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Random 'NoneType' object is not callable #795

bxm156 opened this issue Apr 19, 2017 · 62 comments

Random 'NoneType' object is not callable #795

bxm156 opened this issue Apr 19, 2017 · 62 comments


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bxm156 commented Apr 19, 2017

Randomly my site will go down (perhaps once or twice a month) and display the following:
"message": "An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request. You can investigate this with the zappa tail command."

The logs say the following:

[1492620032065] 'NoneType' object is not callable
[1492620147882] 'NoneType' object is not callable
[1492620330874] 'NoneType' object is not callable

I don't see any further information in the logs that would be helpful. Is there a way I can get more detailed information about the error? It only happens about once a month or less. When it get into this state, the only thing I found has fixed the problem is redeploying the code.

Other side notes:
My Django project uses Amazon RDS. I can see in the graph that during this time, the DB connections goes to 0. And then back up once I have redeployed the code.

Possible Fix

Re-deploying my lambda code fixes the issue.

Steps to Reproduce

I haven't been able to reproduce it consistently, it just will happen randomly and won't be fixed until I redeploy my code.

Your Environment

  • Zappa version used: 0.39.0
  • Operating System and Python version: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS / Python 2.7.12
    My project is a Django 1.9 project, I'm not able to pos the code publicly though.
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Did you have to re-deploy for it to work again?

Unfortunately, this is a really hard one to debug because there's no repro. My only thoughts are that it could be AWS fault or something to do with your IAM/account policies.

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bxm156 commented Apr 19, 2017

Yes, re-deploying the code fixed it. I encountered this before, and I think another way I fixed it was by re-saving the function in the LAMBDA console. I could get it working again by adding a new ENV var and clicking Save.

So it makes me think the lambda handler gets into some invalid state, and then is kept in that invalid state because the function is kept warm by the callback.

By deploying or re-saving the function, AWS re-creates it and its ok again.

Its hard to debug because I don't have a traceback, so i don't know where this is occuring in the code. I haven't seen this error when I used to run the webserver via EC2 instances. My guess is its happening in the zappa handler code?

Do you have any recommendations on ways I could get some more logging in the lambda handler itself, to improve my chances of figuring out what is happening?

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bxm156 commented Apr 19, 2017

Can we add a line after

so that it looks like:


I see that the exec info is in the HTTP response when only settings.DEBUG is True, which makes sense.

But can we add the traceback info to the logs as well? Since those are internal, it should be ok to add right? My site is on production, so settings.DEBUG is False, but I would still want access to the actual exception via the logs.

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bxm156 commented Apr 23, 2017

It happened again today.
Doing the above, I got the following traceback:

1492967445091] 'NoneType' object is not callable
[1492967445091] Traceback (most recent call last):
[1492967445091] File "/var/task/", line 450, in handler
[1492967445091] response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)
[1492967445091] File "/tmp/pip-build-c5E7tR/Werkzeug/werkzeug/", line 903, in from_app

I have a theory. The Django CMS App I use has a thing called apphook reloads. When certain things about the site change the urls layout in Django, the Django CMS App forces a "server restart".

I'm still investigating.

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darrell-rg commented Apr 24, 2017

Theory: "Packaging project as zip.." step is occasionally truncating files.

I encountered this problem today. In my case the cause was the zipped-up being truncated to 222 lines when it is supposed to be 270 lines. This causes "invalid syntax" once, and then "None Type Object is not callable" for subsequent calls. I discovered this by downloading the zipped up lambda code from aws console, unzipping and examining the Sure enough, it was truncated.

A "zappa update"re-zipped and re-deployed the lambda function and all was fixed. I have encountered this error at least twice. I suspect some sort of race condition or missing file flush during the zip-up step.

Log sample:

invalid syntax (, line 222): SyntaxError Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/", line 507, in lambda_handler return LambdaHandler.lambda_handler(event, context) File "/var/task/", line 238, in lambda_handler handler = cls() File "/var/task/", line 127, in init self.app_module = importlib.import_module(self.settings.APP_MODULE)
invalid syntax (, line 222): SyntaxError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/", line 507, in lambda_handler
return LambdaHandler.lambda_handler(event, context)
File "/var/task/", line 238, in lambda_handler
handler = cls()
File "/var/task/", line 127, in init
self.app_module = importlib.import_module(self.settings.APP_MODULE)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module
File "/var/task/", line 222
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

And then later:

'NoneType' object is not callable

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bxm156 commented Apr 24, 2017

@darrell-rg However in my case, it happens without "zappa update". The code will be running fine on production, as packaged, then in a few days, I will encounter this error.

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I added this code after zipf.close() in
It attempts to check the validity of the zip file. So far I have not been able to reproduce the suspected file truncation. @bxm156 it is possible that AWS might be mangling the zip file on their end, but that seems unlikely.

print("Verifying {} ..".format(zip_fname))
import zlib
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zipf:
    if zipf.testzip() is not None:
        print("Zip File fails on {} ").format(zipf.testzip())
    for i in zipf.infolist():
        tpp = os.path.join(temp_project_path,i.filename)
        if os.path.exists(tpp):
            if os.path.getsize(tpp) != i.file_size:
                print("ERROR DISK AND ZIP SIZES DO NOT MATCH: fn={} disksize={} zipsize={} ".format(i.filename,os.path.getsize(tpp),i.file_size))
            with open(tpp, 'rb') as f:
                crc = zlib.crc32( & 0xffffffff
                if crc != i.CRC:
                    print("ERROR DISK AND ZIP CRC DO NOT MATCH: fn={} diskCRC={} zipCRC={} ".format(i.filename,crc,i.CRC))

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bxm156 commented Apr 24, 2017

@darrell-rg If AWS is, they are doing it randomly, because it work in the beginning. It would say that must be a pretty remote chance tho.

One suspicion is some type of naming conflig. My stuff uses the django rest framework, which defines its own "Response" object, which is different than the werkzeug Response object.

I know that when django cms app forces a reload, it does some threading stuff and reloads all the sys.modules. I'm wondering if thats causing the werkzeug Response class to get replaced with the django rest framework version.

I don't have a lot of understanding on how Python manages its imports, but I'm gonna try a few things and see what happens. The hard part is I haven't been able to reproduce this consistently.

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raduccio commented May 2, 2017

I stopped having this issue when I stopped using the slim_handler= true option. Not sure if this is it but I never experienced this issue for about a month until I started using the slim_handler, after that It happened about every day.

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@Miserlou Any update on this ?
I started facing this issue after using the slim_handler= true option.

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manan commented Jun 25, 2017

I am facing similar issues as well! It works fine on localhost but gives me the same error at a particular route. All the tables show up on the admin console every time ... I don't know what's wrong!

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Same problem. Did you find any solution?

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bxm156 commented Aug 2, 2017

I too turned off slim_handler, and the issue hasn't happened again.

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GeorgianaPetria commented Aug 2, 2017

I tried doing this with a new virtualenv and it works indeed. Thanks for the suggestion!
However the size of my environment seems to be around ~300MB unzipped and aws is complaining. Is there any solution for large packages if I'm deactivating slim_handler?

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bxm156 commented Aug 2, 2017

@GeorgianaPetria Make sure your excluding any directories or files you don't need, like any build artifacts, node_modules, static/, vendor/, images, etc. Also remove any unneeded packages from your virtual environment

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GeorgianaPetria commented Aug 3, 2017

I only have the zappa examples in my virtual env:

The biggest part of the env is importing scipy and sklearn and these two together make up for about 60M. I need them in order to deploy my machine learning model.

Why is slim_handler = true not working? Unless I'm missing something, I don't think there's any chance I can get my zip under 50M.
Any other idea for using zappa in this scenario?

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I'm also facing this issue when using the slim_handler option - reducing the package size is not looking easy. Like @bxm156 I am also running django rest framework.

The app will run with no issues for a while and then, seemingly randomly, give up and throw the following error:
{'message': 'An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request. You can investigate this with the `zappa tail` command.', 'traceback': ['Traceback (most recent call last):\\n', ' File \"/var/task/\", line 434, in handler\\n response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)\\n', ' File \"/var/task/werkzeug/\", line 903, in from_app\\n return cls(*_run_wsgi_app(app, environ, buffered))\\n', ' File \"/var/task/werkzeug/\", line 884, in run_wsgi_app\\n app_rv = app(environ, start_response)\\n', \"TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable\\n\"]}

After a while (potentially when that lambda node is replaced?) it will come back to life again.

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ghost commented Aug 20, 2017

How to do you turn off slim_handler?

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@yamat124 in the zappa_settings.json file:

For example:

    "dev": {
        "app_function": "application.application",
        "aws_region": "us-west-2",
        "s3_bucket": "zappa-y5ideuneb",
        "slim_handler": false,

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ghost commented Aug 24, 2017

@jasonrhaas Thanks for the response. I added that redeployed but I'm still getting the same error. I'm also using python 3.6.1

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I'm facing the same problem as @GeorgianaPetria, any updates?

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Finally found the cause of my issue. A build script that ran before zappa included a sed command that did not flush the output buffer, which sometimes truncated my file. If you are experiencing the variant of this issue that goes away when you re-deploy, check your build scripts for this sort of race condition.

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bxm156 commented Sep 11, 2017 via email

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tista3 commented Nov 6, 2017

I found a cause for my problem with NoneType is not callable. I had pyc files between some of my source files that became part of zip. Deleting them and running zappa update solved my problem. I found error like this and it lead me to the pyc files.

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tista3 commented Nov 16, 2017

Would it be possible and safe to ignore .pyc files from source project directory?
Deleting .pyc files from my source project and zappa update helps everytime for me to solve 'NoneType' object is not callable.
I am using Python3.6 runtime for lambdas, but everytime I accidentaly run the flask app locally with Python2, the pyc files are created and the problem emerges in AWS after zappa update

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Shy commented Jan 29, 2018

Not sure if this is related, but I ran into this issue and I resolved it by removing the cffi library from my python dependencies. I switched from flask-mikasa to flask-markdown and removed each extra dependency manually and redeployed each time. It looks like for my specific instance cffi was the culprit.

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scorring commented Feb 22, 2018

Thank you @tista3, your solution was the one for me

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jorotenev commented Mar 23, 2018

(this issue is the first on google for the NoneType exception)
In my case the issue was caused by using a remote config (on s3) and one of the values being a number. This resulted in "Environment variable keys must be non-unicode" error, which I saw in the zappa tail.

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Just got the same error... I'm launching django projects in lambdas, not 1st time with this great project zappa :)
But 1st time found that
zappa package demo -o
packing src and libs without 1 my folder 0_0
for this time I've just renamed my src folder and that fixed error for me...
looks like
zappa package
can have side effects or naming conflicts...

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I had the same problem. Just 'NoneType' object is not callable and nothing else in the logs.

"Refreshing" my virtualenv solved the problem:

pipenv --rm
rm Pipfile.lock
pipenv install
pipenv install --dev

I decided to do that because I noticed that Zappa was packaging some modules that I clearly uninstalled before. So may be it's pipenv that caused the problem.

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I'm still getting this issue. It seems to be related somehow to requests to S3 when either slim_handler=true is set or if I set remote_env.

I notice that every time I have this issue, if I tail the logs, I see that just prior to it happening, there was a failed request to my related S3 bucket.

[1547066147526] Could not load remote settings file. Connect timeout on endpoint URL: "https://<MY-BUCKET>"
[1547066148246] [INFO] 2019-01-09T20:35:48.246Z 6b27ac21-144d-11e9-9d70-b7d27f0de1f9 Detected environment to be AWS Lambda. Using synchronous HTTP transport.

Looks like your Lambda don't have permissions to access that S3 file.
So, check that file exists, then try to update aws role policy for your Lambda...
Another variant - you running Lambda in VPC private subnets without gateway, in this case check

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dtnewman commented Jan 10, 2019


I am running inside a VPC, but I have a gateway setup and internet access seems to work fine. The curious thing is that this happens sporadically. I am certain that it is accessing the S3 files when I first deploy, because they are needed for setup and it seems to work just fine at first. But after anywhere from a few minutes to a few days later, an S3 access issue seems to arise somewhat randomly and then the system goes down (similar to original poster above) until I redeploy.

EDIT: It seems like others are reporting that the problem happens when the slim_handler or remote_env settings are set to be on. I'm wondering if this has to do with the code in making calls to S3 that fail and aren't retried, which then leads to the app not loading properly. But it's weird that there would be so many requests to S3 that fail in the first place though, since that service is typically pretty stable.

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peterburlakov commented Jan 18, 2019

@dtnewman in my experience, S3 more stable, than my solutions, and probably then yours :)
so you can try to debug, when it failed, without redeploy... may be separate route and call it to check what's wrong... so if a part of your code can start and respond without reading any config - that can be used for debug.

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I too turned off slim_handler, and the issue hasn't happened again.

But what happen if my package>50MB ? :(

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bxm156 commented Jan 21, 2019 via email

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You're also going to want to delete __pycache__ directories

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I'm hitting the same issue. Tried "slim_handler": false but it did not help.

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Someone who is looking for a solution this might help.

  1. If you are deploying from a Mac consider doing it from a docker container (so it can get the linux dependencies)
  2. You can also be missing some dependencies which was not required in your Mac but required in Linux. In my case I had to add pycrypto to my requirements file.

Hope this helps.

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I'm having the same problem. I first get it to work, then I add the dependencies sklearn numpy scipy and setting "slim_handler": true. After that I get:
'NoneType' object is not callable

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evonier commented May 9, 2019

Same here, slim_handler is set to true (and no aws environment variables are specified). This happens frequently, yet not reproducible. Sometime directly after zappa deploy, and sometimes after x minutes/hours.
Are there any updates on this topic? This is stopping us from using zappa for production, unfortunately.

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To everyone else here that might have some issues - by commenting one line at a time and uploading again and again, I've realized that an import statement in the top of the failed to execute, failed silently in zappa, and then raised the odd NoneType object is not callable exception. Surrounding the failing import statement with:

    import something from failing_import
except Exception as e:
    print("Failure with {}".format(e))

I was able to find the actual issue in the dependent package, solve it, and upload my zappa function with no issues this time.

I'm not sure why the import exception was not visible by zappa in the first place. BTW, the actual issue was in another package installing the typing module while running in python 3.7...For some reason it got broken only on AWS.

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For anyone else still having this issue, I was deploying just fine before setting "slim_handler":"true", when I started to get the error. Turns out it was because I was deploying locally from Windows.

I ultimately resolved the issue by running zappa update dev from an amazon-linux EC2 instance.

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I'm not sure why the import exception was not visible by zappa in the first place. BTW, the actual issue was in another package installing the typing module while running in python 3.7...For some reason it got broken only on AWS.

It seems i'm encountering the same problem as you. I am using google-measurement-protocol that depends on the typing module. Also on py37.

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@cmabastar I had control over the source code of the package that had the typing package so I made it a conditional dependency according to the used python version. What you can do is open a PR for google-measurement-protocol so they make this change or make your own fork.

To make the typing module a conditional dependency you can see an example in this PR (I have not tested the method proposed there)

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Timbabs commented Jul 23, 2019

It happened again today.
Doing the above, I got the following traceback:

1492967445091] 'NoneType' object is not callable
[1492967445091] Traceback (most recent call last):
[1492967445091] File "/var/task/", line 450, in handler
[1492967445091] response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)
[1492967445091] File "/tmp/pip-build-c5E7tR/Werkzeug/werkzeug/", line 903, in from_app

Well I came across the issue lately and took time to investigate the problem. The issue is that lambda is timing out, at least for my case and I believe for many cases here too. Go over the logs in cloudwatch because unlike zappa tail logs, cloudwatch separate logs into logs from each container created by lambda as streams. I observed when a faulty container (one returning NoneType) diverged from the normal one. This is what happens.

So once a request comes in and all the fired up containers are in use, a new container is created and during initialization, because we're downloading files from s3 to /tmp and also due to sometimes lagged connectivity + vpc/db initilializations, lambda doesn't always finish setting up within the default 30s lambda time_out set by zappa. Hence, the container times out and starts receiving request pre-maturely when in reality the modules have not all been imported. Hence the NoneType error. For every NoneType eror that I saw in cloudwatch, there was an import issue beforehand which confirms this. Therefore when new requests hit that container periodically, we see the NoneType. But when new request hit other containers without this issue, it works. And that explains for the periodic NoneType Error we get.

Hence these are what you can do.

If you can reduce the size of your code/dependencies please do so for two reasons
1) As others have mentioned above, if you can get your code + dependencies to meet the 250M unzipped / 50M zipped limit, then you can set the slim_lambda==false flag or remove it entirely as the default is false.

2)If you cannot get it to meet the aws limit, the little code you remove will help because now you have reduced the files + time it has to download from s3 and maybe you never experience any time out again.

Now if you can't get your code base reduced to to the 250M unzipped / 50M zipped limit, maybe you're in case (2) above or can't even reduce anything at all, increase timeout_seconds from 30s to something like 60s.. The worst that could happen by increasing timeout_seconds is that you may hit api gateway timeout once because of the 30s api gateway limit, and after that by the next request your lambda must have already been set up and ready to serve requests. Therefore you'll not come across the NoneType object is not callable object error any longer.

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xoelop commented Sep 16, 2019

Hi, I've been struggling with this for the past 2 days, my 2 cents if it helps someone. My app was working locally but not on AWS

In my case I had tried already setting slim_handler to false, deleted all the .pyc files, tried doing zappa update several times (yep, it worked in the past ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ), undeployed and deployed and nothing had worked so far.

I started commenting imports in my file where the app factory is defined, doing zappa update and narrowing down until I found the conflicting modules.

In my case I'm reading env variables from a .env file. I found this and saw that the files where I was calling os.getenv where I hadn't called load_dotenv were failing, so I added

from dotenv import load_dotenv


to each one of those files and that fixed it

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I tried all of these solutions and the last one I tried was blowing away my venv and updating via $ zappa update and that worked. I'm on a mac and even has "slim_handler": true

Trust me, try it, it takes a few minutes. This is with big packages like scikit learn, numpy, etc

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nabazm commented Jun 10, 2020

same happening here, seems like only happens when I attach vpc to the lambda, it get into a bad state and cannot read remote_env s3 files, I gave the permission full s3 permission still no luck

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This error can be caused by this SQLite problem: #1880

Please check zappa logs during deployment with zappa tail <ENV_NAME>

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nabazm commented Jun 15, 2020

not using sqlite at all, not sure if Django keep some reference for it somewhere

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jneves commented Jun 16, 2020

@nabazm I think your case is just a repeat of #1638

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jneves commented Jun 16, 2020

I'm keeping this one open, because the damned message is not clear (and I hope to sort it out). I think I've fixed the problem with the "slim_handler: true" error handling that was causing corrupt files last year. Most other cases tend to fall into:

  1. temporary initialisation failures - Sometimes is just a temporary network connection issue, increasing the timeout will help with those corner cases. In my experience, sometimes you'll get a container from AWS Lambda with networking issues or slowish, so also take into account that can happen, but it's rarer these days.
  2. permanent initialisation failures - When you get this message consistently. If the lambda is running in a VPC, use VPC endpoints for S3 buckets (remote_env and others) - Also check your permissions and dependencies. If you're deploying from an environment that is not binary compatible with AMI Linux, check if packaging with docker lambci images helps. Another source of timeouts is policies that don't cover all the permissions needed (s3 buckets, database connections or other AWS services, http requests to other services without having a NAT gateway).

That's all I can think of at the moment. If you can replicate something outside or have an idea to make the information clearer, please share.

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dleber commented Jun 27, 2020

In my case, the issue was caused by:

  • slim_hander: true
  • conservative memory and timeout settings

Solution: Increase memory_size and/or timeout_seconds.

These are the steps I took:

  • Created a new venv with zappa and flask (nothing else)
  • Deployed with memory_size: 128, timeout_seconds: 20, and slim_handler: false (worked as expected)
  • Added some large dependencies (~60mb)
  • Deployed with slim_handler: true. Received the "NoneType..." error.
  • Increased memory to 512mb. Deployed, and works as expected.

Thanks to @eexwhyzee for his comment prompting me in the right direction.
Also in general, it's a good idea to check metrics/logs in the lambda console or cloudwatch. This revealed that memory was maxing out.

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ianseyer commented Jul 2, 2020

Also getting this error.

Deploying a flask application that uses boto3.

Have a single POST route, slim_handler is false and there is sufficient memory (512mb).

Very frustrating.

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nabazm commented Jul 6, 2020

@nabazm I think your case is just a repeat of #1638

In my case was needed to add vpc endpoints for s3 and the issue resolved,

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I am seeing issue without deploying. I am thinking its failing when its deploying the code to new containers.

I don't have slim_handler in my zappa settings, so I am assuming that is set to False (Default)

I have a keep_warm callback at 4 mins interval.

I am not able to see the error in the Cloudwatch Logs. Any ideas ?

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I also got this error. In my case, I found I had a wrong import statement of a module after running zappa tail. After fixing the import statement, this error was resolved.

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Ati59 commented Feb 23, 2021

Also getting this error deploying a flask application.
slim_handler to true too

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I recently experienced this error today when updating some dependencies in requirements.txt for a Django application.

zappa update was working previously, but started giving me the NoneType object is not callable error after changing some versions of packages.

I wasn't able to find the exact package that was causing the issue, but I believe it was psycopg2-binary. I changed it back to psycopg2-binary==2.8.6 and the error was fixed.

I've heard that using aws-psycopg2 can help.

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solution for me dont use sqlite as the db use another db like mysql or postgresql

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