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NOTICE: Updating Monitorr

Sean Vreeland edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 41 revisions

last edited 03 JUL 18 by @seanvree

  • Update ALERT (01 JUL 2018):

BUG Discovered:

BLUF: Please back-up your custom.css file located at: [Monitorr install path]/assets/data/css/custom.css

Issue: Monitorr version 1.7.6 was released on 03 July 2018. Due to a code bug, when updating to this version from ANY previous version, the update process will overwrite your custom.css file.

Resolution: Please copy the file [Monitorr install path]/assets/data/css/custom.css BEFORE updating to version 1.7.x. After the update is complete, simply restore that file to the same location overwriting the custom.css file that was updated. This bug has been resolved in version 1.7 and this process will no longer be needed in future updates.

We sincerely apologize for this mistake.

Cheers - @Seanvree

  • Update Notice: (26 JUN 2018):

Configuration changes:

The following configuration changes are required AFTER updating to version 1.7.x from ANY previous version.

a. User Preferences:

  • Registration: Enable or disable access to the Registration tool. When this value is set to "Disable" Monitorr will deny ALL access to the registration page to prevent the very unlikely scenario where a nefarious attempt is made to establish a new user database and/or data directory.

NOTE 1: This value should be changed to "Disable" AFTER updating/initial installation for security purposes.

NOTE 2: IF new user credentials need to be created or a new data directory needs to be established this value must be enabled. If this value is “Disabled” and the user credentials are unknown (meaning you are locked out of the settings UI and cannot change this value), simply rename the file users.db in the data directory which is defined by the file in your Monitorr installation directory: (monitorr root dir)/assets/data/datadir.json and browse to the settings.php page where you will be prompted to establish a NEW user database and user credentials. Establishing a new user database does NOT reset your settings unless you choose to establish a new data directory.


b. Monitorr Settings:

  • Time sync interval: Specifies how frequently (in milliseconds) the UI clock will synchronize time with the hosting webserver.

NOTE: Previously the digital and analog clocks would update only when an ajax call was made at the interval defined by this value. Monitorr version later than 1.7 will now use browser time after initial page load, however, will "synchronize" the UI clock with the server's time at the interval defined by this value. This update drastically improves performance as ajax calls are not needed as frequently. Time deviation from the client browser to the server hosting Monitorr should be minimal, therefore suggested value is ~ 180000 ms (3 min).

  • HD display: Monitorr now has the much-anticipated feature of disabling or displaying multiple volumes (up to 3) in the system resources area of the UI. The “HD display” value will enable the display in the UI. When this value is enabled, the “HD volume” field defines which HD volume on the server to display.

NOTE 1: “HD Volume” format for Windows: 'C:', Linux: '/mnt/hdd' .

NOTE 2: The PHP process must have read access to the chosen volume.

  • Ping color values: These values will determine the color of the ping indicators in the system resources area of the UI as well as individual service response times when enabled in "Services Configuration".


c. Services Configuration:

  • Ping RT: Enables PING RT (response time) output in the UI for each service in the form of a colored circle to the top left of the service image and adheres to the color pattern set forth by the "Ping color values" as explained above. Exact Ping RT values can be seen by hovering the cursor over the Ping RT indicator.

NOTE: There is limited use for this feature if it is enabled for a service that is running on the same server as the webserver which Monitorr is hosted on. This feature should be enabled sparingly as it can add up to 2 seconds of additional loading time per service when enabled.


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