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simon-imc edited this page Apr 29, 2014 · 1 revision

The following filters for persistence service queries are currently available:

  • period
  • Restricts the period in time the data object was published.
  • Attributes from: Specifies the earliest point in time the object was published. Optional. to: Specifies the latest point in time the object was published. Optional.
  • Example <period from="2013-04-09T10:30:00+01:00" to="2013-04-09T11:00:00+01:00" />
  • publisher
  • Only data objects from the given publisher (bare-JID or full-JID) are returned. Removes all non-personalized data objects.
  • Example <publisher></publisher>
  • namespace
  • Restricts the query to specific namespaces, e.g. "mirror:application:moodmap:mood".
  • Attributes compareType: Defines the type of comparision. Either "strict" (default), "contains", or "regex". The choice influences also the performance of the filter. Optional.
  • Example <namespace compareType="contains">mirror:application:moodmap</namespace>
  • dataModel
  • Filter for data model information.
  • Attributes namespace: Namespace of the data model the data object have to implement. Checked for equality. version: Version of the data model. Optional.
  • Example <dataModel namespace="mirror:application:ping:ping" version="1.0" />
  • references
  • Request only data objects which refer to a specific object.
  • Attributes id: Data object identifier of the referenced object.
  • Example <references id="d49996ba-338d-4695-adcb-65a068f4555c" />
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