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The callenge is chat system that has multiple Application identified by token, each Application has many chats identified by a number ( number should start from 1) , each Chat has many messages identified by a number ( number should start from 1)

  • the endpoints should be RESTful
  • Use MySQL as datastore
  • use ElasticSearch for searching through messages of a specific chat
  • use Docker to contatinerize the application
  • use Sidekiq to create chats and messages
  • Personally I used rufus-scheduler to create a cron job to update chats_count and messages_count every 30 minutes

How To Run The Challenge

  • First run
docker-compose build
  • Then run
docker-compose up

My Approach

Understand the requirements

  • Extract classes (Application, Chat, Message)
  • Define Relations between classes

Setup The Docker

  • Add (RoR, MySQL, ElasticSearch , Redis , SidekiqWorker , RufusScheduler) images
  • Test Docker

Iniailize Models and Create Migrations

-Create Application Model

-Create Chat Model

-Create Message Model

Add Redis Service

  • Initialize REDIS in config/initalizers -Create RedisService Service in lib folder

Add ElasticSearch To Message Model

  • Add partial_search method to search in message bodies for a specific chat

Add helpers Methods

  • Create GenerateApplicationTokenHelper to create application's token using securerandom gem

Create APIs endpoints

  • create applications endopoints
  • create chats endopoints
  • create messages endopoints

Config Routes

Testing with curl

  • create new application

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/ -d '{"name": "application1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

  • list applications

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/

  • create chat for application1

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/Z6Ytw68GoCeceFRDdZL8zj97/chats

  • list chats for application1

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/Z6Ytw68GoCeceFRDdZL8zj97/chats

  • create message for chat 1

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/Z6Ytw68GoCeceFRDdZL8zj97/chats/1/messages/ -d '{"body": "hello"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

  • list all messages for chat 1

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/Z6Ytw68GoCeceFRDdZL8zj97/chats/1/messages/

  • partial search in specific chat messages

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/applications/Z6Ytw68GoCeceFRDdZL8zj97/chats/6/messages/search?query=hel"

Testing with Rspec

  • unit testing
  • performance testing
  • api testing


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