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Volker edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

The tool detects spots and measures the nearest neighbour distances between the spots in the image.

example_image.png details.png summary.png

You can download an example image here: spots.tif

The source code in git-hub can be found here.

Getting started

You must have FeatureJ installed.

To install the tool save the two files and spot_distances_tool.ijm into the folder macros/toolsets of your FIJI installation.

Select the "spot_distances_tool" toolset from the >> button of the ImageJ launcher.


  • the first button (the one with the image) opens this help page
  • the a-button runs the analysis on the active image
  • the b-button runs a batch-analysis on a folder containing the input images


Spots are detected, using a LoG-filter (FeatureJ Laplacian) with a sigma calculated from the mean radius r of the spots provided by the user: σ = r / sqrt(2). ImageJ's Find Maxima command is used to detect the spots as the minima in the image resulting from the LoG-filter. A python (jython) script is used to calculate the nearest neighbour distances.


Right click on the a-button to open the options-dialog.


spots channel
the channel containing the spots
spots z-slice
the z-slice containing the spots
av. spot radius
the average radius of the spots will be used to calculate the sigma for the LoG-filter
the noise tolerance for the Find Maxima-command.
correct manually
if selected the execution is paused after the spot detection step and the user can manually correct the spots

Right click on the b-button to open the batch-options-dialog.


the file extension of the image-files (tif, czi, ...)
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