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Guide to Features

Mr. Minotaur edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 11 revisions

This list is old and incomplete. A comprehensive list of major gameplay features is found in the EFP Discord

Watch this video for an overview:

  • In EFP you have your normal health, and you also have limb health (head, torso, arms, legs). You can see an overview by pressing 'H' to open your health screen.
    • If you're hurt, your skeleton will fill with a red meter, and this is your overall damage meter. If your skeleton becomes completely red, then you die.
  • Each limb has its own health meter. Red means temporary health boost from painkillers.
    • If your head or torso meter reaches zero you will die.
    • If your arms take damage your weapon will sway. If an arm reaches zero health, then you can only use 1 handed weapons. If both arms reach zero then you can't hold any weapon.
    • If your legs take damage then you will run and sprint more slowly. If one or both of your legs reaches zero then you will be unable to sprint.
  • Limb health can only be restored by sleeping or using specific limb health items
    • CMS kits heal torso and head at same time. Surv12 kits health arms and legs at same time. Splints only work if your arm/leg is at zero health.
    • Sleep will slowly restore your limb health depending on how long you sleep. You might need to sleep for a long time if you're badly injured.
    • Painkillers, ibuprofen, and morphine can add temporary limb health. They are useful when you need limb health quickly.
  • Limb health items will not heal your overall health and vice versa. Healing your overall health requires different items.
    • IFAKs, CARs, 'cheese kits', Salewas, Propitol, etc. will restore your overall health.

  • To reload your weapon, you need a weapon mag. And your mag needs to be filled with ammo.
  • Pressing the reload key will only work if you have a mag in your loadout.
    • Right-click a mag in your inventory and select the option to add to loadout. This highlights the mag icon. Now if you reload, a mag will be taken from the loadout and placed into your weapon.
      • Your outfit determines how many mags you can add to your loadout. Some mags can be too large for your current outfit. Hover your mouse over your outfit icon to see how many mags it can hold.
  • To fill a mag, drag ammo onto the mag icon. You only need to drag once. Your mag will continue to fill on its own until (1) the mag is full, (2) you're out of that ammo, or (3) you move or click.
    • The bar underneath the mag icon shows how full the mag is. If the bar freezes, close and reopen your inventory.
    • You can add multiple types of ammo (FMJ, AP, HP, etc) to a mag if they are the same caliber.
      • Use the ammo selection wheel to switch between loadout mags with different ammo types. Your mag will be classified as having the last ammo type you loaded it with (the bullet at the top of the mag).
  • If you want to remove a mag from a weapon without reloading, right-click the weapon icon in your inventory and select 'Eject Magazine'.
  • Weapon upgrades that "increase ammo capacity" LITERALLY DO NOTHING. Your magazines won't magically grow in size. Don't be fooled by technicians/mechanics trying to rip you off, be smarter than that!

Watch this video for an overview:

  • In EFP your weapons will have two types of conditions Overall Condition and Part Conditions.
    • Your 'Overall Condition' is what's displayed when you hover over your weapon icon. The Overall Condition is how clean your weapon is. If you have good overall condition then your parts won't degrade as quickly.
    • Each part inside your weapon has its own Part Condition. Right-click your weapon and click 'Details' to see your part conditions. YOU WILL JAM IF YOUR PARTS ARE IN BAD CONDITION, even if your overall condition is high.
  • There are two ways to repair weapon parts.
    • The first and most convenient way is with cleaning kits, repair kits, and cleaning items. If you have these in your inventory, you can right-click your weapon and select Maintain Parts to repair parts automatically. This only works if your parts aren't too damaged.
    • The second way is to use items like files, ramrods, and multitools. These require you to remove the part from your weapon first. You can remove most parts by right-clicking your weapon and selecting Field strip. To remove a barrel you must take it to a workbench and swap it out with another barrel of the same type.
    • MECHANICS ONLY REPAIR YOUR OVERALL CONDITION If you want them to repair weapon parts you must remove the parts from your weapon and pay the mechanic to repair each of the parts.
  • The best way to safely put parts back into your weapon is to use a workbench / vice. You can also drag them onto your weapon icon but this has a chance of reducing your weapon's overall condition.
  • Reloading like in vanilla will not clear your part jams!
    • If jam, you can press your 'unjam key' (set your unjam key in the keybinds menu of your settings). You will not need to reload once you press your unjam key.
    • You can lower the chance of jamming by pressing your Escape key while in-game then selecting the Mod Configuration Menu -> Weapon Parts Overhaul.
  • You cannot sell your weapons if part conditions are too low. If part conditions are too low it will show as 0% condition on the trade screen.
    • To disable the part condition requirement press your Escape key while in-game then select the Mod Configuration Menu -> Weapon Parts Overhaul. Set the slider for part condition trade to zero.

  • All ammos have an armor penetration stat, see the stat by hovering your mouse over the ammo
    • BR1 / BR2 = penetrate light armors
    • BR3 / BR4 = penetrate medium armors
    • BR5 / BR6 = penetrate heavy armors
  • Each enemy limb has its own armor pool. Ammo that doesn't penetrate will damage the limb's armor. But the enemy won't start taking damage until you break that limb's armor.
    • Since each body part has its own armor pool, it is best if you focus your fire at a specific body part.
  • Ammo that penetrates will bypass the armor and damage the enemy directly.
  • Mutants don't have armor, instead they take flesh damage. Flesh damage stat is also show for most bullets.

  • This means that your exoskeletons will require Power Supply Units (placed in the backpack slot of your inventory). The charge from these Power Supply Units will drain as you move, and sprinting drains charge more quickly.
  • These Power Supply Units use Military Battery Units, which are just big batteries. They work the same way as regular batteries, drag them onto your Power Supply Unity to replace them.
    • Kill enemies who are wearing exoskeletons for their Military Battery Units.
  • If you are out of power while wearing an exoskeleton, you will become extremely slow. Bind the Power Check key to see how much charge you have left.

Crafting Changes:

  • You can use the toolkit directly from your without needing a workbench; 'Right-Click -> Use' on a toolkit to open up the workbench menu just like if you were using an actual workbench.
  • Workbenches now come with their own crafting kits, meaning you will no longer need to spend a crafting kit each time you want to craft, repair, replace parts, or upgrade.

We use Sorting Plus

  • Items in your inventory are ordered based on their category. If you don't like the sorting preset that's included, you can edit the order yourself in-game by pressing Escape -> Opening Mod Configuration Menu -> Sorting Plus
  • You can 'favorite' items in your inventory by hovering over them and pressing 'K'. This will move the item to the top of the inventory the next time you open inventory.
  • You can also mark an item as junk by hovering over them and pressing 'J'. This will move that item to the bottom of your inventory, and the game will automatically place those junk items in the "Sell" window the next time you enter the trade screen.