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Programming Exercises README


  1. Design an HTML Page For Displaying Book Catalogue

  2. Design an HTML Page for Displaying List of Students with Academic Information

  3. Design an HTML Page to Take Customer Feedback for a Product

  4. Design an HTML Page to Register Student Details

  5. Design an HTML Page to Display Student Resume

  6. Write a JavaScript to Validate Details of Student from Registration Form

  7. Write a JavaScript to Calculate Student Percentage and Display Grade

  8. Design a Dynamic Personal Profile Page Using CSS and JavaScript

  9. Design an Online Bookstore Using HTML and CSS

  10. Write a JavaScript to Design an Arithmetic Calculator

  11. Create a Node.js WebServer Using HTTP Module

  12. Create a Node.js Application Using URL Module

  13. Develop Your Own Node.js Module to Display the Date

  14. Create a Node.js File that Reads the HTML File and Returns the Content

  15. Create an application to demonstrate routing in Express.js Framework

  16. Create an application to handle different types of http request and response in Express.js Framework

  17. Implement Node.js - RESTful API for listing the details of a user from JSON file

  18. Implement Node.js - RESTful API for adding new user details from JSON file

  19. Implement Node.js - RESTful API for fetching details of a specific user from JSON file

  20. Implement Node.js - RESTful API for deleting user details from JSON file

  21. Develop a React JS App for rendering HTML in a web page

  22. Build A React app for Rendering a Component

  23. Build a React JS App for Adding Forms in React

  24. Develop React JS App for styling React with CSS

  25. Write a program to insert documents into a MongoDB database

  26. Write a program to Update the document, but if not found insert it

Executing the JavaScript program

To execute the JavaScript code, use the following commands in the terminal:

node file_name.js


node file_name

⚠️ for deleting user details from JSON file open two terminals

  • in one terminal
    node file_name.js
  • inanother terminal
    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/deleteUser/2

    you can change the id at the very end

Executing the React code:

To execute the React code, use the following commands in the terminal:

  1. Create a new React Project
        npx create-react-app my-app
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:
        cd ./my-app/scr

⚠️ Delete all the files within the src/ folder and add your React code:

    rm *.js *.css *.svg

⚠️ Also Note that the Js file you add should be named index.js:

  1. Start the Development Server:
        npm start