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Rasgnarok edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 44 revisions

Claim configuration

Note: If you do not want to force allow in all claims, remove override argument at end.

Note: Overrides effect all claims of the type your standing in. (Basic/Admin)

Note: If override is used in wilderness, it affects ALL claim types server wide.

Stand in the claim type your wanting it to take effect in (Admin/Basic/Wilderness) and enter following commands

Allow players to toss occupied Pokeballs and spawn their Pixelmon.

  • /cf projectile-impact-block pixelmon:occupiedpokeball any true override
  • /cf entity-spawn pixelmon:occupiedpokeball pixelmon:any true override

This flag forces to allow occupied Pokeballs to collide with any type of block. Without this flag, pokeballs will pass through blocks.

Note. To specify only a certain type of block to allow Pixelmon to be spawned from a player, use the following command example.

  • /cf projectile-impact-block pixelmon:occupiedpokeball minecraft:stone true override

Allow players to toss empty Pokeballs

This flag forces to allow empty Pokeballs to collide/impact with any block.

  • /cf projectile-impact-block pixelmon:pokeball any true override

Note. To specify only a certain type of block to allow empty Pokeballs to be tossed from a player, use the following command example.

  • /cf projectile-impact-block pixelmon:pokeball minecraft:stone true override

Allow Players to battle a Pixelmon Npc by tossing their Pokeball at it.

This flag forces to allow any Pixelmon entity to collide with any Pixelmon entity. Without that flag, Pokeballs will pass through Pixelmon entities such as Trainer Npcs.

  • /cf projectile-impact-entity pixelmon:any pixelmon:any true override

Allow players to spawn empty Pokeballs

  • /cf entity-spawn minecraft:player pixelmon:pokeball true override

This flag forces to allow empty pokeballs to be spawned by players

Allow players to receive Pokeballs as an item

  • /cf item-spawn pixelmon:pokeball pixelmon:any true override

This flag forces pokeballs to be able to spawn itself as an item when it hits the ground.

Allow players to interact with Pixelmon NPCs

  • /cf interact-entity-secondary pixelmon:any true

This flag allows players to interact with all Pixelmon NPCs

  • /cf interact-entity-secondary pixelmon:trader true

This flag allows players to interact with Pixelmon traders.

Note. To deny the Spawning of a Pixelmon Npc, use this command example.

  • /cf entity-spawn pixelmon:trader false override

Allow any Pixelmon to spawn (Optional)

  • /cf entity-spawn pixelmon:any true override

This flag allows any Pixelmon to spawn in all claims of the type you are in. Only use this flag if you need it.

Allow throwing pokemon ball initiate battle. (Optional)

  • /cf collide-entity pixelmon:occupiedpokeball pixelmon:any true override

This flag allows any pokemon in your party to commence battle with any pixelmon related entities. Only use this flag if you need it.

Build 689 Recommended Flags

These flags have been tested with GP 689 and SpongeForge 3616, running Pixelmon Reforged 7.0.5. If you are experiencing any issues related to these, please first attempt all of them on a clean setup before submitting a support request to our Discord with your debug command output.

Pixelmon Rods

These prevent the players from interacting with fishing rods of all types.

  • /claimflag interact-item-secondary minecraft:player minecraft:fishing_rod false
  • /claimflag interact-item-secondary minecraft:player pixelmon:old_rod false
  • /claimflag interact-item-secondary minecraft:player pixelmon:good_rod false
  • /claimflag interact-item-secondary minecraft:player pixelmon:super_rod false

Entity Spawning

These will prevent the mentioned entity from spawning. Please read carefully before applying. In Pixelmon, rods can move NPCs, Pokémon and Ranch-Blocked Pokémon, which means admin regions will likely want all fishing off. Remember to use debug record commands to block a specific fishing rod interaction.

  • /claimflag entity-spawn minecraft:player minecraft:fishinghook false
  • /claimflag entity-spawn minecraft:player pixelmon:hook false


If First-Come-First-Serve is on in your Pixelmon hocon, you will want players to be able to break Pokégift blocks so that it cannot be claimed again by another player. This is useful for player and admin claims.

  • /cf block-break minecraft:player pixelmon:poke_gift true
  • /cf block-break minecraft:player pixelmon:beast_chest.1 true
  • /cf block-break minecraft:player pixelmon:poke_chest.1 true


If you are running a Pixelmon server whose admin claims have Healers, Trading Machines or PCs, it is much easier to set secondary-block-interact to true as a default for all admin claims.

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