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Mistium edited this page May 27, 2024 · 8 revisions

New docs (using method syntax)

Creating a new chat

name = gptNew()

Resetting a chat


Bot Setup



programmer = gptNew()
programmer.gptInform("You are a master programmer")

log programmer.gptSend("how do I print text in python?")

Deleting a bot and it's chats


Sending a prompt to a bot

log name.gptSend(data)


test_bot = gptNew()
// create bot

say test_bot.gptSend("Hello! how are you?")
// Say the output from gpt

Generating images

gpt "generate_img" "prompt"

Choose a specific model

gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "OpenJourney"
gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "Dreamshaper"
gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "Anything"
gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "Realistic"


my_image = ""
// setup the variables

// makes sure to run this every frame
if my_image == "" (
  gpt "generate_img" "A penguin on the moon"
  // Send to bot

  my_image = data
  // save the image url to a variable
image my_image 100
// draw the image

import "win-buttons"
// imports the window buttons

Generate text with no context and no bots

say "hello, how are you?".gptGenerate()
// generates the text and says it

Get chat history

history = name.gptHistory()
// grab the history of chats with a bot as a json array
// sets the history variable to a json array of your chats with a specific bot

old docs (using command syntax instead of methods)

Creating a new chat

gpt "new_bot" "name"

Resetting a chat

gpt "reset" "name"

Bot Setup

gpt "inform_bot" "name" "data"


gpt "inform_bot" "name" "You are a master programmer"

Deleting a bot and it's chats

gpt "delete_bot" "name"

Sending a prompt to a bot

gpt "send" "prompt" "name"


got "new_bot" "test_bot"
// create bot

gpt "send" "test_bot" "Hello! how are you?"
// Send to bot

say data
// show the output to the user

Generating images

gpt "generate_img" "prompt"

Choose a specific model

gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "OpenJourney"
gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "Dreamshaper"
gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "Anything"
gpt "generate_img" "prompt" "Realistic"


my_image = ""
// setup the variables

// makes sure to run this every frame
if my_image == "" (
  gpt "generate_img" "A penguin on the moon"
  // Send to bot

  my_image = data
  // save the image url to a variable
image my_image 100
// draw the image

import "win-buttons"
// imports the window buttons

Generate text with no context and no bots

gpt "generate_text" "hello, how are you?"
// generates the text

say data
// outputs the text to the user

Get chat history

gpt "history" "bot_name"
// grab the history of chats with a bot as a json array

history = data
// sets the history variable to a json array of your chats with a specific bot

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