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Misutaa Asriel edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 6 revisions

1. To begin installing mintChip, first download & extract the theme pack from Releases →,

or obtain both mintChip.qss and the Mintchip folder (with its contents) respectively, and place them somewhere.

2. In a separate window, open the OBS theme directory for you operating system:

  • Windows: Navigate to "%APPDATA%\obs-studio\themes\"
    (You can do this by using Win + R)

  • macOS: Navigate to "~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/themes/"
    (You can do this in Finder with CMD + Shift + G)

3. Copy both mintChip.qss and the folder Mintchip from step 1. into the theme directory from step 2.

At this point you should have...


  • %APPDATA%\obs-studio\themes\
    • Mintchip - Folder
    • mintChip.qss - File


  • ~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/themes/
    • Mintchip - Folder
    • mintChip.qss - File

4. Open OBS settings and set your current theme to the newly installed theme (mintChip).


5. Enjoy

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