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gulp 4 ( file / script / boilerplate ) for building and developing website applications using static html , css , javascript , images and fonts in an easier and much more dynamic way.


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gulp file / gulp boilerplate / gulp script / gulp starter

  • gulp 4 (file / script / boilerplate) for building and developing website applications using html, css, javascript, images and fonts.
  • you will have a demo prject, and 2 installation guides avilable, the first one is a quick one to get you up and running fast, and another one with detailed explaination to understand as much as you can.


global features

  • easy/simple to use, configure and maintain.
  • easy sourc and execlude certain files or folders from the pipe proccess.
  • watch for any file change, save, move, rename or delete.
  • instant reload on any file change, and generate access for external devices (mobiles/tablets/other PCs), using browser-sync.
  • logging errors in (console/terminal/cmd) making it easy to fix.
  • providing two environments, dev_env for development and prod_env to be the final optimized and minified version.
  • works on all operating systems like (windows, macOS, linux).
  • step by step installation guide that will help you get started quickly and also(if you want) learn about gulp in the way.

image features

  • optimizing images reducing its size without affecting its quality.

HTML features

  • html component include like (header, footer, navbar, ...etc) with passed arguments and if statments.
  • base directory for any paths(images, style-files, html-pages, ..etc), no need to write "../../" before any path.
  • based on the base directory paths we now can have multiple folder level for html pages structure if needed, without having any issues with (routing/file paths), see the example below =>
    ┣ 📂pages
    ┃ ┣ 📜404.html
    ┃ ┣ 📜team.html
    ┃ ┗ 📜testimonial.html
    ┣ 📜about.html
    ┣ 📜contact.html
    ┣ 📜index.html
    ┣ 📜LICENSE.txt
    ┣ 📜project.html
    ┣ 📜READ-ME.txt
    ┣ 📜seo-agency-website-template.jpg
    ┗ 📜service.html
  • auto name html page in the browser tab after the file naming

CSS / SASS features

  • compiling SASS.
  • auto-prefixing for a predefined browser list.
  • source maps only on dev_env, then remove it on prod_env.
  • purge-css => remove unused styles from any internal or external style files.
  • minify and optimize css files.
  • generate both beautified and minified versions of css on production,

javascript features

  • minify, optimize and concatinate js files.

getting started => installation

  • first clone this repo or download.
  • install Node.js 16.16.0 or higher =>
    • check your node version if it is already installed node -v
    • download.
    • or use-nvm if you need more than node version.
  • npm install gulp --location=global => install gulp globally.
  • npm install => install node_modules.
  • gulp => for development environment.
  • gulp prod for final production folder.
  • after you like, don't forget the star.

step by step guide

  • here we will be explaining each gulp task.

setting output directory dev or prod env environments

var outputDir = "dist"; // folder where all files and folders go after compiling
var isProd = false; // setting production env to false

// or

// run when gulp-prod
function setProdEnv(done) {
  outputDir = "prod";
  isProd = true; // setting production env to true

setting source paths for gulp tasks

  • using file path wild card patterns and execlude array for certain files to be execluded from stream pipe.
// path to files where you watch and start your task process
var paths = {
  // images paths
  images: {
    src: "app/**/*.{ico,jpeg,jpg,png,gif,webp}",

  // font files paths
  fonts: {
    src: "app/**/*.{eot,svg,ttf,woff,woff2}",

  // html file paths
  html: {
    src: "app/**/*.html",
    execlud: ["app/html-partials{,/**}"],

  // sass or css file paths
  customStyles: {
    src: "app/**/*.{scss,css}",
    execlud: ["app/**/_*", "app/assets/styles/sass{,/**}", "app/assets/styles/vendors/**/*"],

  vendorStyles: {
    src: "app/**/*.{scss,css}",
    execlud: ["app/assets/styles/sass{,/**}", "app/assets/styles/style{.css,.scss}"],

  // js files paths
  scripts: {
    src: "app/**/*.js",
    execlud: [],

remove old folders

  • remove old (dist && prod) directories then start over, in case files got deleted or renamed while not watching
function removeOldFolders() {
  return remove(outputDir, { force: true });

init browser-sync

  • browser-sync is responsible for live server providing instant reload on any file change, and generate access for external devices (mobiles/tablets/other PCs).
function browser_sync() {
    server: {
      baseDir: `${outputDir}/`, // folder where the server    starts from
    options: {
      reloadDelay: 250, // time between file save and reload
    notify: false,

// command line output while running
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External: http://localhost:3001
[Browsersync] Serving files from: dist/

handling images

  • this task is mainly for optimizing images and there are 2 ways to do this and you can choose either one you like =>
  1. first way is => optimize (png, jpg, jpeg, gif) images using gulp-image. this package do a great job optimizing images and reducing there size without affecting its quality.
  2. second way is => convert all (png, jpg, jpeg, gif) images to ".webp" extension that is much smaller with almost same quality. webP - webp-sampels
function images() {
  return (
      //prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins

      // optimizing images => commented
      // .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, imageOpti()))

      // converting to '.webp' to lower the size with almost same quality
      .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, webp()))

      // destination for the output

      // reloading broswer(browser-sync) after any chage only if in development environment
          stream: true,

handling HTML files

  • using gulp-file-include we now can include html files into another html files passing arguments and using conditional if statements => see the (page-head, page-tail, and navbar active-link) file examples.
    prefix: "@@",
    basepath: "app/html-partials",
  • using gulp-flatmap we now can seperate each file from the src stream and do anything we want with it, and I mainly used it to do 2 things

    1. using $$/ sign before any rout, we can have base directory starting from app/.

      • for example in app/html-partials/page-head.html page in style links routs also the favicon.
        <link href="$$/assets/styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    2. replace the title for each html file with the file name to view it on browser window tab.

  • in html-task we need to replace all of the image-extensions in the style file other than .svg && .ico to be webp and match the prechanged image-extensions in the images-task

// replacing all images extensions to be '.webp'
  .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, replace('.jpg', '.webp')))
  .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, replace('.jpeg', '.webp')))
  .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, replace('.png', '.webp')))
  .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, replace('.gif', '.webp')))

handling style files

  • other than compiling sass, wrting sourcemaps, css autoprefixing, and minifying => the best feature is purging-css.

  • using gulp-purgecss removes all unused css styles based on class-names used in html files as a reference. => see the difference between normal and minified bootstrap files-size after gulp-prod in prod-folder

    // removing unused css
            content: [paths.html.src],
    • in some casses the html-code appended by an internal or external js plugin doesn't get counted for when style-purging and it removes it's styles.

    • in order for this purgecss package to work fine, you should copy the html-code that gets rendered in the browser and add it to an html page to get considered by gulp-purgecss, see (purge-css-components.html)=>(owl-carousel-component).

  • then we minify css files and add suffix -min

// minifying our css file/s only if in production environment
  .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, cleanCSS()))

// renaming by adding -min
  .pipe(gulpIf(isProd, rename({ suffix: "-min" })))
  • after renaming minified css files adding -min suffix, we need to change the linking in html by adding an if statement (gulp-file-include) to the link-href:
// we add this after the file name

<link href="$$/assets/styles/style@@if(isProd){-min}.css" rel="stylesheet" />

to do

  • searching fonts features
  • svg sprites



gulp 4 ( file / script / boilerplate ) for building and developing website applications using static html , css , javascript , images and fonts in an easier and much more dynamic way.




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