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GitHub diff files filter

Rob Garrison edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 30 revisions

A userscript that adds filters that toggle diff & PR files by extension

  • A group of buttons are added above diff & pull request files with file name extensions.
  • Files with no extension will be labeled as "«no-ext»".
  • Click on one more more buttons to toggle the view of the files.
  • Special Filters:
    • The "«all»" filter button toggles the view of all files.
    • The "«no-ext»" filter button toggles all files that do not have an extension. It is only added if such files exist.
    • The "«dot-files»" filter button toggles all dot-files (e.g. .gitignore, .gitattributes, etc). It is only added if such files exist.
  • Original idea from the Github Pr Filter extension.
  • Click this link to install from GitHub, or install from GreasyFork.
  • After installing, try the userscript on this page: repo inital commit.



Change Log

Version 0.1.2 (1/11/2017)

  • Clean up "closest" function.

Version 0.1.1 (01/02/2016)

  • Check for empty arrays, then check type length.

Version 0.1.0 (12/31/2016)

  • Initial commit.
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