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This package contains a very tiny implementation of a directed tree, where each node contains list-like data.


pip install git+


from bonsai import Tree

# Make a new tree
tree = Tree()

# Add new nodes with `create_node(name, parent, data)
# The first node cannot have a parent. There must only be one parentless (root)
# node in the tree.
# The function returns the UUID of the created node.
root_id = tree.create_node("root", None)
# Create a node with data
tree.create_node("node_with_data", root_id, ["some", "list-like", "data"])

Once the tree has some nodes, you can run manipulations on it:

  • Copy, slice and dice the tree:
    • clone(): Return a copy of the tree.
    • subset(node_id): Return a branch of the tree starting from node_id.
  • Add or remove branches:
    • paste(other_tree, node_id, update_data): Paste a tree to this tree as a branch from node_id, optionally updating the data in the node_id with the one in the root of the pasted node.
    • prune(node_id): Remove the branch from node_id (inclusive).
  • Retrieve nodes:
    • all_nodes(): Get an iterator of node_id/Node pairs.
    • root: Get the root of the tree.
    • get_nodes_named(name): Get a list of nodes with name.
    • get_one_node_named(name): Get a single node with name name, or die trying.
    • leaves: Get a list of all leaf nodes in the tree.
    • get_parent(node_id): Get the parent node of node_id.
    • get_path_of(node_id): Get a list of IDs from the root to the node_id, included.
    • get_paths(): Get all paths from the root to all the leaves, as a list of tuples.
    • get_direct_children(node_id): Get all the children of the node at depth = 1.
  • Update the information of existing nodes:
    • update_data(node_id, new_data): Update the data of node_id with new_data.
    • update_name(node_id, new_name): Update the name of node_id to new_name.
  • Get information regarding the nodes:
    • is_leaf(node_id): true if node_id is a leaf.
    • depth_of(node_id): Get the depth of the node_id as an int.
    • has_ancestor(node_id, ancestor_id): Return true if ancestor_id is a parent of node_id.
  • Save the tree to disk:
    • to_files(out_dir): Save the tree as a series of folders within folders.
    • to_adjacency_matrix(out_stream): Save the adjacency matrix of the tree.
    • to_node_json(out_stream): Save the list of nodes of this tree, along with the data, in a JSON file.
    • to_representation(out_stream): Save a representation of the tree, like calling tree on a directory.
  • Load the tree from disk:
    • from_node_list(): Load a JSON file with the node data.


A tiny tree implementation in Python.







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