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Adding Izzo's Lambert method
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This isn't actually any faster than Gooding in the nrev=0 case, so I
don't think we should use it over Gooding right now.

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
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lamont-granquist committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent fa93eac commit c9a4c4e
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Showing 7 changed files with 564 additions and 175 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions MechJeb2/Maneuver/TransferCalculator.cs
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using MechJebLib.Core;
using MechJebLib.Core.Lambert;
using MechJebLib.Primitives;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityToolbag;
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347 changes: 174 additions & 173 deletions MechJeb2/MechJeb2.csproj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using MechJebLib.Primitives;
using MechJebLib.Utils;
using static MechJebLib.Statics;
Expand All @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@

#nullable enable

namespace MechJebLib.Core
namespace MechJebLib.Core.Lambert
public static class Gooding
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ public static (V3 Vi, V3 Vf) Solve(double mu, V3 r1, V3 v1, V3 r2, double tof, i
* kept as super-fugly looking C# code for those reasons.

internal static ( int N, double VR11, double VT11, double VR12, double VT12, double VR21, double VT21, double VR22,
double VT22) VLAMB(double GM, double R1, double R2, double TH, double TDELT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,6 +198,7 @@ public static (V3 Vi, V3 Vf) Solve(double mu, V3 r1, V3 v1, V3 r2, double tof, i
return (N, VR11, VT11, VR12, VT12, VR21, VT21, VR22, VT22);

private static ( int N, double X, double XPL) XLAMB(int M, double Q, double QSQFM1, double TIN)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,6 +352,7 @@ private static ( int N, double X, double XPL) XLAMB(int M, double Q, double QSQF
goto Five;

private static ( double T, double DT, double D2T, double D3T) TLAMB(int M, double Q, double QSQFM1, double X, int N)
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319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Lambert/Izzo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
* Copyright Lamont Granquist, Sebastien Gaggini and the MechJeb contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PD-hp OR Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 OR 0BSD OR MIT-0 OR MIT OR LGPL-2.1+

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using MechJebLib.Primitives;
using static System.Math;
using static MechJebLib.Statics;

#nullable enable

namespace MechJebLib.Core.Lambert
/// <summary>
/// This is Izzo's method, copied from:
/// I made some changes to the API, largely around making it conform to the Gooding method API that we had
/// previously and not using the clockwise/counterclockwise API so it doesn't have that weird singularity
/// for perfectly polar orbits.
/// This implementation isn't any faster than the Gooding implementation in this repo for nrev=0.
/// </summary>
public class Izzo
public (V3 Vi, V3 Vf) Solve(double mu, V3 r1, V3 v1, V3 r2, double tof, int nrev)
lambert_problem2(r1, v1, r2, tof, mu, nrev);

if (_nsol == 0)
return (_v1[0], _v2[0]);

double mindv = double.PositiveInfinity;
int index = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < _nsol; i++)
double dv = (_v1[i] - v1).sqrMagnitude;
if (dv >= mindv)

index = i;
mindv = dv;

return (_v1[index], _v2[index]);

private int _nsol;
private V3[] _v1 = new V3[5];
private V3[] _v2 = new V3[5];
private int[] _iters = new int[5];
private double[] _x = new double[5];

private void lambert_problem2(V3 r1, V3 v1, V3 r2, double tof, double mu, int nrev)
V3 hhat = V3.Cross(r1, v1).normalized;
V3 zhat = V3.Cross(r1.normalized, r2.normalized).normalized;

/* if angle to orbit normal is greater than 90 degrees, then flip the orbit normal */
bool flip = V3.Dot(hhat, zhat) < 0;

lambert_problem(r1, r2, tof, mu, nrev, flip);

private void lambert_problem(V3 r1, V3 r2, double tof, double mu, int nrev, bool flip = false)
// 0 - Sanity checks
if (tof <= 0)
throw new Exception("Time of flight is negative!");

if (mu <= 0)
throw new Exception("Gravity parameter is zero or negative!");

// 1 - Getting lambda and T
double c = (r2 - r1).magnitude;
double r1M = r1.magnitude;
double r2M = r2.magnitude;
double s = (c + r1M + r2M) / 2.0;
V3 ir1 = r1.normalized;
V3 ir2 = r2.normalized;
V3 ih = V3.Cross(ir1, ir2).normalized;

double lambda2 = 1.0 - c / s;
double lambda = Sqrt(lambda2);

var it1 = V3.Cross(ih, ir1);
var it2 = V3.Cross(ih, ir2);

it1 = it1.normalized;
it2 = it2.normalized;

if (flip)
// Retrograde motion
lambda = -lambda;
it1[0] = -it1[0];
it1[1] = -it1[1];
it1[2] = -it1[2];
it2[0] = -it2[0];
it2[1] = -it2[1];
it2[2] = -it2[2];

double lambda3 = lambda * lambda2;
double t = Sqrt(2.0 * mu / s / s / s) * tof;

// 2 - We now have lambda, T and we will find all x
// 2.1 - Let us first detect the maximum number of revolutions for which there exists a solution
int nmax = (int)(t / PI);
double t00 = Acos(lambda) + lambda * Sqrt(1.0 - lambda2);
double t0 = t00 + nmax * PI;
double t1 = 2.0 / 3.0 * (1.0 - lambda3);
if (nmax > 0)
if (t < t0)
// We use Halley iterations to find xM and TM
int it = 0;
double tMin = t0;
double xOld = 0.0, xNew = 0.0;
while (true)
(double dt, double ddt, double dddt) = DTdx(lambda, xOld, tMin);
if (dt != 0.0)
xNew = xOld - dt * ddt / (ddt * ddt - dt * dddt / 2.0);

double err = Abs(xOld - xNew);
if (err < 1e-13 || it > 12)

tMin = X2Tof(lambda, xNew, nmax);
xOld = xNew;

if (tMin > t)
nmax -= 1;

// We exit this if clause with Nmax being the maximum number of revolutions
// for which there exists a solution. We crop it to m_multi_revs
nmax = Min(nrev, nmax);
_nsol = nmax * 2 + 1;

// 2.2 We now allocate the memory for the output variables
if (_nsol > _x.Length)
_v1 = new V3[nmax * 2 + 1];
_v2 = new V3[nmax * 2 + 1];
_iters = new int[nmax * 2 + 1];
_x = new double[nmax * 2 + 1];

// 3 - We may now find all solutions in x,y
// 3.1 0 rev solution
// 3.1.1 initial guess
if (t >= t00)
_x[0] = -(t - t00) / (t - t00 + 4);
else if (t <= t1)
_x[0] = t1 * (t1 - t) / (2.0 / 5.0 * (1 - lambda2 * lambda3) * t) + 1;
_x[0] = Pow(t / t00, 0.69314718055994529 / Log(t1 / t00)) - 1.0;

// 3.1.2 Householder iterations
_iters[0] = Householder(lambda, t, ref _x[0], 0, 1e-5, 15);
// 3.2 multi rev solutions
for (int i = 1; i < nmax + 1; ++i)
// 3.2.1 left Householder iterations
double tmp = Pow((i * PI + PI) / (8.0 * t), 2.0 / 3.0);
_x[2 * i - 1] = (tmp - 1) / (tmp + 1);
_iters[2 * i - 1] = Householder(lambda, t, ref _x[2 * i - 1], i, 1e-8, 15);
// 3.2.1 right Householder iterations
tmp = Pow(8.0 * t / (i * PI), 2.0 / 3.0);
_x[2 * i] = (tmp - 1) / (tmp + 1);
_iters[2 * i] = Householder(lambda, t, ref _x[2 * i], i, 1e-8, 15);

// 4 - For each found x value we reconstruct the terminal velocities
double gamma = Sqrt(mu * s / 2.0);
double rho = (r1M - r2M) / c;
double sigma = Sqrt(1 - rho * rho);
for (int i = 0; i < _nsol; ++i)
double y = Sqrt(1.0 - lambda2 + lambda2 * _x[i] * _x[i]);
double vr1 = gamma * (lambda * y - _x[i] - rho * (lambda * y + _x[i])) / r1M;
double vr2 = -gamma * (lambda * y - _x[i] + rho * (lambda * y + _x[i])) / r2M;
double vt = gamma * sigma * (y + lambda * _x[i]);
double vt1 = vt / r1M;
double vt2 = vt / r2M;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
_v1[i][j] = vr1 * ir1[j] + vt1 * it1[j];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
_v2[i][j] = vr2 * ir2[j] + vt2 * it2[j];

private static int Householder(double lambda, double t, ref double x0, int n, double eps, int maxIter)
int it = 0;
double err = 1.0;
while (err > eps && it < maxIter)
double tof = X2Tof(lambda, x0, n);
(double dt, double ddt, double dddt) = DTdx(lambda, x0, tof);
double delta = tof - t;
double dt2 = dt * dt;
double xnew = x0 - delta * (dt2 - delta * ddt / 2.0) / (dt * (dt2 - delta * ddt) + dddt * delta * delta / 6.0);
err = Abs(x0 - xnew);
x0 = xnew;

return it;

private static ( double DT, double DDT, double DDDT) DTdx(double lambda, double x, double t)
double l2 = lambda * lambda;
double l3 = l2 * lambda;
double umx2 = 1.0 - x * x;
double y = Sqrt(1.0 - l2 * umx2);
double y2 = y * y;
double y3 = y2 * y;
double dt = 1.0 / umx2 * (3.0 * t * x - 2.0 + 2.0 * l3 * x / y);
double ddt = 1.0 / umx2 * (3.0 * t + 5.0 * x * dt + 2.0 * (1.0 - l2) * l3 / y3);
double dddt = 1.0 / umx2 * (7.0 * x * ddt + 8.0 * dt - 6.0 * (1.0 - l2) * l2 * l3 * x / y3 / y2);
return (dt, ddt, dddt);

private static double X2Tof2(double lambda, double x, int n)
double a = 1.0 / (1.0 - x * x);
if (a > 0) // ellipse
double alfa = 2.0 * Acos(x);
double beta = 2.0 * Asin(Sqrt(lambda * lambda / a));
if (lambda < 0.0) beta = -beta;
return a * Sqrt(a) * (alfa - Sin(alfa) - (beta - Sin(beta)) + 2.0 * PI * n) / 2.0;
double alfa = 2.0 * Acosh(x);
double beta = 2.0 * Asinh(Sqrt(-lambda * lambda / a));
if (lambda < 0.0) beta = -beta;
return -a * Sqrt(-a) * (beta - Sinh(beta) - (alfa - Sinh(alfa))) / 2.0;

private static double X2Tof(double lambda, double x, int n)
const double BATTIN = 0.01;
const double LAGRANGE = 0.2;
double dist = Abs(x - 1);
if (dist < LAGRANGE && dist > BATTIN)
// We use Lagrange tof expression
return X2Tof2(lambda, x, n);

double k = lambda * lambda;
double e = x * x - 1.0;
double rho = Abs(e);
double z = Sqrt(1 + k * e);
if (dist < BATTIN)
// We use Battin series tof expression
double eta = z - lambda * x;
double s1 = 0.5 * (1.0 - lambda - x * eta);
double q = HypergeometricF(s1, 1e-11);
q = 4.0 / 3.0 * q;
return (eta * eta * eta * q + 4.0 * lambda * eta) / 2.0 + n * PI / Pow(rho, 1.5);

// We use Lancaster tof expresion
double y = Sqrt(rho);
double g = x * z - lambda * e;
double d;
if (e < 0)
double l = Acos(g);
d = n * PI + l;
double f = y * (z - lambda * x);
d = Log(f + g);

return (x - lambda * z - d / y) / e;

private static double HypergeometricF(double z, double tol)
double sj = 1.0;
double cj = 1.0;
double err = 1.0;
int j = 0;
while (err > tol)
double cj1 = cj * (3.0 + j) * (1.0 + j) / (2.5 + j) * z / (j + 1);
double sj1 = sj + cj1;
err = Abs(cj1);
sj = sj1;
cj = cj1;
j += 1;

return sj;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Maneuvers/TwoImpulseTransfer.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System;
using MechJebLib.Core;
using MechJebLib.Core.Lambert;
using MechJebLib.Core.TwoBody;
using MechJebLib.Primitives;
using MechJebLib.Utils;
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions MechJeb2/OrbitalManeuverCalculator.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System;
using MechJebLib.Core;
using MechJebLib.Core.Lambert;
using MechJebLib.Maneuvers;
using MechJebLib.Primitives;
using Smooth.Pools;
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