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Janrain Mobile Libraries for Android

Welcome to the Janrain Mobile libaries for Android. This library is available open-source under a Berkeley license, as found in the LICENSE file.

Getting Started: Docs/

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Upgrading to v7.1 from v7.0.5

NOTE: There have been significant updates to the code base in this release. While over all functionality should not have changed it is highly recommended that thorough testing be performed when upgrading to this version from previous versions.

This version now allows the use of the res/raw/janrain_config.json file which would be placed in the application's res folder. This file includes the settings for the OpenID AppAuth library that were previously covered in the / file. Please follow these steps to use this file:

  • Make sure there is a res/raw folder in your app, this may need to be created if it doesn't exist.
  • Copy the /Samples/SimpleDemo/res/raw/janrain_config.json or the /Samples/SimpleDemoNative/res/raw/janrain_config.json file to the res/raw folder.
  • Update your janrain credentials and configuration settings in the janrain_config.json file.
  • Use the new JumpConfig(Context) constructor. This constructor loads the configurations from the json file.
  • You can now remove all the assignations you had to the JumpConfig object's fields.

At this point you can override the config object's values by assigning them values programmatically.

The /Samples/SimpleDemo/res/raw/janrain_config.json file is intended to be used as the template for your own application's configuration file. Please update the values in this file to reflect your Janrain configuration and settings.

NOTE: These changes are not mandatory, the libraries should still work using your existing configuration methods as long as they are compatible with previous versions.

If you are leveraging TwitterKit for Native Authentication, you may need to remove the dependencies as has been sold to Google and the TwitterKit functionality is now a stand alone library maintained by Twitter.

If you are leveraging the Google Sign-In libraries for Native Authentication, updating the Google Play Sign-In dependencies may require moving the following line to the bottom of your application's build.gradle file:

apply plugin: ''

Upgrading to v7.0.4 or v7.0.5

  • Add the following activity to your AndroidManifest.xml file (maybe below the OpenIDAppAuthTokenActivity):

Please refer to the Simple Demo app to see additional code modifications that may be required.

If you are invoking the Engage/Social Login authentication dialogs directly from within your application then you may need to bind the OpenID AppAuth Authorization Service to your main activity (or the activity you have configured to receive the redirect from Google).

The mobile libraries are expecting the Authorization service that is persisted in the Engage state/session to be the same as what will need to be referenced later in the authentication process (see

NOTE: Do not bind the Authorization service to a Fragment Activity or activity that might be destroyed before the Authorization process is complete otherwise a "leaked service connection" error will occur.

The following code is extracted from the file and demonstrates how to do this:

//Required Includes:
import net.openid.appauth.AppAuthConfiguration;
import net.openid.appauth.AuthorizationService;
import net.openid.appauth.browser.BrowserBlacklist;
import net.openid.appauth.browser.Browsers;
import net.openid.appauth.browser.VersionRange;
import net.openid.appauth.browser.VersionedBrowserMatcher;

//Example code:
BrowserBlacklist blacklist = new BrowserBlacklist(
                new VersionedBrowserMatcher(
                        true, // custom tab
      AuthorizationService authorizationService = new AuthorizationService(fromActivity,
              new AppAuthConfiguration.Builder().setBrowserMatcher(blacklist).build());
      if (providerName != null) {
          state.jrEngage.showAuthenticationDialog(fromActivity, providerName);
      } else {
          state.jrEngage.showAuthenticationDialog(fromActivity, TradSignInUi.class);

Upgrading to v7.0.3

  • Update the module settings for your project to use the latest Jump sdk files you may need to remove any existing "jump" modules and re-add the latest module in order to ensure your project files are updated.
  • Open the '/' file and update the google_client_id and google_auth_redirect_uri with the appropriate Google application client id that correlates to the Google app that is used in your Engage application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    This contains the authorization service configuration details that are used to demonstrate
    authentication. By default, all authorization services are disabled until you modify this file
    to provide your own configuration details.
    <bool name="google_enabled">true</bool>
    <string name="google_client_id" translatable="false"></string>
    NOTE: This scheme is automatically provisioned by Google for Android OAuth2 clients, and is
    the reverse form of the client ID registered above. Handling of this scheme is registered in an
    intent filter in the app's manifest.
    <string name="google_auth_redirect_uri" translatable="false">com.googleusercontent.apps.UPDATE_WITH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID:/oauth2redirect</string>
  • Open your application's AndroidManifest.xml and add the following activities (modify as needed):
<activity android:name="net.openid.appauth.RedirectUriReceiverActivity">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
        <data android:scheme="https"
    android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" >

Add the manifest placeholder to your app's build.gradle defaultConfig section.

// If using web-based (not native) Google authentication.
// Replace the below string with your own Google client ID. Make sure this is consistent
// with the values used in openid_appauth_idp_configs.xml
manifestPlaceholders = [
        'appAuthRedirectScheme': 'com.googleusercontent.apps.UPDATE_WITH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'

Include jcenter with your list of repositories.

repositories {
    jcenter ()
    maven { url '' }

Upgrading to v6.0.0

  • The only IDE that this release supports and has been tested with is the Android Studio IDE.
  • The Android Mobile Libraries have removed all inter-dependencies on the Google, Facebook, and Twitter SDK's and Libraries. The SimpleDemoNative app has been created to demonstrate how to integrate native provider logon for these providers using their SDK's and Libraries. NOTE: Google Play/Sign-On libraries newer than version 8.1 are NOT supported. Google has changed the oAuth access token provisioning as of version 8.3 and it is no longer compatible with Janrain's API's at the time of this release. Janrain will be updating their API's to support Google's re-architecture in the future.
  • If your previous project had implemented native provider authentication you will have to re-implement this as outlined in the Native Authentication Guide and the "SimpleDemoNative" sample application.
  • If you want to use the Janrain Mobile Libraries and Sample Code with the latest Android API levels there is now has dependencies on the deprecated org.apache.http.legacy.jar. This file is included in the Github repo in the libs folder. Additional information on this can be found in the build.gradle file.

Upgrading to v5.0.1

  • The Janrain Mobile Libraries and Sample Code now has dependencies on OKHttp. Follow the steps in or to add the necessary Jars to your project.

Updating from 3.x to 4.0:

  • 4.0 adds and focuses on Capture support, renames the library project / IDE metadata to "Jump"
  • See the developers integration guide,
  • There's a new initializer signature

Updating from 2.x to 3.0:

  • See the documentation on

Updating from 1.x to 2.0:

  • Replace the activity declarations in your AndroidManifest.xml with fresh copies from JREngage/AndroidManifest.xml
  • Update your Android target to Android 13 / Honeycomb 3.2 (still deployable to Android 4+ / Donut / 1.6) (Alternately, remove the "screenSize" configuration change handler from the "configChanges" portion of each JREngage Activity declaration in your AndroidManifest.xml and then target your app at lower versions of Android.)
  • Ensure that the JREngage/libs/android-support-v4.jar is added to your IDE's project (ant builds work without updating)
  • Ensure that the jackson-core-lgpl-1.6.4.jar and jackson-mapper-lgpl-1.6.4.jar libraries are removed from your IDE's project.

Using tablet support:

  • Tablet support works in two modes, either embedded as a UI Fragment or as a modal dialog.
  • To show a modal dialog simply continue to call JREngage#showAuthenticationDialog() or JREngage#showSocialPublishingDialog(...)
  • To start a Fragment in a specific container call JREngage#showSocialPublishingFragment(...)
  • Or, if you wish to manage the Fragment yourself (e.g. to add it to the back stack), use JREngage#createSocialPublishingFragment(...)
  • Embedded mode requires a host activity sub-classed from, is incompatible.


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