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Mistium edited this page May 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

You can use quotation marks to allow for inputs that have spaces in them

Relative directories are where you can type the name of a folder that is inside the directory that you are inside. For example if you are inside of your user folder, you can type cd Downloads to go into the downloads folder

By default you are in your user folder

// origin/(C) Users/[Username]


Sure, here's the revised version:

ls /path

This command lists the files in the specified directory in the terminal.

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You can use ls without any arguments to list all files in the current working directory. Alternatively, you can specify a path to list files in a different directory. For example:

ls /Downloads

This command will list all files in the "Downloads" directory.


La is like ls except it lists every file in your system, this can be very useful for finding files that have become inaccessable to the user.

cd /path

Sets the working directory of the terminal system

Here I set the path to the system drive

cd "/(A) System"


cd "/(A) System"
// Goes to a specific path

cd "My Folder"
// going into a folder called "My Folder"

cd Downloads
// goes to a relative directory


Returns the working directory of the terminal system

The system returns the current directory

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App System

app install [name]
// instals an app from

app uninstall [name]
// deletes an app from your applications folder


wget name.extension url

Installs a file from the internet

Installing 2048 looks like this

wget 2048.osl

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Returns a list of processes and how long they take to render in milliseconds

The system returns an app list

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Returns the data you give it back to you

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Allows you to upload files from your computer into originOS


Returns data about your user (and all ip addresses that have ever logged into your account)

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msg - [username] and msg [message]

These commands are used to send messages to other users in the system.

msg - [username]

This command is used to select a user to send a message to. Replace [username] with the username of the recipient. The script checks if the username exists and is not "origin.System". If the username is valid, it prepares to send a message to the selected users. If the username is "origin.System", it returns an error message "Cannot send to origin.System".


msg - Mist
msg - ["Mist","Mist2"]

This command prepares to send a message to the user "john_doe".

msg [user,user]

This command is used to send a message to the user(s) selected with the msg - [username] command. Replace [message] with the message you want to send. The script loops through the list of selected users and sends the message to each of them. If no users have been selected, it returns an error message "Run 'msg - ['username']' first".


msg "Hello, how are you?"

This command sends the message "Hello, how are you?" to the previously selected user(s).


get network

returns an integer of how many network requests are currently in execution
collect the value in osl using the "data" variable

get logs

returns an array of system logs
collect the value in osl using the "data" variable

get filepaths

returns an array of every file path in the system
collect the value in osl using the "data" variable

get windowpositions

returns an array of the window positions
collect the value in osl using the "data" variable

  "-1,0", // the window is snapped horizontally left and vertically middle
  "1,1", // the window is snapped horizontally right and vertically top
  "" // the window is not snapped

get packetlist

returns an array of all packets sent to and from your device
collect the value in osl using the "data" variable

  "{\"timestamp\":1708476833098,\"payload\":[160347,25000000,0.00641388],\"source\":\"origin.System\"}", // from origin.System

get heapinf

returns the info about the js heap (is not accessible using "data")

get mediadevices

returns an object of your current media devices
collect the value in osl using the "data" variable

  "inputDevices": [
    "Default - AirPods",
    "Mist's iphoneXS Microphone",
    "MacBook Pro Microphone (Built-in)",
    "Immersed (Virtual)",
    "Meta Quest Remote Desktop Audio (Virtual)",
    "Virtual Desktop Mic (Virtual)",
    "Virtual Desktop Speakers (Virtual)"
  "outputDevices": [
    "Default - AirPods",
    "MacBook Pro Speakers (Built-in)",
    "Immersed (Virtual)",
    "Meta Quest Remote Desktop Audio (Virtual)",
    "Virtual Desktop Mic (Virtual)",
    "Virtual Desktop Speakers (Virtual)"


Flags donotdisturb

flags donotdisturb set true
flags donotdisturb set false

flags donotdisturb get
(Sets osl variable "data" to the state of donotdisturb)

Flags allowjs

flags allowjs true
flags allowjs false

enables and disables the use of the eval function in all of osl


kill app_name

Force closes an application


Reconnects to the networking system


Closes the window


Sets the osl variable "terminal" to []


Gives the user data about their current origin version and runtime

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Reboots the OS and uploads your files


Returns a list of window names, ids, frame times and errors (in that order)

Use in osl

terminal ""

log windows-names
// A variable called windows-names is logged

log windows-ids
// A variable called windows-ids is logged

log windows-drawtimes
// A variable called windows-drawtimes is logged

log windows-errors
// A variable called windows-errors is logged

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System Wipefiles

Allows you to delete all of your network files and then logs you out

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System wallpapermode

Sets the wallpaper display mode

system wallpapermode stretch
system wallpapermode fill
system wallpapermode fit

System wallpaper

Sets the wallpaper through a url

system wallpaper url

System scrollspeed

Sets the scrolling multiplier (default 1)

// Reset scroll direction
system scrollspeed 1

// Inverted scroll direction
system scrollspeed -1

System uploadfiles

Uploads your files to the origin server

System sound

Sets the wallpaper display mode

system sound get volume
// Set the osl "return" variable to the system volume from 0-100

system sound set volume
// Set the system volume from 0-100

System runtime

system runtime fps_limit 1-250
// Sets the maximum fps of the system

system runtime interpolate true/false
// Sets whether to use interpolation or not

System display

system display reset
// Resets all display effects

system display refresh
// Clears the screen cache

system display pixelated true/false
// Changes the screen mode. Most effective when the render resolution is low

system display get effect
// Sets the variable "return" to the effect data

system display set effect value
// Sets the canvas display effect to a value

Effects list:


System windows

system windows close app_name
// force quits an app

system windows add app_name
// opens an app


font viewall

Grabs a list of all installable fonts

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font install name

Installs a specific font to your device

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font cleardata

clears your loaded character set

font use name

Applies a specific font to your loaded character set

Below I typed "font use cursed"

Terminal returned "Loaded Font Successfully"

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font viewinstalled

Returns a list of all the fonts you have installed

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