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Hand Written Digit Recognition

idea of works

Handwritten recognition enables us to convert handwriting documents into digital forms. Set an image that is content a handwritten digit then detects it and converts to ASCII that can be known by the computer.

It's a hard task for a computer because there are many types of handwritten digits. The accuracy and matches of detects 90%-98%, can obtain this by test knowns of samples then check the correct average results.

Training part (classification):

First, we need a preset of handwritten number as images.

  1. convert image to gray scale cv::cvtColor(IMG0, IMG0_GRAY,cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); ///cvt to GRAY color

  2. to binary cv::adaptiveThreshold(IMG0_GRAY, IMG0_BIN,255, cv::ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv::THRESH_BINARY_INV, 11,2);

  3. find contours (i.e number in image) cv::findContours(IMG0_BIN, Contours, optional, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

  4. cut each contour detect in the image and display for select which is the number belongs to, after selecting a number from the keyboard

  5. listNumberDetect.push_back(intChar); save pressed number as xml . []

  6. convert contour to float row cv::Mat imgOneRow = matImageFloat.reshape(1, 1);

  7. ImgsDetectd.push_back(imgOneRow); save data of contour (or number). as xml file []

We trained about 500 samples of (0-9)

Regression we used a supervised learning approach (K-nearest neighbors KNN algorithm).

  1. first read XMLs files from training FILE0["listNumberDetect"] >> NumberIsDetectd; FILE1["fsImgsDetectd"] >> RowOfImgsDetect;

  2. train each number with each data got form xml files kNearest->train(RowOfImgsDetect,cv::ml::ROW_SAMPLE,NumberIsDetectd);

  3. read image and convert to binary for detect number in it .

  4. find contours in image cv::findContours(IMG0_BIN,Contours, OPT, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

  5. convert contour to float row cv::Mat matRow = matFloat.reshape(1, 1);

  6. get nearest of number with data-set we had kNearest->findNearest(matRow, 23, matAsChar);

  7. matAsChar number that found

ui flow


  • Qt5 (
  • OpenCV4 (
  • compilers:
    1. for linux: gcc or clang
    2. for android: clang with (SDK & NDK)
    3. for windows: MSVC or mingw compiler

Flow of work

1-Draw Number on canvas:

2-Click on test to get result:

3-Select Image form local storage:

4-Get result:

5-Take picture from Camera:

6-Get result: