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Updating the bundled debug adapters

Josh Tynjala edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 14 revisions

This page is targeted at contributors to Moonshine IDE. Most users should go to Moonshine IDE documentation instead.

Moonshine IDE implements the debug adapter protocol, which means that it can potentially potentially integrate debugging for any language/runtime where someone has implemented a debug adapter. The instructions below explain how to update Moonshine's bundled third-party debug adapters.


  1. Delete the contents of ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/chrome-debug-adapter to remove the old version of the Google Chrome debugger.

  2. Download a new release from Github.

  3. Extract the archive's contents and copy them to ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/chrome-debug-adapter.

  4. In a terminal, run the following commands in the ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/chrome-debug-adapter folder.

    npm install
    npm run build
    npm dedupe
    npm prune --production
    rm .gitignore
    rm -r test
    rm -r out/test
    rm -r testdata


  1. Delete the contents of ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/firefox-debug-adapter to remove the old version of the Mozilla Firefox debugger.

  2. Download a new release from Github.

  3. Extract the archive's contents and copy them to ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/firefox-debug-adapter.

  4. In a terminal, run the following commands in the ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/firefox-debug-adapter folder.

    npm install
    npm run build
    npm dedupe
    npm prune --production
    rm .gitignore
    rm -r node_modules/.cache
    rm -r testdata


  1. Delete the contents of ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/hashlink-debug-adapter to remove the old version of the HashLink debugger.

  2. Download a new release from Github.

  3. Extract the archive's contents and copy them to ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/hashlink-debug-adapter.

  4. In a terminal, run the following commands in the ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/hashlink-debug-adapter folder.

    npm install
    haxe build.hxml
    npm dedupe
    npm prune --production
    rm .gitignore

Some libraries may be missing on your system when you try to run haxe build.hxml. If this command fails, install the library and try again.


  1. Delete the contents of ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/hxcpp-debug-adapter to remove the old version of the HXCPP debugger.

  2. Download a new release from Github.

  3. Extract the archive's contents and copy them to ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/hxcpp-debug-adapter.

  4. In a terminal, run the following commands in the ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/hxcpp-debug-adapter folder.

    npm install
    haxe build.hxml
    npm dedupe
    npm prune --production
    rm .gitignore


  1. Delete the contents of ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/swf-debug-adapter to remove the old version of the SWF debugger for Adobe AIR and Flash Player.

  2. Download a new release from Github. You should download a .vsix file. This is an extension file for Visual Studio Code.

  3. Rename the file extension from .vsix to .zip.

  4. Extract the archive's contents.

  5. Copy the contents of the extension folder from the archive to ide/MoonshineSharedCore/src/elements/swf-debug-adapter.