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ReturnFromMoon improvements
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remove a lot of junk that I don't know what I was thinking about.

construct a feasible rf+vf which helps convergence.

split up the forward + reverse times into independent variables and
then just constrain them to be equal to pick a point.

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
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lamont-granquist committed Aug 23, 2023
1 parent 89196a3 commit 7992f60
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Showing 2 changed files with 103 additions and 96 deletions.
151 changes: 76 additions & 75 deletions MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Maneuvers/ReturnFromMoon.cs
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
using MechJebLib.Core;
using MechJebLib.Core.TwoBody;
using MechJebLib.Primitives;
using MechJebLib.Utils;
using static MechJebLib.Utils.Statics;
using static System.Math;

namespace MechJebLib.Maneuvers
Expand All @@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ private struct Args
public V3 MoonR0;
public V3 MoonV0;
public Scale MoonToPlanetScale;
public bool OptimizeBurn;
public double PerFactor;

private static void NLPFunction(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
* unpacking constants
var args = (Args)obj;

double moonSOI = args.MoonSOI;
Expand All @@ -43,64 +44,78 @@ private static void NLPFunction(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
V3 moonR0 = args.MoonR0;
V3 moonV0 = args.MoonV0;
Scale moonToPlanetScale = args.MoonToPlanetScale;
bool optimizeBurn = args.OptimizeBurn;
double perFactor = args.PerFactor;

* unpacking optimizer variables
var dv = new V3(x[0], x[1], x[2]);
double burnTime = x[3];
double soiHalfTime = x[4];
V3 rsoi = new V3(moonSOI, x[5], x[6]).sph2cart;
V3 vsoi = new V3(x[7], x[8], x[9]).sph2cart;
double planetHalfTime = x[10];
var rf = new V3(x[11], x[12], x[13]);
var vf = new V3(x[14], x[15], x[16]);

double moonDt1 = x[4];
double moonDt2 = x[5];
V3 rsoi = new V3(moonSOI, x[6], x[7]).sph2cart;
V3 vsoi = new V3(x[8], x[9], x[10]).sph2cart;
double planetDt1 = x[11];
double planetDt2 = x[12];
var rf = new V3(x[13], x[14], x[15]);
var vf = new V3(x[16], x[17], x[18]);

// forward propagation in the moon SOI
(V3 rburn, V3 vburn) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, burnTime, r0, v0);
(V3 r1Minus, V3 v1Minus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, soiHalfTime, rburn, vburn + dv);
(V3 r1Plus, V3 v1Plus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, -soiHalfTime, rsoi, vsoi);
(V3 r1Minus, V3 v1Minus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, moonDt1, rburn, vburn + dv);

// reverse propagation in the moon SOI
(V3 r1Plus, V3 v1Plus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, -moonDt2, rsoi, vsoi);

double t2 = (soiHalfTime * 2 + burnTime) / moonToPlanetScale.TimeScale;
// propagation of the moon via the "ephemeris"
double t2 = (moonDt1 + moonDt2 + burnTime) / moonToPlanetScale.TimeScale;
(V3 moonR2, V3 moonV2) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, t2, moonR0, moonV0);

V3 rsoiPlanet = rsoi / moonToPlanetScale.LengthScale + moonR2;
V3 vsoiPlanet = vsoi / moonToPlanetScale.VelocityScale + moonV2;

(V3 r2Minus, V3 v2Minus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, planetHalfTime, rsoiPlanet, vsoiPlanet);
(V3 r2Plus, V3 v2Plus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, -planetHalfTime, rf, vf);
// forward propagation in the planet SOI
(V3 r2Minus, V3 v2Minus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, planetDt1, rsoiPlanet, vsoiPlanet);

double objDv = optimizeBurn ? dv.sqrMagnitude : 0;
double objPeR = Statics.Powi(rf.magnitude - peR, 2) * perFactor;
// reverse propagation in the planet SOI
(V3 r2Plus, V3 v2Plus) = Shepperd.Solve(1.0, -planetDt2, rf, vf);

fi[0] = objDv + objPeR; // FIXME: inc constraint
// objective
fi[0] = dv.sqrMagnitude;

// meet in the moon's SOI
fi[1] = r1Minus.x - r1Plus.x;
fi[2] = r1Minus.y - r1Plus.y;
fi[3] = r1Minus.z - r1Plus.z;
fi[4] = v1Minus.x - v1Plus.x;
fi[5] = v1Minus.y - v1Plus.y;
fi[6] = v1Minus.z - v1Plus.z;
fi[1] = r1Minus.x - r1Plus.x;
fi[2] = r1Minus.y - r1Plus.y;
fi[3] = r1Minus.z - r1Plus.z;
fi[4] = v1Minus.x - v1Plus.x;
fi[5] = v1Minus.y - v1Plus.y;
fi[6] = v1Minus.z - v1Plus.z;
// meet in the planet's SOI
fi[7] = r2Minus.x - r2Plus.x;
fi[8] = r2Minus.y - r2Plus.y;
fi[9] = r2Minus.z - r2Plus.z;
fi[10] = v2Minus.x - v2Plus.x;
fi[11] = v2Minus.y - v2Plus.y;
fi[12] = v2Minus.z - v2Plus.z;
// end at the periapsis
fi[13] = V3.Dot(rf.normalized, vf.normalized);
fi[14] = rf.magnitude * rf.magnitude - peR * peR;
// put some constraints on when the midpoints meet
fi[15] = moonDt1 - moonDt2;
fi[16] = planetDt1 - planetDt2;

public static (V3 V, double dt) Maneuver(double centralMu, double moonMu, V3 moonR0, V3 moonV0, double moonSOI,
V3 r0, V3 v0, double peR, double inc, double dtmin = double.NegativeInfinity, double dtmax = double.PositiveInfinity)
$"ManeuverToReturnFromMoon({centralMu}, {moonMu}, new V3({moonR0}), new V3({moonV0}), {moonSOI}, new V3({r0}), new V3({v0}), {peR}, {inc})");
$"ReturnFromMoon.Maneuver({centralMu}, {moonMu}, new V3({moonR0}), new V3({moonV0}), {moonSOI}, new V3({r0}), new V3({v0}), {peR}, {inc})");
const double DIFFSTEP = 1e-9;
const double EPSX = 1e-4;
const int MAXITS = 1000;

const int NVARIABLES = 17;
const int NVARIABLES = 19;

double[] x = new double[NVARIABLES];
Expand All @@ -121,15 +136,14 @@ private static void NLPFunction(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
var planetScale = Scale.Create(centralMu, Sqrt(moonR0.magnitude * peR));
Scale moonToPlanetScale = moonScale.ConvertTo(planetScale);

(double _, double ecc) = Maths.SmaEccFromStateVectors(moonMu, r0, v0);

double dt, tt1;
V3 rf, vf, dv, r2, v2;

if (ecc < 1)
// do the planet first which is analogous to heliocentric in a transfer
// approximate vsoi with the amount to kick the moon's orbit down to the periapsis
V3 v1 = ChangeOrbitalElement.ChangePeriapsis(centralMu, moonR0, moonV0, peR);

// then do the source moon SOI
Expand All @@ -147,14 +161,17 @@ private static void NLPFunction(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
(r2, v2) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, tt1, r0, v0);

// construct mostly feasible solution
(V3 moonR2, V3 moonV2) = Shepperd.Solve(centralMu, tt1 + dt, moonR0, moonV0);
V3 r2Sph = r2.cart2sph;
V3 v2Sph = v2.cart2sph;
V3 r2Planet = r2 + moonR2;
V3 v2Planet = v2 + moonV2;
double tt2 = Maths.TimeToNextPeriapsis(centralMu, r2Planet, v2Planet);
(rf, vf) = Shepperd.Solve(centralMu, tt2, r2Planet, v2Planet);

// propagate the moon forward to the estimate of the time of the burn
(V3 moonR2, V3 moonV2) = Shepperd.Solve(centralMu, dt, moonR0, moonV0);

// construct rf + vf by propagating the moon forward to the burn time and changing the PeR to find a
// somewhat feasible rf+vf
V3 moonV3 = moonV2 + ChangeOrbitalElement.ChangePeriapsis(centralMu, moonR2, moonV2, peR);
double tt2 = Maths.TimeToNextPeriapsis(centralMu, moonR0, moonV3);
(rf, vf) = Shepperd.Solve(centralMu, tt2, moonR0, moonV3);

dv /= moonScale.VelocityScale;
dt /= moonScale.TimeScale;
Expand All @@ -169,18 +186,20 @@ private static void NLPFunction(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
x[2] = dv.z; // maneuver z
x[3] = dt; // maneuver dt
x[4] = tt1 / 2; // 1/2 coast time through moon SOI
x[5] = r2Sph[1]; // theta of SOI position
x[6] = r2Sph[2]; // phi of SOI position
x[7] = v2Sph[0]; // r of SOI velocity
x[8] = v2Sph[1]; // theta of SOI velocity
x[9] = v2Sph[2]; // phi of SOI velocity
x[10] = tt2 / 2; // 1/2 coast time through planet SOI
x[11] = rf.x; // final rx
x[12] = rf.y; // final ry
x[13] = rf.z; // final rz
x[14] = vf.x; // final vx
x[15] = vf.y; // final vy
x[16] = vf.z; // final vz
x[5] = tt1 / 2; // 1/2 coast time through moon SOI
x[6] = r2Sph[1]; // theta of SOI position
x[7] = r2Sph[2]; // phi of SOI position
x[8] = v2Sph[0]; // r of SOI velocity
x[9] = v2Sph[1]; // theta of SOI velocity
x[10] = v2Sph[2]; // phi of SOI velocity
x[11] = tt2 / 2; // 1/2 coast time through planet SOI
x[12] = tt2 / 2; // 1/2 coast time thorugh planet SOI
x[13] = rf.x; // final rx
x[14] = rf.y; // final ry
x[15] = rf.z; // final rz
x[16] = vf.x; // final vx
x[17] = vf.y; // final vy
x[18] = vf.z; // final vz

var args = new Args
Expand All @@ -192,45 +211,27 @@ private static void NLPFunction(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
MoonR0 = moonR0 / planetScale.LengthScale,
MoonV0 = moonV0 / planetScale.VelocityScale,
MoonToPlanetScale = moonToPlanetScale,
OptimizeBurn = false,
PerFactor = 5

alglib.minnlccreatef(NVARIABLES, x, DIFFSTEP, out alglib.minnlcstate state);
alglib.minnlcsetbc(state, bndl, bndu);
alglib.minnlcsetstpmax(state, 1e-3);
alglib.minnlcsetstpmax(state, 1e-8);
alglib.minnlcsetcond(state, EPSX, MAXITS);
alglib.minnlcoptimize(state, NLPFunction, null, args);
alglib.minnlcresults(state, out x, out alglib.minnlcreport rep);

if (rep.terminationtype < 0)
throw new Exception(
$"DeltaVToChangeApsis(): SQP solver terminated abnormally: {rep.terminationtype}"
$"ReturnFromMoon.Maneuver(): SQP solver terminated abnormally: {rep.terminationtype}"
NLPFunction(x, fi, args);
if (Statics.DoubleArrayMagnitude(fi) > 1e-4)
throw new Exception("DeltaVToChangeApsis() no feasible solution found");

args.OptimizeBurn = true;

for (int i = 1; i < 7; i += 2)
args.PerFactor = 5 * Statics.Powi(10, i);
alglib.minnlcrestartfrom(state, x);
alglib.minnlcoptimize(state, NLPFunction, null, args);
alglib.minnlcresults(state, out x, out rep);
if (rep.terminationtype < 0)
throw new Exception(
$"DeltaVToChangeApsis(): SQP solver terminated abnormally: {rep.terminationtype}"
NLPFunction(x, fi, args);
fi[0] = 0; // zero out the objective
if (Statics.DoubleArrayMagnitude(fi) > 1e-4)
throw new Exception("DeltaVToChangeApsis() feasible solution was lost");

NLPFunction(x, fi, args);
fi[0] = 0; // zero out the objective
if (DoubleArrayMagnitude(fi) > 1e-4)
throw new Exception(
$"ReturnFromMoon.Maneuver() no feasible solution found: constraint violation: {DoubleArrayMagnitude(fi)}");

return (new V3(x[0], x[1], x[2]) * moonScale.VelocityScale, x[3] * moonScale.TimeScale);
Expand Down
48 changes: 27 additions & 21 deletions MechJebLibTest/Maths/FunctionsTests.cs
Expand Up @@ -854,39 +854,45 @@ private void NextManeuverToReturnFromMoonTest()
var v0 = new V3(-666.230112925872, 539.234048888927, 0.000277598267012666);
double peR = 6471000; //6.3781e6 + 60000;

var random = new Random();
r0 = new V3(6616710 * random.NextDouble() - 3308350, 6616710 * random.NextDouble() - 3308350, 6616710 * random.NextDouble() - 3308350);
v0 = new V3(2000 * random.NextDouble() - 1000, 2000 * random.NextDouble() - 1000, 2000 * random.NextDouble() - 1000);
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
var random = new Random();
r0 = new V3(6616710 * random.NextDouble() - 3308350, 6616710 * random.NextDouble() - 3308350,
6616710 * random.NextDouble() - 3308350);
v0 = new V3(2000 * random.NextDouble() - 1000, 2000 * random.NextDouble() - 1000, 2000 * random.NextDouble() - 1000);

r0 = new V3(1105140.06213014, -8431008.05414815, -4729658.84487529);
v0 = new V3(-293.374690393787, -1173.3597686151, -411.755491683683);
r0 = new V3(1105140.06213014, -8431008.05414815, -4729658.84487529);
v0 = new V3(-293.374690393787, -1173.3597686151, -411.755491683683);

(double sma, double ecc, double inc, double lan, double argp, double tanom, _) =
MechJebLib.Core.Maths.KeplerianFromStateVectors(moonMu, r0, v0);
(double sma, double ecc, double inc, double lan, double argp, double tanom, _) =
MechJebLib.Core.Maths.KeplerianFromStateVectors(moonMu, r0, v0);

_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"sma = {sma}, ecc = {ecc} r0 = {r0} v0 = {v0}");
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"sma = {sma}, ecc = {ecc} r0 = {r0} v0 = {v0}");

(V3 dv, double dt, double newPeR) =
ReturnFromMoon.NextManeuver(398600435436096, 4902800066163.8, moonR0, moonV0, 66167158.6569544, r0, v0, peR, 0, 0);
(V3 dv, double dt, double newPeR) =
ReturnFromMoon.NextManeuver(398600435436096, 4902800066163.8, moonR0, moonV0, 66167158.6569544, r0, v0, peR, 0, 0);

(V3 r1, V3 v1) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, dt, r0, v0);
(V3 r1, V3 v1) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, dt, r0, v0);

double tt1 = MechJebLib.Core.Maths.TimeToNextRadius(moonMu, r1, v1 + dv, moonSOI);
double tt1 = MechJebLib.Core.Maths.TimeToNextRadius(moonMu, r1, v1 + dv, moonSOI);

(V3 r2, V3 v2) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, tt1, r1, v1 + dv);
(V3 r2, V3 v2) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, tt1, r1, v1 + dv);

(V3 rtest, V3 vtest) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, tt1 * 0.1, r1, v1 + dv);
(V3 rtest, V3 vtest) = Shepperd.Solve(moonMu, tt1 * 0.1, r1, v1 + dv);

_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"rtest = {rtest}, vtest = {vtest}");
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"dv = {dv}, dt = {dt}, peR = {newPeR}");
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"rtest = {rtest}, vtest = {vtest}");
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"dv = {dv}, dt = {dt}, peR = {newPeR}");

(V3 moonR2, V3 moonV2) = Shepperd.Solve(centralMu, dt + tt1, moonR0, moonV0);
(V3 moonR2, V3 moonV2) = Shepperd.Solve(centralMu, dt + tt1, moonR0, moonV0);

V3 r3 = moonR2 + r2;
V3 v3 = moonV2 + v2;
V3 r3 = moonR2 + r2;
V3 v3 = moonV2 + v2;

MechJebLib.Core.Maths.PeriapsisFromStateVectors(centralMu, r3, v3).ShouldEqual(peR, 1e-4);
newPeR.ShouldEqual(peR, 1e-4);
MechJebLib.Core.Maths.PeriapsisFromStateVectors(centralMu, r3, v3).ShouldEqual(peR, 1e-4);
newPeR.ShouldEqual(peR, 1e-4);

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