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Awesome Simple Engine

Cross-platform game engine written with c++.


Debian / Ubuntu

Install depencies:

  $ sudo apt update &&
  $ sudo apt-get -y install cmake &&
  $ sudo apt-get -y install g++-mingw-w64 && 
  $ sudo apt-get -y install freeglut3-dev


Use WSL to run ubuntu commands and install dependencies.


3D Renderer

The renderer uses a mix of batching and gpu instancing to optimise draw calls.

Let's draw some cubes as a example:

  // ...
  // register mesh
  Mesh3D mesh = Renderer3D::RegisterMesh(cubeMeshInfo);

  // init mesh instance info
  MeshInstanceInfo3D meshInstaneInfo;
  meshInstaneInfo.Mesh = mesh;
  meshInstaneInfo.MaterialID = ResourceManager<Material>::GetResourceId(UniqueString("materials/material3D.json"));
  // init list of transforms each one is going to result in a new instance of the mesh.
  meshInstaneInfo.Transforms = TDynamicArray<mat4>();

  // add transforms ...

  // register mesh isntance 
  MeshInstance3D instance = Renderer3D::RegisterMeshInstance(meshInstanceInfo);

2D Renderer

The renderer uses batch rendering with 16000 quads per draw call.


  Quad2D quad = Quad2D(size, transform, color);
  Renderer2D::DrawQuad(quad, materialID);

Resource Manager

Most resources in the engine are referenced by a unique Id that can either be assigned by the user or generated.

The default resources are:

1. Images

Loading images from png files that can be used to generate textures to draw.

    Image img;
    //we can use it to create textures in the gpu
    Texture texture = Texture::LoadFromImage(img);

2. Shaders

    Shader shader;

3. Materials

Create material depending of shader.

  Material mat;
  mat.SetShaderParam(UniqueString("u_Texture"), texture);

Entity Component System

The engine uses a pure ECS architecture. With:

  1. Entity: just an ID

  2. Component: Data only with no behaviour

  3. System: Behaviour of entities that has some given components


Create a struct that inherits from Component.


struct SpriteComponent: Component<SpriteComponent> {
  ResourceID SpriteID;
  float Frame = 0.0f;
  float FrameRate = 8.0f;


Create a class that implements ISystem.


// render sprites on screen
class SpriteRenderingSystem: public ISystem

    // on update
    void OnUpdate(float delta)
        // query components
        TEntityQuery<SpriteComponent, TransformComponent>query{};
        query.ForEach([&delta](SpriteComponent& sprite, TransformComponent& transform)


You can create entities and delete with the help of an entity builder.


  SpriteComponent sprite{};
  TransformComponent tranform{};

  EntityBuilder builder;
  builder.AddComponents(sprite, transform);

  // create entity
  Entity entity = World::Create(builder);

  // destroy entity

We are not done yet, you need to register your components and systems to the module your working on.

    // component registry ...

    // system registry ...

Other Features

  1. Interpolation

  2. Math

  3. Log

  4. UniqueStrings

  5. Modules

Future of the engine.

The Engine is still under active development with many missing featues.