provided using a local mock serverless debug instance
    2. Click the "Get Graphcool IdToken - AWS graphQL" button
      1. Your app calls the Graphcool mutation authenticateFirebaseUser(firebaseIdToken: String!)
  6. Note that using another provider while already authenticated will link each subsequent social account
  7. If no user exists yet that corresponds to the passed firebaseIdToken, a new User node will be created
  8. The Graphcool Id token can be used to authenticate further requests to Graphcool by inserting it in each http request's authorization header

one-page demo app

  • The tokens displayed by the example app can be decoded online at
  • The tokens can be edited, invalidating them, to simulate a bad token.

Real Application

Graphcool Mutation

This mutation will authenticate a user:

mutation {
  # replace __FIREBASE_TOKEN__!
  authenticateFirebaseUser(firebaseIdToken: "__FIREBASE_TOKEN__") {

You should see that a new user has been created. The returned object (wrappedToken) contains a token (token) which can be used to authenticate requests to your Graphcool API as that user. The expiration date (exp), and user Ids (firebaseUserId, graphcoolUserId) are also included. These are included for convenience; your authentication process should not rely on the accuracy of these values. Meaning: it's safe to fail authentication if these values are not as expected, but not safe to consider a successful authentication; only the token can do that.
Note that running the mutation again for the same Firebase user will simply return a new token for the existing Graphcool user.

Token management

The Firebase web sdk keeps a user signed in indefinitely by default. But only signed in to Firebase. Firebase will provide a valid Id Token any time an app calls auth().currentUser.getIdToken().

The Graphcool token must be managed by a production application, especially regarding expiration. At the time this was written, Graphcool Id Tokens are valid for one month.


Graphcool Authentication via Firebase using a schema-extension and a AWS Lambda function







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