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I haven't finished the framework yet. Contribution is warmly welcomed.

Welcome everyone from Noe.css!

I would like to contribute this css framework. I have built some of the main portions of the framework but I still have a lot of features to finish. Grid Systems,Buttons,Colors and other features like tags,alerts,cards have finshed.


For front-end developer who would use Noe.css will have to download only Noe.css. Other Scss files are meant for contributors and those who wolud like to give feedbacks upon codes.

Hope for some feedbacks after using the framework


I use OOCSS methodology for this framework. Thus, content and container, skin and structure are separated.


There are 8 basic colors in Noe.css.

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Success
  • Info
  • Warning
  • Danger
  • Dark
  • Light

For Responsive, Noe.css has grids system. Like Bootstrap, lcol is for screen with min-width:993px, mcol is for screen with min-width:601px col is for screen with max-width:559px And noe-mobile is for 100% width in mobile - max-width:559px. Example;

<div class='container'>
      <div class='row'>
        <div class='noe-mobile mcol6 lcol6'>Col 1</div>
        <div class='noe-mobile mcol6 lcol6'>Col 2</div>

For background-color , you have to use noe-danger class. eg; noe-danger , noe-warning Moreover, changing background-color on hovering text , you have to use noe-hover-text-success class. eg; noe-hover-danger , noe-hover-secondary

For text color , you have to use noe-text-info class. eg; noe-text-success , noe-text-primary Moreover, changing color on hovering text , you have to use noe-hover-text-success class. eg; noe-hover-text-danger , noe-hover-text-secondary

Just like background-colors and text-colors, border style can be set with noe-border-info and noe-hover-border-success.

For code-style on Noe.css , you can use <code> for single-line code. <pre> for multiple lines code. <kbd> for keyboards inputs. <samp> for output of a program.

For button , noe-btn, noe-btn-lg, noe-btn-sm class are available. noe-btn-block is for block-level button. There is also noe-btn-group, noe-btn-group-lg, noe-btn-group-sm for button-groups.

<div class='noe-btn-group noe-info'>
  <button class='noe-btn'>JavaScript</button>
  <button class='noe-btn'>Perl</button>
  <button class='noe-btn'>XML</button>

Since Padding and Margin are not set in Noe.css, there are setting classes in Noe.css. noe-padding,noe-padding-small are for padding. noe-text-center,noe-text-left and noe-text-right for text-align. noe-topleft,noe-topright,noe-topmiddleand noe-bottomleft,noe-bottomright,noe-bottommiddle are setting position of elements.

For form, check the example below; `


<div class="noe-form-group">
  <label for="password">Name</label>
  <input type="password" id="password" class="noe-text-input">

<input type="submit" class="noe-btn noe-info" value="submit">



<span class="noe-tag>css</span> is tag component.


<div class="noe-card noe-success">
  <div class="noe-card-header">Header</div>
  <div class="moe-card-body">
      <p>This is card body</p>
      <button class="noe-btn noe-primary">Like</button>


<p class='noe-alert noe-warning'>This is warning for security</p>

Since I built this framework for educational purpose, any bug-fixing and contribution is warmly welcome.

Have fun! 😄

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